Its heart was beating wildly. A creature like a god had ignited the divine fire and was completely different from the Venerable. The two were not at the same level at all, one in the sky and one on the earth.

Thinking of this, Little Red Bird felt awe in his heart. No wonder he was not afraid of the six great sages.

Chicang looked at the grand vision rising in the center of the vast mountains. Runes were everywhere under his feet, piercing the boundless void and building a passage across the two places. He held his masterpiece, the big black iron pot, and walked away like that, but Just one step, and the sky has changed.

The little red bird was stunned for a moment when he saw such a shocking method. However, the iron pot slightly destroyed the serious atmosphere and made people stunned.

The gods carry the pot, and the beast comes rolling in?

It thought of this sentence inexplicably, and could already imagine the scene of the sky-swallowing bird, Qiongqi wailing.

"These two guys who do all kinds of evil and have no conscience finally kicked the big iron plate. They deserve it." It flapped its wings, feeling a little happy.

The incident of being attacked by those two guys together with the four venerables had always made him worried. Now, facing Chi Cang, those venerables would definitely be doomed.

In the center of the vast mountain range, six figures stood at six corners, surrounding the mountain treasure that was born, waiting for Chi Cang to come and get it. It was like fishing, and the mountain treasure was the bait.

At this moment, the hearts of the six great venerables were extremely nervous. After all, the other party was a god left over from ancient times. It was difficult to predict what kind of backhand there would be. Everything was full of uncertainty.

While waiting anxiously, the Sky-Swallowing Bird narrowed his eyes, his eyes were very sharp, and he noticed the abnormality in the outside world.


It emits a divine sound to remind all the venerables to be careful.

Needless to say, the other five great sages also sensed that there was a terrifying force that penetrated the void and reached the center of the vast mountains.

The next moment, a stalwart figure walked out of the passage. He was carrying a large black iron pot. He was walking like a dragon and a tiger. His eyes were as deep as the stars. He had a domineering aura in heaven and earth, which shocked people's hearts.

Is this a god left over from ancient times who is in the recovery stage?

When the other four venerables saw Chi Cang for the first time, they were shocked by such a momentum, and felt something was wrong.

Because, if you don't look at the pot, the person who comes here really looks like an emperor who came from ancient times, swallowing up the heaven and earth, and controlling the world.

This doesn't look like the behavior of His Holiness at all, does it? ? ?

"Tiantianque, Qiongqi, is the news about you two accurate? Why is something not right?" The tone of a sacred mountain venerable changed. We are not mediocre people. Many times, we can tell at a glance. Not really strong.

The Chi Cang in front of him was obviously the type that was unfathomable and terrifying.

The other three great sages also looked over, their eyes somewhat unkind.

Swallowing Sky Bird and Qiongqi looked at each other, wondering why they were so different from the one who rode the bull before, Chi Cang.

The one carrying the pot is obviously much more terrifying, and his aura is so terrifying that it can melt people.

"Don't worry, we have fought against him and know his background. He is definitely faking it."

"That's right, he is just weak and can't make any big waves."

At this time, Tiantianque and Qiongqi could only say this bravely.

After being crushed last time, Chi Cang became the shadow in the sky-devouring bird's heart. No matter how it imagined the scene of swallowing Chi Cang, when it actually saw it, its calves were trembling.

That shocking finger is still engraved in its heart and cannot be removed.

Under the highly nervous gazes of the six great lords, Chi Cang showed no expression on his face and actually ignored them and walked straight to the center of the mountain range. There, there was a group of things wrapped in chaos, floating in the fairy light, emitting glow and light. Ruicai is sacred.

It is the mountain treasure that touches people's hearts.

Seeing Chi Cang being so arrogant and going straight to get the mountain treasure, the six great sages were ecstatic, especially the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiong Qi, who wanted to scream with happiness.

Isn't this a self-inflicted trap?

"God helps me!" Lord Qingtian was overjoyed, feeling that they were very sure of killing the gods this time. You must know that they spent a lot of effort on those killing formations, and even the laws of the gods were filled in as a suppressor.

As long as the gods in front of you are really only at the level of Venerables as Sky Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi said, there will definitely be no way in or out.

"Hehe, you are so arrogant. You will pay the price later." The Sky-Swallowing Bird sneered. It was trying to use words to eliminate the fear of Chi Cang in its heart, but it was useless and couldn't stop it.

The only way is to kill Chi Cang with his own hands, otherwise, this shadow will never go away.

The six great sages had different thoughts, but the old man surnamed Yun from Tianshen Mountain was restless, panicked, and felt very bad.

Ignoring them and taking the mountain treasure is clearly a sign of being strong enough to crush them.

Thinking of this, he regretted a little, he shouldn't have stayed.


Chi Cang stepped forward, and the void in front of him suddenly erupted. A large number of symbols were wrapped in terrifying divine energy, and went straight towards his head. Among them, there was a venerable-level ferocious beast roaring to the sky and the earth, with a ferocious aura.

Facing this sudden impact, Chi Cang remained calm and calm. He just blew a gentle breath and all the runes rolled back. The terrifying beast fell apart and disintegrated on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the six venerables' pupils shrank, they couldn't believe their eyes, and even their hearts stopped beating. What is this? Blowing down a Venerable-level formation in one breath? Are you kidding me?


Another Venerable-level formation was blown apart and instantly turned into powder.

At this moment, the six venerables were horrified, with chills from head to toe. Is this the remnant god who has only returned to the venerable level?

Next, overlapping formations erupted one after another. Every time they took a step, there would be a blow from the venerable around them. However, before they could get close to Chi Cang, they were shattered, like brilliant fireworks, one by one. Burst open.

The sky-swallowing bird, Qiongqi and other venerables went from being shocked at the beginning to becoming numb later on. Isn't this too terrifying? It's like slaughtering a venerable person like a dog.

To plan such an existence is simply because you are impatient to live.

The next few sages glared at Tianshuoqiao and Qiongqi, and they were ready to kill these two scammers.

"Sky-swallowing bird!"

"Everyone, we have reached this point. We have no way out. Either he dies or we die."

"We still have the decrees of the gods and the magic weapons of the gods, so maybe there is a chance of a turning point."

Swallowing Sky Bird and Qiongqi hurriedly spoke out as sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Fortunately, the four sages were also people who had experienced strong winds and waves, so they did not settle accounts at this critical moment. They looked at each other and immediately made the decision to activate the gods' decrees, activate the gods' magic weapons, and jointly attack Chi Cang.

This is their ultimate resort. If it fails, there is no need to say anything, just go their separate ways and run away.


4 monthly passes from "Dawei".

2 monthly passes for “W Liang”.

2 monthly passes for "The Sword-Titing Wine Master".

2 monthly passes for “Dojquq”.

1 monthly ticket from "Old Man Li".

1 monthly pass for "Suxi Y".

1 monthly ticket for "Guo Shenglin".

1 monthly ticket for "I should be a fan of the East".

1 monthly pass for "When will I return to the Youth Tour".

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