Zhu Qiang braced his scalp and walked into Shicun shivering under the gaze of the demon ape. Many people felt their scalps numb, fearing that this ferocious ancient relic would jump over and open the skull after taking a fancy to someone's little head.

Only the old man from Yuntian Palace could remain calm, smile, and not panic at all.

The leader of the Golden Wolf tribe and the golden-crowned old man of the Zishan tribe looked at him with envy.

Until now, the twin girls are still talking and laughing with Shi Hao, and they seem to be very close to each other.

"Xiao Shihao, can you take us to visit your village?"

Shi Hao nodded.

"Of course you can, young lady."

With that said, he led the two little girls into the village.

The people at the back looked at their children and shed tears of hatred in their hearts.

As soon as everyone entered the village, they were startled by a huge thing. When they saw clearly what it was, they almost lost their minds.

It was a big lion, more than 20 meters long, with very brilliant golden hair. Under the sunlight, it shone brightly and was extremely dazzling. It also had a single horn, which was very long, sharp and shining. The electric light has the potential to break the sky.

It looks like it is basking in the sun there. People in the village have long been accustomed to it and are not afraid of coming and going. The golden lion obviously regards this place as its own den and often lies here. There is a huge mark on the ground.

"Oh my god, golden lion, I have heard the legend of this ancient beast. Isn't it king and hegemon in the depths of the wilderness? Why is it here?" Someone exclaimed, shocked beyond measure.

What kind of village is this? There are already three ancient relics.

As if he heard someone talking about him, the golden-haired lion opened his blood-red eyes. They were so big that they looked like two bloody suns. It was so scary.

The group of extremely proud children were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

The twin girls who followed Shi Hao were also frightened. Such a big lion was too visually impactful. If it went crazy, a large tribe would be destroyed.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, the second gold is very good." Shi Hao walked over and touched the golden hair of the golden lion. He often rode the golden lion to play wildly in the wilderness and was very familiar with it.

The golden-haired lion stretched out its huge head and rubbed Shi Hao's little hand affectionately. It used to be really cruel, but now it has "improved" a lot, especially sincerely liking Shi Hao in front of it.

Who wouldn't love a child who can reach the physical strength of 160,000 kilograms with one arm in the blood-moving realm? Not only the golden retriever lions, but also the psychology of other ancient relics have also changed. Their intelligence is not low. Such a terrifying child will definitely achieve much higher than them in the future. If he stays in Stone Village, he may have the hope of becoming a beast master.

Therefore, Shi Hao has a very important position in the hearts of the ancient relics.

However, such a "touching" scene gave the people over there a heart attack.

This little baby who likes to drink animal milk is living the life everyone dreams of.

Except for Ishimura, none of the people present would be able to enjoy this kind of treatment in their lifetime.

Suddenly, there was another crackling roar not far away. It was Old Suan Ni who was using the Suan Ni treasure technique to cook a large cauldron. You could see the electric light flashing and the steam steaming there.

It is also a giant, no smaller than a golden-haired lion, with a brilliant golden light, surging clouds and smoke all over its body, and a hazy glow. This is the situation when the Suan Ni treasure technique is used. It can be seen that it is cooked with great care.

This scene was so astonishing. A terrifying golden Suan Ni squatted there, cooking something unknown, and everyone's eyes nearly popped out when they saw it.

"Yes... you read that right? This is the golden Suan Ni? Isn't it about to..."

The speaker realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and quickly covered his mouth.

The next moment, Golden Suanni looked over. His golden pupils were extremely majestic and oppressive, and those who looked at him felt like they were out of their minds.

"Huh? What does this smell like? It smells so good!" The twin girls twitched their noses and smelled it first.

Shi Hao next to him suddenly blushed.

"Yeah, there's animal milk in that cauldron." They were surprised when they found the source of the fragrance.

The powerful man from the rich clan over there almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. How about Golden Suanni boiling animal milk for this little baby? really?

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The young man from the Thunder Tribe slapped himself hard three times to make sure that this was not an illusion or a dream, but something that really happened.

Seeing his actions, Pihou was a little suspicious.

"Why is this man beating himself? Is he not sick? Is his friend himself?"

Da Zhuang, Sniffy Baby, and others next to him all nodded. They also had the same suspicion.

Huang Jin Suanni paid no attention to these uninvited guests and ignored them. He grabbed the cauldron and shook it vigorously, then poured it into an earthen jar and handed it to Shi Hao.

This earthen jar is Shi Hao's special earthen jar, specially used to drink animal milk. He has been using it since he was a child.

The people of Shicun looked at this scene with a smile, especially Shi Yunfeng. The old patriarch was really pleased that so many people loved Shi Hao and treated him well.

Shi Hao's face turned red with embarrassment. How could he be embarrassed to drink when so many people were watching.


However, this was prepared by Dai Jin with great care, and he could not live up to its kindness, so Shi Hao took it, drank it all in one gulp, and wiped his mouth.

However, it was not wiped clean, and there were still animal milk stains remaining at the corners of the mouth.

When the two little girls saw this, they laughed like silver bells. Isn't this too cute?

They came up one after another and pinched Shi Hao's pink cheeks. Shi Hao dodged and said, "Little sister, what are you doing?"

At this time, three green-scaled eagle chicks ran out and wanted to play with Shi Hao. They were emitting thunderous light and were extraordinary. The heroes looked sideways for a while, and finally saw the normal ones, not so scary.

However, these three mutated green-scaled eagles are still very valuable and very exciting. If they are captured, they will definitely be cultivated into monstrous magical birds in the future.

Many people have this idea, but they can only think about it. If they can leave here, even if they are killed, they will not come back again.

Finally, everyone came to the charred willow tree and saw a figure sitting cross-legged. For a moment, their hearts were in their throats. If they guessed correctly, the voice just now must have come from him. The peerless strongman hidden in this village.

"Senior, it was our recklessness that disturbed the purity of this village. We apologize to you."

"Yes, senior, calm down, we were just joking, there is absolutely no malice."


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