The mountains are surrounded by clouds and mist. The Yanshan Mountains were originally a natural barrier to protect the Yan Kingdom from harassment by Donghu and other foreign tribes. Except for a handful of Yan troops patrolling in the mountains, there were very few people around. Now, the state of Yan has been moved to Zuo, and all the land of thousands of miles, except Liaodong, is in the hands of Qin. It's just that the power of the Qin State has not yet extended here, but there are many rivers and lakes forces entrenched here.

"Hey, isn't this Hall Master Tian Meng? Has it been a smooth journey here?"

Thousands of people with thousands of faces, the Zhu family’s Sichuan opera masks showed joyful expressions, as if they were welcoming old friends.

But everyone knows that they can't deal with each other. Thinking that Tian Meng was released from the Qin military camp a few months ago, there is a lot of irony in this.

"Zhu family, you young **** are farting on me." Next to Tian Meng, the fiery second hall master Tian Hu cursed. He was still injured, but his voice was still as loud as ever.

"While our Lieshan Hall disciples are fighting there, where are your people? They just stay in the background and act like cowards."

"Hey, hey, what did the second master say? The Qin army's crossbow formation split mountains and seas. Although my Zhu family is a little bolder, we can't fill it with my brothers!"

The Zhu family's face turned red and purple for a while, and they looked timid and scared. In fact, there was only one core content: you stupid guys, I would be so stupid as you to jump into the trap set by others. What?

"You...!" Tian Hu was furious and was about to take action, but was stopped by Tian Meng.

"Xia Kui invited us here for what purpose?"

Tian Meng knew that the more entangled they were in this matter, the more face Lieshan Hall would lose. Let’s not talk about the fact that the disciples of Lieshan Hall were captured by the Qin army. After they were captured, they were sent back unharmed. At first, Tian Meng was worried that the farmers would suspect that they had some collusion with Ying Ziyi? But when he actually met the farmers, their reactions exceeded Tian Meng's expectations.

The prince of Qin, Ying Ziyi, led 100,000 Qin troops into formation at the Yishui River and defeated 400,000 Yan troops. After this battle, King Xi of Yan no longer had the strength to compete with Qin, so he could only flee to Liaodong with thousands of troops in disgrace and live to survive.

After this battle, Ying Ziyi became famous all over the world.

The most important thing is that his son's governance methods are also very clever, pacifying the refugees, destroying bandits, and recruiting the exiled nobles of the Yan Kingdom. In just two months, Yan State has returned to the orderly appearance it had before the war.

Farmers returned to their fields and were content with farming. Businessmen came and went in an endless stream from north to south. Soldiers patrolled the official roads and suppressed bandits in the mountains and forests without stopping. The King of Qin is planning to set up counties and counties in Yan, and the officials he has sent have come to Yan to manage them. From disputes between common people to the government affairs of a county, everything is now being handled in an orderly manner.

The pain of war needs time to heal, and the ruins also need people to clean and rebuild. During the battle of Yishui, almost every family in Yan State wore sackcloth and wore filial piety, and the people of Yan State's hatred for Qin State could not be increased. But two months passed, and the time of peace came. The people's hearts, which were initially suppressed by the Qin army's powerful military power, changed from turbulent to calm now. Even if there is still a turbulent undercurrent underneath, as time goes by, I'm afraid it won't be a problem.

Tian Meng was originally worried about colluding with the Qin army, but now it has become a matter of course for the other five people in the farmhouse. That seems to be saying: The reason why people let you go is because they don't take you seriously at all.

Tian Meng felt uncomfortable going from one extreme to the other, so he immediately changed the topic to avoid further embarrassment.

"The Commander-in-Chief has an order for us Six Hall Masters to gather here, probably for that matter."

The Zhu family's chubby face did not fluctuate, and the facial makeup no longer changed.

"Are you talking about the "Shen Nong's Classic of Hundred Herbs"?" Tian Meng's eyes widened and he said in great surprise.

"Yes!" Zhu Jia nodded and said extremely seriously. "Because of this matter, the people originally sent out to arrest Ying Ziyi have now withdrawn."


"Build a school in the land of Yan and invite local Confucian scholars who were proficient in Qin's seal script to teach. Regardless of poverty or poverty, interested scholars could enroll. It's interesting, it's really interesting."

In a rural teahouse in Zhuo County, Yandi, an old man with a fairy-like spirit and a clear spirit said while holding down his flowing beard while drinking the coarse tea in the teahouse.

