I originally wanted to write another chapter about how Thunder Emperor, Shi Hao, the trio, and the Fate Lord... went to a new world to start a new journey, but after thinking about it for a long time, I didn't know if the new world could accommodate them with their strength. It's so embarrassing, so I didn't write this chapter, so I might as well finish it.

This is how Chi Cang's story ends...

The original intention of writing this book was to make up for some regrets I had while watching "A Perfect World".

Because most of these regrets are related to Shi Hao, the book begins with Shi Hao landing in Shi Village, becoming Shi Hao's elder, supporting him who has not yet grown up, and waiting for him to grow up, and then fight side by side. Let him no longer be arbitrary for eternity. (Some people say licking, but it’s just a matter of taste. That’s the original intention, so naturally it started with Ishimura.)

In the process of writing the book, there were many shortcomings. For example, there was too much nonsense, too watery, and too ink in some parts. There were also some plots that were not interesting and were too boring.

After awakening at the beginning, I became invincible. I basically walked sideways in the lower world. Until I hit the foreign land, there were no more powerful opponents, which was less fun.

This book also omits many copies of the original works, such as the Three Thousand States of the Upper Realm, the World of Immortal Ancient Flower Buds, the Academy of the Gods, the Imperial Pass, etc. You can go directly to the original gate and fight in foreign lands when you come back.

Writing this way leaves a lot less to write about. There is no way to write about the geniuses competing for hegemony. There is no way to quarrel, fight for opportunities, or pretend to compete with those geniuses. But there is no way. Since the Thunder Emperor is chosen as the protagonist, it is impossible to compete with the young geniuses. The geniuses mingle together.

Although there are many shortcomings, for me personally, it has written a lot of things I want, such as making the relationship between Shi Hao and his three confidantes complete without so many bumps, such as accompanying Liu Shen , after going through hardships and dangers, the relationship finally comes true, for example, fighting side by side with Shi Hao, there is no longer the tragedy of being arbitrary for eternity...

Overall, I can’t say that this book is very good, but it’s not too bad to be read. It’s quite average, which can’t be helped, after all, the author’s level is limited.

Finally, I would like to thank all the brothers who have subscribed to this book and have continued to subscribe and support. You are the author's parents, and I pay my respects deeply.

Also, I'm very sorry for "Ten Years to Sharpen a Sword" at the top of the fan list. I don't know when this book started to become hopeless. Even the rewards and updates have been wasted. If brothers still read it, My next book will be updated for you.

That's it, see you in the next book.

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