The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1 Time travel without plug-ins is not a good time travel

In the long starry night, fire flows through the sky.

In Xianyang City, ordinary people have already gone to bed to recuperate their energy for the increasingly busy work tomorrow.

This vision in the sky has disturbed many capable people and talents in the world. A pair of eyes stared at the fiery red sky, not knowing why.

On the top of an unattainable mountain somewhere, a man stood tall and sighed, "An odd number!"

This is a peaceful night, but this is also a chaotic era.

The state of Qin in Guanzhong is eyeing the country with arrogance and looks down upon the world. However, the six kingdoms of Guandong are constantly at war with each other, and there is no peace every year.

King Qin Yingzheng has been in charge for many years and has done everything personally. It is late at night and he is still reviewing memorials on the documents.

Ying Zheng was very happy tonight. He received a report on the internal history of millet management. This year, there will be an abundance of millet in all areas of Guanzhong. The construction of the Zhengguo Canal has been completed, Guanzhong has a good harvest every year, and the Qinchuan River of 800 miles has become more prosperous since then.

"As Father Zhong said, the Zhengguo Canal retains not water, but gold! Together with the grain produced by the two counties of Bashu and Bashu, the granaries everywhere in the Qin Dynasty are full. It seems that it is time." Ying Zheng said to himself ’s smile.


"What's the matter?" Outside, a palace maid came to report, but was stopped by the guards outside the palace.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, Empress Liji has given birth to a prince. The empress asks the king to name the prince."

One of his favorite concubines gave birth to a boy. Ying Zheng was naturally very happy, "Let's call him Ziyi!"

In this way, Qin Wang Yingzheng, the fourteenth prince of the future Qin Shi Huangdi, was born.

six years later.

It has been six years since Ying Ziyi came to this world.

Six years is enough time for Ying Ziyi to understand the basic information of this world.

The fourteenth son of King Qin Yingzheng, Ying Ziyi.

Fortunately, okay, Ying Ziyi walked down the long corridor and patted his chest. At this moment, the Qin State swallowed Han and defeated Zhao, just as Japan was in the middle. If it were more than 20 years later, it would be really hard to cry without tears.

"Young Master, what are you doing?" the palace maid sister behind asked in a low voice as she walked away, startling Ying Ziyi who was stunned.


Ying Ziyi came to his senses, turned his head slightly and said, "It's okay."

This is a team that moves forward slowly. Behind Ying Ziyi, there were two maids and two eunuchs following.

Located in the position of Qin Gongzi, Ying Ziyi can be said to have no worries about food and clothing. But this is what Ying Ziyi is most worried about. Others don't know, but he still has a certain understanding of the history of later generations.

Only fifteen years after Qin occupied the world, it was attacked and destroyed by Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. The descendants of the Ying family were even slaughtered. This is more than a tragic word. Then there is Zhao Gao, a young man in his fifth year. Every time he sees his sinister look, Ying Ziyi feels a chill rising up in his body.


Walking through the long corridor and turning a corner was the purpose of Ying Ziyi's trip.

A quiet room.

Among them, some people have been waiting for a long time.

From Fusu, the eldest son of King Qin, to Hu Hai, the eighteenth prince, they are all waiting here.

The dozen or so sons of King Qin were all gathered together. Sitting in front of everyone is an old man with white beard and hair, named Song Takako. Beside him, there was a little Taoist boy sitting on his knees.

In the pre-Qin period, hundreds of schools of thought contended. This Song Longzi is said to be a Taoist leader with a very high seniority. When he came here to study, the King of Qin Yingzheng showed his respect and specially invited a group of young masters to come and listen to his lectures.

Ying Ziyi was the last one to arrive. He found an empty seat at the back and sat down, while Gong'e, the eunuch, was waiting outside.

When Song Takako saw that everyone had arrived, he began to give a speech.

Ying Ziyi had no interest in what Song Longzi said. The old man talked for three or four hours. Looking at the old man with white hair and blue clothes above, he touched his stomach and sighed, he was hungry.

"May I ask if this young master has any objections to what I said?" Song Longzi saw Ying Ziyi's appearance at this time, and he smiled and asked.

The young masters turned around, and everyone's eyes were now focused on Ying Ziyi.


Ying Ziyi was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and realized that he had become the center of attention.

He stood up and chuckled. "I think what Master just said is right."

Who knows what he just said, just nod.

"Then why does the young master shake his head and sigh?"

You're not done yet, are you? Ying Ziyi said angrily in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Ying Ziyi finally replied: "I sigh that Master's learning is useless!"

This is naked ridicule! These remarks caused a discussion on the spot.

Young Master Fusu stood up, bowed his hands to Matsu Takako and said, "My younger brother is innocent in his words. I hope you will understand."

Be polite, courteous and courteous. As expected of the eldest son of King Qin, the young master Fusu whom Ying Zheng regarded as his future heir. Song Takako secretly praised.

"Master Fusu is too modest."

