The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Zhenlong had never met Shi Hao. He only heard that such a genius came out of Shi Village, and that he was taught by Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

It naturally brings to mind a lot of things.

Liu Shen kept staring at Chi Cang, because Chi Cang had demonstrated before, using a big black iron pot to catch the Beast Lord. In Liu Shen's opinion, Shi Hao must have learned this move from him.

Chi Cang felt a little uncomfortable being looked at. He knew what Liu Shen was thinking, but he did not memorize this pot. In a sense, the fact that he used the big iron pot to stew the Beast Master was also influenced by the memories related to Shi Hao. Impact.

"Haha... This child has good qualifications and needs a lot of energy. He has been eating well since he was a child." Chi Cang laughed a few times.

After experiencing this little episode, the tense atmosphere surrounding the hunt for the Pu Demon King subsided a lot.

Soon, the geniuses filed in, including powerful geniuses, top young men from ancient countries, and pure-blooded creatures from the ancient sacred mountains.

Shi Hao also followed the Butian Pavilion disciples and stepped into the huge light gate leading to Baiduan Mountain.

When the last person entered, the three powerful men also stepped in. They were surrounded by mysterious and terrifying symbols, cutting off everything. They just entered the light door. The powerful men present did not notice this at all, even if they were The Human Emperor and the Beast Lord, who were overlooking the vast land, were both unaware.

Passing through the light gate, the three of them came to a world rich in essence. This is the inside of Baiduan Mountain. It is even more amazing than the so-called holy land of cultivation in the outside world. It is undoubtedly the place that Demon King Pu likes and a paradise for nourishing his body. , it will definitely not be missed here.

Looking around, there are many large lakes lying across the land, which are pure and clear. Wisps of spiritual energy are steaming up, ancient medicine is fragrant, and there are even the roars of wild beasts. The void is shaking because of this.

Not far away stood some mountain peaks, full of splendor and splendor, covered with spiritual vines, growing fine trees, and shrouded in fairy mist, just like a fairyland on earth.

The young prodigy who came in earlier has been attracted by these things and started his own treasure hunting journey.

For Chi Cang and the other three, the spiritual objects here are meaningless and not worth stopping to search for. Besides, the purpose of their trip is not to hunt for treasure.

If the three of them are determined to hunt for treasure, I'm afraid no one can compete with them.

But this is obviously impossible. How can three powerful men compete with a group of Dongtian juniors for a chance?

After the three people came in, they had a conversation and decided to divide their troops into three groups and search in three directions.

They all had an impression of the Tianjiao who had just entered Baiduan Mountain, so they only needed to investigate one by one.

If Demon King Pu really came in, then it was indeed extraordinary. He had a premonition that a catastrophe might be coming, and made a disguise that could hide it from the eyes of the three powerful men.

If it didn't come in, it was frightened away by this omen.

After the three people discussed it, they headed in three directions at a very fast speed, which can be described as a rapid movement.

Baiduan Mountain is not big to begin with, and the restrictions within it are nothing to Chi Cang and others. Therefore, their strength will not be suppressed, and they can travel unimpeded. The search speed is extremely fast, and they can search the entire area. Baiduan Mountain won't take long either.

In a piece of pure land, the rays of light are flying, and the Linghu Lake is as crystal clear as warm jade. The lakeside is full of ancient trees, all of which have aged well. Their branches are winding like horned dragons, and it is unknown how long they have been growing.

In the depths of the ancient forest, a young man with an ordinary face suddenly appeared. He walked slowly to an ancient tree, stretched out his palms, and supported the trunk. He actually merged with the ancient tree, and his whole body was integrated into it. , looking from a distance, there are still young people everywhere.

The next moment, his face appeared in the heart of the tree in the empty mine.

The hand also stretched out, holding a blackened staff on it. The aura was nothing special, as if it was just an ordinary staff.

However, this young man had a look of reverence on his face and said respectfully towards the charred staff.

"Supreme Ancestor, I have followed your instructions and successfully sneaked in without being discovered."

The charred staff was silent for a long time. During this process, the young man kept his head lowered, showing great respect.

Suddenly, the staff vibrated slightly, and an inexplicable phenomenon emerged.

On a bloody land, all living beings wailed, countless large tribes were massacred, and ancient kingdoms were destroyed one after another. Only a demon tree reaching the sky stood in the clouds, ruling the vast mountains and rivers, and the endless wilderness. Even the gods had no choice but to retreat.

Immediately afterwards, ball after ball of pure white velvet fell down, translucent and shining, filling the heart of the tree, flying one after another.

Then, an ancient hoarse voice came out, coming from the blackened staff.

"Really? Why do I feel that danger is getting closer?"

The young man was frightened and hurriedly recounted all the details of entering Baiduan Mountain, fearing that he would offend the supreme ancestor.

The Pu Demon Tree clan has been looking for this staff for a long time, ever since the defeat of the unparalleled Pu Demon Tree in ancient times.

It wasn't until a hundred years ago that it was accidentally found in a Chaos Crack.

It has been said since ancient times that the weapon of the ancient Pu Demon Tree has unparalleled power. If you master it, you will be respected in the world.

Unexpectedly, after they found it, they discovered that the staff actually contained the ancestors of their clan and the source of all bloodlines.

I thought that holding the staff would bring the Pu Demon Tree clan back to glory. However, the ancestor of the Pu Demon Tree in the staff insisted on keeping a low profile.

Furthermore, he ordered the Pu Demon Tree clan to find a pure land for him and help it recover, so he made this trip to Baiduan Mountain.

However, the reality was not as smooth as they imagined. When the young man arrived at Duankong City, the Pu Demon Ancestor in the staff sensed a crisis.

If they are pursuing stability, they should leave immediately, but the existence in the staff has been trapped in the Chaos Rift for a short time, and is in urgent need of a pure land like Baiduan Mountain to take root, swallow it, and absorb its essence.

Thinking that the opening time of Baiduan Mountain is limited, and the next opening will be hundreds of years later, the ancestors of the Pu Demon Tree planned to turn the descendants of the Pu Demon Tree into human youths, and let it hide their aura, sneak into Baidu Mountain, and hibernate in this secret realm. Come down and wait until Baiduan Mountain closes, then it can jump out and devour the essences from all directions at will.

However, what is not optimistic is that the sense of crisis in the hearts of the beings in the staff has not subsided, but has become more intense.

This means a crisis is approaching.

"It shouldn't be a problem if I take action myself, what's going on?

Now, extinguish all the breath, merge with this ancient tree, and lie dormant until the signs of crisis disappear. "The staff made a hoarse sound.

"Yes, I will obey the orders of my ancestors." Naturally, the young man transformed from the Pu Demon Tree did not dare to disobey it. Although he was happy to see the hunting heart, he wanted to hunt down and devour those young prodigies with strong vitality. However, with the current situation, I'm afraid there is no chance.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded without any warning. Neither the young man from the Pu Demon Tree nor the staff noticed it, and it suddenly broke the peace of the place.

"Uh, excuse me, I want to ask, what kind of tree do you have?"

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