When Zhao Gao was carefully stroking a piece of his beloved jade in his hand, his men, the dead men in the net, were reporting the latest information in his mansion.

All the information about Ying Ziyi.

"The Fourteenth Young Master Ying Ziyi built Wuche City on the border of Longxi. In February, 800 Hu people returned. In March, a trading company called Linglong Chamber of Commerce opened in Xianyang City. Our people suspected that it was related to the Fourteenth Young Master. related."

"Linglong Trading Company?" Zhao Gao's insidious voice sounded. He put down the jade in his hand and picked up the wine bottle on the desk. Inside, there was a blood-red drink. Zhao Gao did not drink it, but asked his subordinates: "Have the net penetrated it?"

The dead soldier who was kneeling on the ground lowered his head and said: "Their management method is very strict, and it is difficult for our people to sneak in. Even if two or three people sneak in, they will disappear without any reason in the end."

"Interesting, interesting." Zhao Gao took a sip, as if he was enjoying the wonderful taste in the wine bottle. "How does this trading company run?"

"In the past two months, they have purchased a large amount of Shu brocade, silk, ironware, bronze mirrors and other items."

"Oh? Since it's so dark, has anyone come to reveal it? Have any of our people under Pinghuai Ling come to investigate?"

"Our people went there and found out some problems, but they were suppressed by the people above."


"They are from the Wang family." The subordinate replied honestly.

Wang family? Which Wang family? Of course they are the clansmen of Wang Jian, the greatest general in the Qin Dynasty today.

"It's strange, it's strange. What kind of ability does Ying Ziyi have? He can actually persuade the Wang Jian family to help him." Zhao Gao drank the wine in the bottle, but his face was full of doubts.

You must know that the Wang Jian clan has outstanding achievements. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the number one generals in the Qin Kingdom. Even the Mengwu clan is slightly inferior compared to them.

With the talents of King Qin Yingzheng, he could naturally accommodate people like Wang Jian. But it was impossible for Ying Zheng not to be afraid of him at all. After all, there was the example of Lord Wu'an Bai Qi before him. Wang Jian governed his family rigorously, never openly interfered in government affairs, and remained neutral among the princes.

Although the Pinghuai order in Xianyang was named Wang, Wang Jian always strictly controlled him, allowing him to enforce the law fairly and avoid imposing the truth on the facts. This time, he openly interfered. Without Wang Jian's approval, Zhao Gao would not believe it. This has violated Wang Jian's consistent principles.

"Where are they while they are transporting the goods along the way?" Zhao Gao's meaning is very clear. If you can't attack them in Xianyang City, then you can attack them while they are escorting the goods.

"No, my subordinates have already sent two groups of people to rob and kill their caravans, but they have failed."

"why is that?"

"Their caravans often follow the army and are escorted to remote places. We checked and found that these escorts are private soldiers of the Meng family and the Li family."

"Are these rough guys crazy? Are they blatantly helping Ying Ziyi like this?" After Zhao Gao said this, he became overjoyed. He understood that Ying Zheng could also know things that could be discovered through a net. In this case, Ying Zheng's reaction is worthy of discussion. As a king, he is very taboo about internal and external communication. He didn't know why the gangsters in charge of the soldiers went crazy, but he might not be able to use this matter to his advantage.

Zhao Gao is a man who is good at conspiracy. He understands that if you want to destroy an intact artifact, you must start from the cracks bit by bit. This is true even between flesh and blood. What's more, things like father and son killing each other are not uncommon in the emperor's family.

"Order of the Zhongche Mansion, does the king want you to go to the palace?"

The subordinates reported, Zhao Gao was also surprised, is there something urgent? The CRRC Mansion Order is in charge of seals, and all documents must be stamped by his men before they can be issued. He has a humble but powerful position.

When Zhao Gao came to the palace of King Qin, there were already people waiting in the palace, so he was late.

Li Si, Feng Quji, and other civil servants, Wang Jian, Meng Wu and other generals, Fusu, Changping Jun and other clan officials were all on the left and right.

Between the palace rooms, there is a black horse with a thin head, a tall neck, and slender limbs, and two people leading the horse.

Zhao Gao walked to his seat and leaned over to apologize. Ying Zheng waved his hand to indicate that nothing happened, and quickly turned his attention to the black horse in front of him.

"So, this horse was tamed by Ying Ziyi near Wuchecheng?" Ying Zheng asked a young man with red lips and white teeth next to the black horse.

That young man was Li Ergou. On Ying Ziyi's order, he presented the BMW that Fatty Jin had brought back from Dawan to the King of Qin. Ying Ziyi got this horse three months ago, but Fatty Weiyin wanted to deceive others during the transportation process and made the horse thin and long-haired. Naturally, it could not be presented to the King of Qin in this way. Fortunately, among the eight hundred barbarians, there were many experts in raising horses. After raising it for three months, the bloody horse returned to its original glory.