"Uncle." Next to the old man, there was a middle-aged man with a goatee sitting next to him. His gestures were dignified and yet elegant.

"What's wrong? Fu Nian."

Xun Kuang and Fu Nian came from Qi State Songhai incognito this time. At first, they just wanted to see the excitement in the popular place of Yan State. Soon after, the situation suddenly changed. Yingzi defeated the Yan army and entered Jidu. In the blink of an eye, the Yan army was conquered. The forces from all sides have restrained themselves and are waiting and watching.

However, the subsequent development made Xunzi feel a little interesting. Ying Ziyi built a school in Yandi and planned to invite local Confucian scholars to teach.

Fu Nian shook his head, "That young master's idea is really a bit whimsical."

"What do you say?" Xunzi blew on the hot tea in the cup and took a sip.

"Regardless of whether you are high or low, let alone the children from poor families who are the important labor force in the family, how many of them can really go to school? Even if they can go to school, they have to study hard for ten years. The cost of writing letters alone is not something that ordinary people can afford. They can afford it, and after completing their studies, they will not have any advantage over those children from wealthy families. In this way, once this academy is built, I am afraid not many people will be able to go in and study."

"You are right to think so." Xunzi paused and asked, "But why does that young master emphasize that only Confucian scholars who are proficient in Qin's seal script will be recruited to teach?"

"What does Uncle Master mean?"

Xun Kuang touched his long, snow-white beard and said enigmatically: "I just feel that for us Confucians, a great opportunity is coming. If we cannot seize it, what awaits the Confucians may be destroy."


Ying Ziyi was very happy, life in Yandu was so comfortable. For a few months, my gentle and beautiful big sister drank, ate, and chatted with me every day. I really have a house and a field at home, and my life is full of joy. Who would have thought that Brother Zheng was arrogant and unreasonable. An edict arrived, asking him to go back to Xianyang and report.

In this way, Ying Ziyi took three thousand Qin soldiers and pushed more than ten carts of treasure back to Xianyang.

"Hey!" Under the moonlight, in the open space between the camps, Ying Ziyi was still sighing quietly.

"What's wrong, are you still missing your wonderful life?" Xiaomeng smiled, looking very happy.

"Hey!" Ying Ziyi turned his head, faced Xiaomeng, and said, "Can you marry me when you grow up?"

Because of Brother Zheng's letter, Ying Ziyi's harem plan went bankrupt, and he always wanted to find someone to make up for his pure heart.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xiaomeng turned her head away to prevent Ying Ziyi from seeing her face.

"I'm just kidding." Ying Ziyi laughed. Although it was fun to tease Xiaomeng, a little lolita, from time to time, he didn't have the consciousness to fight for a sacred profession like monsters.

"Let's go out for a walk!" Xiao Meng turned her head, looked at Ying Ziyi with her gray eyes, and said calmly.

"Okay!" Ying Ziyi followed Xiaomeng out without thinking. They walked under the moonlight, with a forest in front of them.

The sound of insects in the forest is endless, and under the moonlight, the forest is misty. After Xiaomeng entered the forest, she walked in a hurry, and Ying Ziyi hurriedly hurried to catch up with her.

"Huh, uh." Ying Ziyi complained, breathing heavily. "Why are you walking so fast?"

Xiaomeng's back was hidden in the mist, with fireflies surrounding her. The breeze blew by, causing the knee-length weeds to dance like waves, and Xiao Meng's large Taoist robe also fluttered in the wind, looking graceful and light.

"I gotta go."

Although Xiaomeng's voice was soft, Ying Ziyi could hear it. Maybe it’s because of Taoism’s unique mental method!

"Let's go, why?"

"The one-year period has come and I'm going back."

"One year, so fast." Ying Ziyi didn't have time to think about how much time had passed. In front of Xiaomeng, a man and a woman, two Tianzong disciples wearing Taoist robes, appeared.

"Uncle Master!" Ying Ziyi vaguely heard what they called Xiao Meng, and it seemed that he was here to take Xiao Meng back.

Xiaomeng turned around and smiled at Ying Ziyi, "Ying Ziyi, we will meet again in ten years."

Xiaomeng's figure has become farther and farther away. Ying Ziyi wanted to catch up, but he couldn't catch up with Xiaomeng's movement. Finally, he watched Xiaomeng disappear into the depths of the vast forest.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the host, Daqin's talent training plan has been completed. The target is Xiaomeng, and the favorability is max."

Just when Ying Ziyi was panting, a long-lost voice sounded in his ears.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you Qianyan Xixue for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to the civet cat for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~

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