The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 39 Angry Xiaohong

Shi Hao's big eyes were bright and he stared at the little red bird without blinking. He liked it very much because it was so beautiful. It was only the size of a palm. Its whole body was crystal clear and bright red. The light blooming on its body was so gorgeous that it would The sky was dyed red.

He jumped up from the back of the cow and was about to chase the little red bird. As a result, the sharp-eyed Shi Hao discovered something strange. The belly of the little red bird was penetrated by something unknown, and it was dripping with blood. There were unknown things on its head. The claw holes scratched by a vicious beast were seriously injured.

In those wounds, there are faintly terrifying runes, still destroying its vitality.

"Ah, Xiaohong, are you injured?" Shi Hao exclaimed.

At the same time, he saw that the little red bird was holding something in its claws. It was fluffy and seemed to be a little monkey. The fur was very shiny and brilliant. However, it was unconscious and covered in blood just like the little red bird. Injured, suffered unimaginable damage.

Just now, the little red bird was dragging the monkey and slowly flew over from a distance.

It's not that it doesn't want to fly fast, but it just can't fly anymore and is almost out of fuel.

At this moment, the little red bird was swaying, giving people the feeling that it might fall to the ground at any time. Every time it flapped its wings, the little red bird would grin.


A drop of bright red blood dripped from the wound of the little red bird, instantly melting a huge rock. Then, the ground was corroded, and a large black hole appeared.

Seeing this situation, Shi Hao didn't dare to act rashly. Now he is no longer a novice in the Taoism. He will soon advance to the cave. Naturally, he can see the terror of this little red bird. No wonder even the red bull, who is an ancient relic, is afraid of it. Too scared to move.

However, Shi Hao could tell that the little red bird had no ill intentions towards them.

"Xiao Hong, what's wrong with you?" Shi Hao asked with concern, his two little hands trembling, wanting to help the little red bird, but he didn't know where to start.

Hearing this, the panting Que'er rolled her eyes at him with a look of resentment, as if to say that you, a little brat, are meddling in other people's business.

Shi Hao felt a little embarrassed and scratched his head.

Seeing the red bird flying high and low, struggling to fly, he held it in for a long time and couldn't help but ask.

"Xiao Hong, are you in pain?"

The little red bird opened its eyes wide and stared angrily at Shi Hao, almost falling from the sky.

Can't you tell whether it hurts or not? Did this naughty kid do it on purpose?

It was very angry, opened its mouth and spit out a weak beam of divine light, which fell on a mountain below.


Green smoke immediately rose from the top of the mountain, and was eliminated into nothingness. It turned into magma and flowed down from the mountain peak. In just an instant, the entire mountain was evaporated.

The red bull over there was trembling with fear. This was too terrifying. It was a terrifying creature worthy of the beast master level. It was just a faint ray of divine light that caused such terrible results.

After doing all this, the little red bird became even weaker. It glared at Shi Hao fiercely, intending to warn him and let him go play in the mud.

Shi Hao obviously didn't understand what the little red bird meant, and had a worried expression on his face.

"Xiaohong, don't be angry. Look at you, there's smoke coming out of your head. Be careful of your gorgeous red feathers. It would be a pity if they were burned."

The little red bird, which was covered in red, tilted its body, and the feathers on its head stood up. The red light flickered, and it actually burned. It was very angry.

It flapped its wings and flew faster. If it stayed here any longer, this naughty kid would definitely be pissed to death.

Shi Hao waved his hand and called to the little red bird, but he got no response, which made him a little depressed.

Looking at the direction of the little red bird's flight, it was Ishimura, and he instantly understood.

“Xiao Hong was seriously injured and must have wanted to ask Uncle Chi Cang and Liu Shen for help.

Come on, Red Bull, let’s go back to the village. "


The Lihuo Bull Demon also guessed it, because the last time Chi Cang took the ancient relics to the depths of the mountains, he met the little red bird and Zhu Yan's descendants. Judging from the conversation at that time, the two beast masters and Chi Cang were not the same. If he is not an enemy, it is reasonable to come to Chi Cang for help.

Its hooves were on fire, it was running at full speed, carrying Shi Hao all the way, and soon caught up with the little red bird.

"Xiaohong, I know you are going to Shicun to find Uncle Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Why don't you come with us?" Shi Hao said loudly.

The little red bird looked hesitant. It really couldn't fly anymore. It could barely fly by itself, and it had to carry Zhu Yan's descendants with it, so its speed was getting slower and slower.

The cow below is very strong, and it is getting more and more happy as it runs, how about... giving it a ride?

It was about to descend, but after hearing Shi Hao's words, it immediately changed its mind.

"Red Bull is running very fast. Xiaohong, are you really not coming?"

Although it was not interested in the name "Little Red" and wanted to give Shi Hao a good beating, it acquiesced after calling too many times. Who knew that this stupid cow also had a scarlet letter? This made the little red bird a little bit agitated. However, he insisted on flying to Shicun by himself.

The journey was so long that the little red bird was about to faint. It was so seriously injured that it fell as soon as it arrived at Stone Village. It was covered in red light and smoking, like a meteorite from the sky.

The people in the village were alarmed and looked at the little red bird in shock. The clan elders, Shilinhu and others all knew who it was.

When the battle for the mountain treasure had just begun, before Chi Cang arrived, they had seen from a distance a fiery red bird fighting in the vast mountains. The flames filled the sky and burned down half of the sky. That scene was too terrifying. I will never forget it in my life.

Now, this little red bird is unable to control itself due to excessive injuries, and it is exuding a terrifying energy. Without too many associations, it is probably the supreme creature.

Seeing it falling downwards, the people in the village felt palpitations. If the terrifying fire broke out, the entire village would not be spared.

At this time, a green willow branch spread from the void, catching the little red bird and Zhu Yan's descendants together. The green glow filled the air, confining all the firelight and not letting any of it leak out.

The people of Shicun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Liu Shen was there.

The little red bird weakly raised its head and looked in the direction of the willow tree, feeling a sense of longing. It was too seriously injured and could not persist to the Fire Country. It had no choice but to come here for help.

Under the willow tree, Chi Cang stood up, turned around and walked towards the little red bird.


The tender green wicker overflowed with little green clouds, flowing juice, and fell on the wound of the little red bird, making it tremble slightly, as if it was suffering great pain.

Zhu Yan's descendants were let down by the willow branches and landed in front of Chi Cang. It was obvious that Liu Shen meant to save one by one.

Chi Cang did not refuse, and infinite vitality surged from his hands, all of which entered the body of Zhu Yan's descendant.

The monkey was injured more seriously than the little red bird, its original bones were shattered, and more than half of the complex runes in its body were obliterated, and it was already on the verge of extinction.

If you want to completely repair the injury, you must experience nirvana.


2 monthly passes for "round-trip speed".

1 monthly ticket for "Half Life".

1 monthly pass for "smoking, drinking and perming your hair".

1 monthly ticket for "Book Friends 20190617133009047".

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