"Young master got this horse near Wuchecheng. It can travel thousands of miles in a day and eight hundred at night. When the horse runs, it sweats like blood, which is quite strange. The young master is so surprised that he specially orders a villain to donate it to Your Majesty." Li Ergou spoke eloquently.

The hall was silent.

"A journey of a thousand miles in a day, a journey of eight hundred in a night." Zhao Gao bowed to the side and murmured these words softly, looking at their meaning.

"What do you think about this matter?" Ying Zheng asked his men to discuss this matter. What they were discussing was naturally the reward for Ying Ziyi.

"I think that the young master's gift of the BMW is indeed a sign of filial piety and deserves a heavy reward." The first one to step out was Wang Jian, who was usually low-key. Afterwards, Meng Wu, Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin and other generals also came out one by one and expressed their agreement.

Li Si, Feng Quji and other civil servants stood aside and did not express their opinions. Young Master Fusu was just about to leave the train when he was held back by Lord Changping beside him.

"I heard that Ying Ziyi ordered a total of eight horses to be brought into the royal capital this time, and the remaining seven were given to you." Brother Zheng said softly, as if he was talking about an insignificant thing.

The so-called you, of course, refer to the famous generals of Qin who are kneeling on the ground to plead for Ying Ziyi.

Zhao Gao finally understood why the Wang family, the Meng family, the Li family, and most of the military families in Qin were helping Ying Ziyi? Because of seven horses. Zhao Gao was disdainful, just for seven horses, these rough guys would do something that is taboo for Yingzheng prisoners?

Zhao Gao was not a soldier, so he naturally would not understand the value of a good horse to generals. Generals of the rank of Wang Jian and Meng Wu have no shortage of gold, silver, wealth, beauty, and fame. If you want to bribe them, you can only bribe them according to their preferences. In the age of cold weapons, what is the most important thing for a warrior? war horse. The love for horses is a common characteristic of today's Qin generals.

Ying Ziyi's remaining Wusun horses can travel five or six hundred miles a day. Although it is not as good as the bloody horse in the palace, it is still the only good horse in the world that is hard to find.

"The Fourteenth Young Master is very public-spirited and deserves to be commended by the king." Seeing that all the generals below him were silent, Li Ergou said at this time. In fact, no matter what the generals say now, it is wrong. Only Li Ergou, who is an outsider, can save them. This is also the purpose of Ying Ziyi sending him.

"Oh?" Ying Zheng became interested when a little horse boy dared to rescue the generals in the main hall.

"The villain followed the Fourteenth Young Master to build a five-car city, but the population was short of food, grass, and money. The Young Master accidentally got those eight good horses, and originally wanted to sell them all to relieve the pain of lack of funds. However, the Young Master later thought that Da Qin was going to destroy the Six Kingdoms. The country is advancing into the Central Plains. How can we do it without good horses? Therefore, these eight horses are presented to the king and the generals in the palace. The prince once said that all the generals in the palace are the pillars of the Qin Dynasty, and the king is an unprecedented king in the ages. Matching a holy king and a famous general with a BMW is like matching a hero with a beautiful woman, which brings happiness in the world."

Silence, silence that could be heard as a pindrop. After Li Ergou finished speaking, His Highness and his ministers were all waiting for King Qin's opinion. To be honest, this flattery... they didn't know if it was good or not.

"Okay!" Ying Zheng looked happy and said with a smile, "What a joy in the world!"

Everyone was surprised that the usually stern King Qin actually smiled. It seemed that the flattery was in the right place. But Fusu, at this moment, tightened his sleeves because he suddenly discovered that no matter what efforts he made, his father never smiled at him.

"According to the decree, Ying Ziyi has meritorious service by offering a horse, and is granted the title of Lord of Anxi. The fiefdom is from the west of Wuchecheng, and he can take it by himself. I will take my three thousand soldiers and horses, and some food and grass. I will move another 20,000 people to garrison in his fiefdom."

"This... this is too... too much!" Not all the ministers murmured to themselves.

The ministers in the palace who had agreed to exile Ying Ziyi were silent at this moment. Chang Pingjun lowered his eyelids and looked gloomy. Zhao Gao's heart was in turmoil, and his hands in the wide-sleeved robe tightly grasped the shirt inside.

They understood that what Ying Zheng did was to give everyone present a warning.

Who is the king of Great Qin! Who is the master of this world! Don't think that you can deceive him by making some small moves under him!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks for chatting and a big tip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Qianyan Xixue Da Da, Asking the Peak to Climb the Forest Da Da Da, Light Blue Silence Da Da Da, and Dongfang Shi Ye Da Da Da for the reward~~~~~~~~~~

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