The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 43 Catching Loaches

The strong men outside the mountain had turned to stone and stood there blankly, their eyes so wide that they almost fell out.

Because the scene in front of me is so unbelievable and beyond common sense that people can’t help but think it’s in a dream.

An ancient relic that was so powerful that it could be compared with a prince actually had a close relationship with a human child, allowing it to sit on his shoulder without saying a word, and not resisting the titles "Little Black" and "Red Bull" at all.

What happened to this world? Is it a unicorn hidden in the mountains, or have times changed and the ancient relics have become friendly?

The next moment, the latter possibility was rejected, because the Lihuo Bull Demon and the Demonic Ape were glancing at them intentionally or unintentionally. Their cold eyes and terrifying power made everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, as if they had arrived in the harsh winter.

They were convinced that the ancient relics were definitely not friendly to them.

Tolerance, kindness, etc. are only for the children on the devil ape's shoulders and this village, and have nothing to do with them.

They were frightened when they thought that they were just there discussing the matter of dividing the willow branches. one should have heard it, right?

They were secretly glad that the people standing at the entrance of the village were all lowly wild children. They would definitely not be able to hear him from such a distance.

At the same time, they were also afraid that if they had really rushed into Shicun to cut willow branches just now, they were afraid that they would be eaten by these ferocious ancient relics without even leaving any bones.

The others were okay and could barely keep their composure, but the middle-aged man from Luofu Daze was completely panicked, because among the people present, his family's Jiao Peng shouted the loudest, and he had previously told everyone not to get along with him. He grabs, he wants to keep five wickers for himself.

After that, Jiao Peng took action against those wild boys again, which was clearly seeking death.

He really regretted bringing Jiao Peng out. He had previously said that Jiao Peng's character would cause him great harm in the future, but it turned out to be true within a few days.

At this moment, the middle-aged man was trembling all over, angry and frightened. He really wanted to slap him to death with one palm.

Looking at Jiao Peng who was still standing there stupidly, he became furious.

"You bastard, what are you doing there? Get over here." The middle-aged man let out a low roar, frightening Jiao Peng, who had a "rich" expression due to a broken hand bone, and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Third uncle..."

"You still have the nerve to call me uncle?

This small village is so friendly and the children are so simple. How could you do this? Have you forgotten my ancestral precepts from Luofu Daze?

Come over here and sincerely apologize to those children who were frightened. "He was very stern, and even had murderous intent in his eyes, which really scared Jiao Peng. He had never seen such a ferocious third uncle.

Usually Jiao Peng is unscrupulous, arrogant and overbearing, and no one can control him, but now, no matter how arrogant he is, he still has to behave obediently with his tail between his legs.

Jiao Peng held his breath and his face turned red. Not only because of the pain, it was really uncomfortable to lower his head in front of so many people.

"Yes...I'm sorry, I was just joking to scare you."

The children in Shicun looked at each other, a little confused, and wanted to ask, who did they scare? They were not afraid at all, and even wanted Jiao Peng to punch or kick him again.

At this time, the adults in the village also came out. Seeing so many people gathered outside the village, they all looked strange.

"So many scaled horses..." When men like Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao saw the magical scaled horses, their eyes suddenly lit up and they galloped. It was the dream of all men in the wilderness, and they were no exception.

I still remember that many years ago, they chased those unicorns for their dreams for several days, but unfortunately they failed in the end.

As for the ancient relics in the village, only children dare to ride them, not adults like them. They know how to use discretion.

"Haha, it's just a scaled horse. It doesn't count. Men from your village can come and pick one at will." The leader of the Golden Wolf Tribe was very polite. He understood it when he saw the look in the eyes of the men from Shicun.

Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and others looked at each other and did not move, because there would be no pie in the sky. If they were allowed to choose such a strong scaly horse at will, wouldn't this person have other intentions?

Seeing their hesitation, the leader of the Golden Wolf Tribe ordered his men to dismount and lead the scaled horses over.

"What's so embarrassing about this? You won't be rewarded for your merits!" The men in Shicun waved their hands repeatedly. They knew that these people came from a large tribe, and they probably came here for some other purpose.

Suddenly, they were stunned, and Chi Cang's words rang in their ears, telling them to pick and take whatever they wanted.

After receiving Chi Cang's approval, the men were no longer polite, changed their previous attitude, and took the horses into their hands one after another, their eyes shining, and they touched them around.

The people of the Golden Wolf tribe were speechless for a while. Didn't they want it just now? How come you changed hands and took it?

"Huh? Those horses seem to be special. They are all white and have one horn, which makes people like them very much." Shi Linhu heard something from the tone of Chi Cang's words and decided to carry out the policy of picking and taking whatever he wanted. policy.

When the knights of the Golden Wolf Tribe heard this, their faces twitched. Even their leader had a toothache. He gave these people scales because he just said he wanted to get willow sticks, and he did this out of guilt. Who knew, these wild men in the mountains would He actually went even further and wanted the precious mutated scale horse.

He wanted to remain silent, but the demon ape's eyes kept scanning his Heavenly Spirit Cap, making his scalp numb. How dare he not obey?

"Well, my friend, this is the extremely precious mutated scale horse of our Golden Wolf Tribe. Since you like it, you can take it and ride it." The leader of the Golden Wolf Tribe reluctantly dismounted, and asked several of the proud members of the tribe to come down as well. , gave the three mutated scale horses to Shilin Tiger and the others.

Not only the Golden Wolf Tribe, but other large tribes were also robbed.

"What a magical dragon. It can be stewed for several times... ah, no, it can carry many people." Sniffy Baby understood and started to play tricks.

The middle-aged man in Luofu Daze suddenly froze. Why does this damn kid talk so much?

The next moment, a look came over. It came from the Lihuo Bull Demon. It was very fierce. The middle-aged man instantly felt that the temperature near him had increased a bit, almost burning.

"Well, I think the village is a bit far away from the town over there. It's more than a hundred miles away. It's very inconvenient to travel... Jiao Qi, just stay here and be a helper for your friends in this village." The heart of the middle-aged man is bleeding, but in order to save his life, he has to abandon his pawn and save his chariot.

The strange dragon shook its head wildly and swayed its body, resisting because it had just heard the snot-nosed kid saying that it was going to stew it. If it stayed, wouldn't it be doomed?

But where did it resist? I saw the devil ape stretching out a big hand, grabbing its tail, and captured it into Shicun.

Zhu Qiang's scalp felt cold. How could he be catching a dragon? It’s basically catching a loach.

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