The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 86 The complete parents and children of the Ten Evils

There was something it was looking for, but it was very dangerous. At that time, the five-colored sparrow said that only it could get close and would take Chi Cang there after he recovered a little.

At that time, Chi Cang had just broken through to the blood-moving realm, and the ancient immortal method had returned to the level of a sage.

Now, Chi Cang has become a spirit in this world, and the ancient immortal law system has returned to the level of a true god. He is the kind of true god who can sweep across the same level. It is not the same as before. It is time to ask the five colors. That's the place the bird mentioned.

He asked Wu Se Que if he could go there now. Chi Cang vaguely felt that there might be something to do with the origin of Wu Se Que.

When the colorful sparrow heard this, its wings that were preening its feathers stopped, and its eyes were blurred for a while. It took a long time before it returned to normal.

"I don't know why, but my obsession with pursuing things there is dissipating. Maybe it will disappear completely in the near future... But if I go now, it's not possible at all. Let's wait and wait for you to recover." Wu Seque was a little depressed. said.

"What kind of power is needed to get close there?" Chi Cang asked, worried about the Five-Colored Bird. Perhaps after the obsession it mentioned is completely dissipated, the origin of the Five-Colored Bird will remain a mystery forever.

"Supreme, if you don't reach this level, you will definitely die if you go there."

Wu Se Que's words made Chi Cang feel a little heavy. It would take at least several years to return to Supreme before he could go to that place to help it. At the current rate, it would take at least several years.

By then, Wu Se Que's obsession may have long since disappeared.

"Can you tell me the coordinates in advance so that you won't mention these things again after your obsession disappears."

When the five-colored sparrow heard this, it looked at Chi Cang seriously. It thought for a while and finally nodded.

Chi Cang got the coordinates of that mysterious place. It was very far away and in chaos. It was impossible to get close without reaching the Supreme Being. It was very dangerous.

That is to say, Wuseque trusts him, otherwise, it would never be possible to give him the coordinates.

Having settled his worries, Chi Cang bid farewell to the five-colored sparrow and walked to the dragon's nest.

The real dragon is taking good care of the real dragon egg, waiting for the baby real dragon to be born.

Chi Cang didn't hesitate, and immediately took out the "wooden stick" given by Wu Se Que and handed it to the real dragon.

"Although this herb is not the Nine-turn Yang-Returning Herb, it has similar effects and can be used as a substitute. Now used on the little true dragon, it can fill in the final flaws and make the little true dragon fully born."

After hearing Chi Cang's words, the real dragon was stunned for a moment. After taking the "wooden stick", he studied it carefully.

It took a long time before it looked away, with a solemn look on its face.

"It can indeed replace the Nine-turn Sun-Returning Grass, and it is of great use to Gegu."

After saying this, the real dragon pondered for a while and asked about the origin of this dry and hard herb.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem with its origin?"

"You should know that dragon scale grass grows a lot on this cliff. It usually grows in places where real dragons live. It needs to be nourished by dragon energy for a long time before it can grow.

And this hardened herb contains huge vitality inside, and its quality is unimaginably high. It is impossible to produce such a level of divine herb in the barren eight realms below.

If you read it correctly, this herb should have a strong aura of true phoenix. The vitality inside is very special. It has strong immortality properties and is very similar to the true phoenix herb. "The real dragon explained.

Chi Cang's heart was slightly shaken. Needless to say, the credibility of True Dragon's judgment was undeniable.

In other words, the place where this grass grows is very likely to have a strong aura of true phoenix.

The five-colored sparrow is active in that mysterious place, so does its identity have anything to do with the real phoenix?

Chi Cang decided to lead the real dragon to take a look at the five-color sparrow for further judgment. However, when his spiritual thoughts swept across it, where was the figure of the five-color sparrow on the old jujube tree behind Shicun?

This colorful bird has always been mysterious and its whereabouts are unpredictable. If you want to find it, you can only wait for it to appear on its own.

In desperation, Chi Cang had no choice but to give up. He had promised Wu Se Que that he would not go to that mysterious place until he reached the Supreme Being, so he could not break his oath.

When the real dragon learned that this grass came from a five-colored sparrow, he immediately became interested and thought of many things.

But we can’t see the five-colored sparrow now, so we can only wait until later.

It ground the wooden stick that was suspected to be the Immortal True Phoenix Grass into powder and sprinkled it on the bright eggshell. The powder quickly disappeared and was swallowed by the eggshell.

In an instant, the radiance released by the eggshell became even more intense, and bursts of dragon roars overflowed with majestic vitality.

This is the Ten Fierce True Dragons, the descendants of the strongest race in the world. When the congenital defects are corrected, the foundation is unparalleled in ancient times.

A few days later, the true dragon egg split open, and the baby true dragon was about to be born. The true dragon, Chi Cang, and Liu Shen were all witnesses.


A crisp sound came out, and at the crack, thousands of rays of light rose into the sky, and a real dragon rushed out. There were dots of red clouds on its body, and its whole body was bright red, as if it was coming out with a large sunset glow.

The next moment, dragon energy filled the air, covering the entire stone village and nourishing all things on the earth.

Everyone in Shicun was shocked. The real dragon was born. This was a sacred symbol and a good omen.

Sure enough, as soon as the little true dragon was born, he brought precious true dragon essence back to him. Everyone in Fuze Stone Village benefited, especially those ancient relics. Some factor in the deepest bloodline became active. , making them feel hot and hot all over, as if they were about to undergo a reversion to their ancestors. Their originally mixed bloodline was transformed into pure blood involuntarily.

The six ancient relics have been working hard towards the realm of the venerable. Now they are fed back by this true dragon essence. The road is smoother and the realm of the venerable is becoming more and more clearly visible. They will reach it in the near future.

Other people in the village also felt warm all over and their physical fitness had improved a lot.

The most rare thing is that there is an original dragon energy in Shicun, which has penetrated into the underground of Shicun and been nurtured in it. I believe that in the near future, Shicun will become a sacred fertile land with outstanding people.

Many people looked above the dragon's nest, and the shock in their eyes was unparalleled. A little true dragon was really born.

This is a red dragon, it is like charcoal in the dark night, bright red and translucent, dotted with red clouds, even the pair of dragon horns are as red as blood diamonds.

The red dragon body is only about ten feet long. It can be said that it is very small, not too big, and it looks very childish at first glance.

Endless rays of light and auspicious aura spurted out, and little bits of light rained down. The little red dragon slowly descended and came to the front of the real dragon and Chi Cang.

The young eyes are very innocent, and the big eyes are blinking without any sharpness. At first glance, they look like greenhouse flowers that have not experienced the hardships of wind and rain.

It looked at Chi Cang, its eyes filled with gratitude, and it opened its mouth to make a childish sound, which sounded milky and unbelievable for its young age.

"Thank you Uncle Chicang for your help."

Chi Cang smiled and nodded, walked up and touched Chi Long's head, and said, "Your name is Ge Gu, right? Your qualifications are really strong, and you are worthy of being the son of the leader of the Ten Evils."

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