Song Longzi no longer dwelled on Ying Ziyi's words and continued to speak. Ying Ziyi continued to wander in the world, but when he returned to the world of gods, he realized that the little Taoist boy next to the old man was staring at him with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

When the old man wasn't paying attention, Ying Ziyi stuck out his tongue and made a face at the little Taoist boy.

The little Taoist boy was shocked. He didn't expect the young master to be so helpless. He glanced at Ying Ziyi fiercely and then looked away.

"Eh? That little Taoist boy actually has a feminine charm between his delicate features. Is he a woman?" Ying Ziyi asked secretly.

Matsu Takako finished his speech.

Ying Ziyi touched his hungry belly and asked, "Is get out of class finally over?"

At this time, Fusu stood up and said, "What Master said is very mysterious. Fusu seems to understand but he doesn't understand. Please give me some advice."

"What's the problem, Master?" Matsu Takako was very pleased to face such a studious student.

.........Ying Ziyi was speechless and had to listen to Fusu's questions one by one.

Another hour passed, and all of Fu's questions were answered one by one by Matsu Takako. This lecture is finally over.

"Young Master, please stay." Just as all the young masters were getting up and leaving, Song Longzi suddenly called out to Ying Ziyi.

"Me?" Ying Ziyi pointed at himself.

"That's right!" Matsu Takako nodded.

What does this old man want from me?

After all the young masters were gone and only three people were left in the quiet room, Matsu Takako asked: "Why did the young master just say that what I said was useless learning?"

"So it's this!" Ying Ziyi's young body collapsed on the ground and said with a smile. "It's not the right time!"

"What do you mean?" Matsu Takako asked rather shamelessly.

"During the Warring States Period, the world tended to deceive power. Up to now, Han has destroyed Zhao Can. The six kingdoms of Guandong exist in name only. In less than ten years, Qin will definitely be able to annex the world. I am afraid that what you are saying now is too early to be dismissive of corvee service. "

"Oh? Ten years later, when the world is finally settled, shouldn't it be more important to lighten the corvee and stabilize the people's hearts?" Matsu Takako asked.

"Really? There are Xiongnu in the north and Baiyue in the south. Can the world really be stable?" Ying Ziyi asked.

Matsu Takako lowered his head and stroked his beard, lost in thought.

ha! Old man, be afraid! My brother has a history.

Someone stood up proudly, and under the strange gaze of the little Taoist boy, he turned around and left behind a young but majestic (someone thought) silhouette. “Sir’s strategy is too early!”


"whats the matter?"

Matsu Takako took out a piece of silk cloth from his sleeve. "Young Master, this is my Taoist method of nourishing Qi. Practicing it has many benefits, so I can repay you for helping me solve my doubts!"

Wow, what a martial arts secret!

Ying Ziyi trotted over and took it, looking through it, "What is this? I can't understand it at all?"

"Ah, most of what is written here is terminology. If you are not familiar with my Taoist classics, I am afraid it will be difficult to understand?" Matsu Takako smiled.

Then this is of no use! Ying Ziyi said with contempt in his heart.

"I will leave Xianyang soon. I'm afraid I won't have time to teach the young master the basics. Let's do this! I will leave my junior sister in Qin Palace for one year to assist the young master!"

"Where is your junior sister?" Ying Ziyi looked around, but couldn't find anyone who looked like junior sister Song Longzi in his mind.

"Xiaomeng, see you, young master!" Just when Ying Ziyi was at a loss, the little Taoist boy raised his delicate eyebrows, stood up, and saluted.


"That's what he said!"

A black shadow flashed past and disappeared in an instant. In the empty and lonely hall, sitting on the majestic throne, Ying Zheng seemed a little surprised after hearing the report from his shadow secret guard.

"There are Xiongnu in the north and Baiyue in the south! That's good, but our Great Qin's enemies don't stop there!"

"Your Majesty! Lord Moon God, please see me!"

Outside the hall, the waiter's voice sounded, and Ying Zheng came back from his thoughts.

"Are you from the Yin Yang family?" Ying Zheng murmured and said, "Pass!"

Standing tall and graceful, graceful and graceful. Although her face is covered with gauze, her peerless elegance cannot be concealed. The right guardian of the Yin Yang family, the Moon God, came slowly.

"Greetings to the King!"

"No need to be polite!" Ying Zheng was very polite to him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"What's the matter with Moon God's visit?"

"For the king's fourteenth prince."

"Zi Yi?"

"I have been doing horoscopes recently and found that your fourteenth prince has a strange fortune! Perhaps he is a person who is crucial to the king's great cause!"

"Is it?"

"But, maybe he is also the one who ruined the king's great cause." After a pause, Moon God said.

"Does His Excellency Donghuang have any suggestions?" King Qin Yingzheng didn't seem surprised by the somewhat threatening words of the Moon God.

"It's difficult to determine good or bad fortune, and the fate is uncertain. His Excellency Donghuang said that maybe he can teach the child."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Your Majesty?" Looking at Ying Zheng's smile, Yueshen was quite puzzled.

"You are late. Song Longzi just left his junior sister in the Qin Palace to teach Ziyi."

"Taoist...Tianzong!" Moon God said warily in his heart.


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