The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 41 Stormy Stone Village

Xiaogushan Town is a not very big town. It is located in the outer area of ​​the Cangmang Mountains. It has a population of more than 2,000. It is only more than a hundred miles away from Shicun, so it is not far away.

However, because the wilderness is too dangerous, with ferocious beasts and poisonous insects everywhere, people from Shicun will not come to Xiaogushan Town once in a year and a half.

Just like Shicun and Aocun, the hunting areas are adjacent and there is little interaction.

But today, an uninvited guest came to this peaceful town.

A group of iron cavalry rode in from afar. Their armor was shiny, and they were all scaly horses. They were strong and fierce. The leader was sitting on a mutated scaly horse. It was completely snow-white and had a single horn, which was extraordinary.

On the back of this mutated scale horse sat a middle-aged man with disheveled black hair. A faint golden glow overflowed from his eyes and condensed into a golden beam, which was extremely terrifying.

On the other one-horned horse, there were two teenagers and a girl, as well as a boy and two girls. They all looked smart, smart, and extremely beautiful.

The people in Xiaogushan Town were shocked and confused. This was not the first group of people. There had already been more than a dozen powerful groups of people who had settled in Xiaogushan Town.

Why do so many people come to this remote place that no one usually visits today?

Before they could react, another group of people came, and the momentum was even more astonishing. There was an alien dragon clearing the way for them. It had a pair of huge fleshy wings and its body was covered with cold scales. Under the sunlight, Shining brightly, it looks a little frightening.

Sitting on Yijiao's back was a middle-aged man and three children. They were all tall men with a fierce temperament.

When they were still more than ten meters above the ground, the three children couldn't wait to jump down. Although they were young, they were all very strong. They were much higher than their peers. They were already considered the top in this vast wilderness.

Therefore, they all have a kind of arrogance and stern eyes. They have an imposing aura at a young age, which makes people look at them.

"Xiaogushan Town, is the sacrifice here a mountain?" A child asked doubtfully.

“Look, it’s really a spiritual stone mountain, and it is undoubtedly the spirit of this town.

It has been worshiped by the people of the town for so long, and many ferocious beasts have been sacrificed for it to practice. It is very likely that the inside of it has bred incredible and strange true blood.

Third uncle, please kill this sacrificial spirit. I will use its blood to refine my body later. It will definitely be of great benefit! "The youngest child said loudly. He was not very old, but he had a fierce aura, like a young ferocious beast.

"Insolent, Jiao Peng, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will send you back." The middle-aged man shouted coldly. To survive in this wilderness, the most important thing is to sacrifice spirits. Killing sacrifices to spirits is a taboo. Very few people do this.

Because these sacrificial spirits are likely to be the descendants of ancient gods, killing them at will may lead to great disasters. Such things have happened before, and everyone is in awe.

"It's not like I haven't killed anyone before. I have bathed in the blood of sacrificed spirits, and it has miraculous effects." Jiao Peng said casually, not paying attention to the middle-aged man's warning.

"You can't touch the mountain and stone sacrificial spirits. Maybe a mountain god will emerge."

"It's boring. You can't go deep into the mountains, and you can't kill the spirits for sacrifice." Jiao Peng shook his head, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Little doll, you are young, but you are quite courageous."

Laughter came from the distance. It was an old man, wearing a feather coat and a golden crown. His whole body was filled with purple energy, hazy, and there was an invisible majesty.

"It turns out to be a senior from the Zishan tribe. Nice to meet you." The middle-aged man on the strange dragon said hello.

The old man nodded, looked at the imposing Jiao Peng and said with a smile: "Luofu Daze is amazing. If such a young genius emerges, in ten years he will definitely become famous throughout the country."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Senior, you are ridiculous. This child is very arrogant and will suffer big losses in the future."

Jiao Peng turned a deaf ear to these words. Instead, he turned his attention to the children brought by the old man of the Zishan tribe. Among them were two young boys who looked very extraordinary. He was very happy to see them and wanted to take action.

"Old man of the Zishan tribe, how about you let me have a battle with your grandchildren?" He was very strong, his eyes were blazing and provocative.

The children of the Zishan tribe are also extraordinary, so naturally they can't stand such a naked provocation and want to challenge him.

"It's a very interesting little baby. How about this? I have a jar of the treasured true blood of a ferocious beast here as a supplement to this battle. Whichever side wins, it will belong to whoever wins." The old man of the Zishan tribe said to his grandson I was very confident and agreed directly.

"Well, in that case, I can't say anything anymore. This is a bottle of true blood from a different species of ferocious bird. It's similar to what the seniors brought out." The middle-aged man from Luofu Daze did not refuse and brought out the children of his clan. , just want them to experience it and see the world. Of course they encourage this kind of competition.

"Haha, how can we, the Thunder Clan, be left out of such a duel?"

A loud laugh came, shaking the mountains and fields. It was the people from the Thunder Clan who had arrived. They were riding on an ancient animal skin, and lightning intertwined across the sky, arriving at great speed.

The leader was a young man in his twenties, with a majestic body, an arrogant expression, and majestic momentum. He had obviously been in the top position for a long time.

"I also have precious blood here, which can be used as a bet. Mingyuan, you two, suppress the two most beloved sons of Zishan Hou."

At this time, someone spoke up again, with a loud tone, and actually asked for the blood of the ancient relics to bet. This was so shocking and surprising.

"Okay, let's let these dolls fight to see who is the strongest genius."

A few days later, the people entrenched in Xiaogushan Town decided to take a walk deeper into the mountains to see if there was a chance to get their hands on the mountain treasure.

Teams of scaly horses galloped past, and various kinds of strange beasts were flying in the sky. There were people standing on them, including the noble sons of princes, powerful old men, and young geniuses with extraordinary talents.

The formation is so big that it can be seen hundreds of miles away.

In the distance, in a land of beautiful mountains and rivers, Shi Hao, who was tempering his body under a waterfall, suddenly opened his eyes and sent out two dazzling beams of light, containing symbols one after another, piercing through two huge rocks with one glance.

Red Bull, Xiao Hei and others discovered it before him and were already looking at the horizon.

I saw flying magic weapons and huge alien beasts over there, with figures on them, crowded with people, and it was so dark that those who didn't know thought they were going to attack the city and plunder the stronghold.

"Looking at the direction they are going, they will definitely pass by Shicun. Come on, let's go back." Shi Hao shouted, and the Lihuo Bull Demon responded.

As a result, the demon ape was unwilling. Why was it that the cow carried Shi Hao back every time?

It flapped its wings, crossed over from the Lihuo Bull Demon, picked up Shi Hao on its shoulders first, and then looked at the Lihuo Bull Demon proudly.


2 monthly passes for "Big Fish Transformed into Kun".

1 monthly ticket for "Destroy the Stars with One Palm".

1 monthly ticket for "I still like her".

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