The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 32 Whispers of Wind, Thunder and Fire

Sheng Qi was carrying the giant tower on his back, hiding on a raised boulder outside Wucheh City. Looking at the bustling Wucheng in the distance. The originally built Wucheng City has now become an inner city. Outside the inner city wall, dozens of houses were sparsely built along the original moat. More than 20,000 immigrants worked hard, and the three-foot-high city wall expanded in size along the original inner city wall. It was square and had an outline. In the wilderness west of Wuchecheng, a large area of ​​fertile farmland has been cultivated. On the grassland on the right, there are groups of cattle and sheep. War horses galloped around the city. Three thousand Qin troops were training in the military camp south of the city. There were also a few cavalry patrolling around, shouldering the heavy responsibility of patrolling.

"Maybe Liu Bang is right, Xia Kui was too hasty." Sheng Qi murmured to himself.

The dark power of the Qin State is very powerful. It took a lot of effort for Sheng Qi to get here, and there was also an element of luck in it. When he came here, he discovered that there was an error in the intelligence. There are now three thousand Qin soldiers beside Ying Ziyi. If he breaks through forcefully, he may be more likely to alert the enemy.

As for Ying Ziyi, Sheng Qi didn't have much hatred for him. Even if he was driven by Ying Ziyi and was eventually imprisoned in Yan State's prison, it was the same.

For Shengqi, there are only a few things in this world that he cares about, including opponents who have defeated him before, such as Gai Nie, or things that can threaten his life, and his relatives. For Ying Ziyi, Shengqi regards dealing with him more as a task. Regardless of victory or defeat, there is nothing to worry about.

After looking around, Shengqi finally decided to hide temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

Little does he know that there is a top expert outside the city watching him, and Ying Ziyi is in the main building he built.

"Er Gou! Is this fool Black Bear staring at Gongsun Linglong again?"

"Yes, Young Master. It's just that Mr. Gongsun turned around and ran away when he saw the black bear. He also said that after arranging the children of the famous family, she would be ready to leave Wuchecheng and go to Guanzhong in a few days."

"The person who can chase Gongsun Linglong and escape, Black Bear can be considered a talent." This is a sad story, but Ying Ziyi still couldn't help but laugh.

Touch porcelain!

"What's the sound?" Ying Ziyi asked.

Li Ergou went to the kitchen behind the hall to take a look, and came back to report: "Young master, he is a guard working in the kitchen. He accidentally dropped the wine bottle on the ground."

"Hey, these gangsters, it's okay to let them go into battle to kill the enemy, but it's not okay to let them do delicate work." Ying Ziyi sighed and thought for a while, "How about we recruit some maids!"

"Sir, I will order people to go to Guanzhong to find ordinary sons from good families."

"Is it too late? Otherwise, just recruit from immigrants outside the city!"

"Isn't this too risky?" Li Ergou said hesitantly. After all, those people lost their land and homes because of Qin's war with other countries. In theory, they should hate Qin. And as the prince of Qin, how could Ying Ziyi avoid their hatred?

"Nothing." Ying Ziyi waved his hand, "Post a notice outside the city to recruit some maids."

"Yes, my subordinate will do it now."

The poster was posted for several days. To Ying Ziyi's expectation, there were many enthusiastic people among the 20,000 immigrants. After many layers of screening, there were still three people left in front of Ying Ziyi.

These three women are very young. The oldest one is only thirteen or four years old, and the youngest one is only eight or nine years old.

Ying Ziyi let them take a bath in the bathroom on the second floor. After washing off the dust all over his body and putting on clean and well-fitting clothes, what appeared in front of Ying Ziyi were three delicate girls with firm and fair skin, like dolls.

Ying Ziyi's eyes lit up and he asked, "What are your names?"

"My name is Xiaohe!"

"My name is Xiaohu!"

"My name is Xiaodie!"

From oldest to youngest, the three girls introduced themselves one by one. At this time, a deceptive system sound sounded in Ying Ziyi's ears.

"Dong! Congratulations to the original poster! The side mission 'Phantom Sound' has started."

The conditions for completing the mission are Fenghe's allegiance, and the current loyalty is 0. (undone)

Mission completion condition 2: Thunder Fox’s allegiance, current loyalty is 0. (undone)

Mission completion condition: Three Fire Butterfly's allegiance, current loyalty is 0. (undone)

Mission completion reward: Obtain the title 'Mirage Lord'.

Feng He, Thunder Fox, and Fire Butterfly should be the three girls in front of me.

Ying Ziyi began to look at them again, and observed from the character level detection system that these three girls were all masters, but they all had a layer of hidden attributes. If observed by outsiders, they are just three ordinary people.

Although he is young, he is already an expert. With their skills, why did they have to mix with a group of prisoners of war and go to this wilderness in the northwest? Ying Ziyi is still not sure why they are approaching him.

However, with three little beauties in front of you, it’s not a waste of time.

"Very good!" Ying Ziyi nodded, "From now on, you three will be my maids."

The three girls looked at each other and said, "This slave is at your service, Master."

"Then you know what you have to do as a maid?"

The three girls all shook their heads. They used to be in the Palace of Wei, where they studied techniques, techniques, spells, laws, laws and martial arts. The maids usually take care of everything, so they don't need to worry about anything.

"Of course it's making the bed and folding the quilt, doing laundry and cooking, as well as warming the bed and beating my back!"

"Okay, you guys try it now! Xiaohe, you beat my legs for me. Xiaohu, you massage my left shoulder. Xiaodie, you beat my right shoulder."

After saying that, Ying Ziyi closed his legs, stretched out his hands, and lay half on the large bed.

Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie looked at each other and reluctantly walked to Ying Ziyi's side. Following his instructions, she began to pinch her master's back and beat her legs like a little maid.

"Ah! Xiao He, it's a bit light. Ah! Xiao Fox, it's a bit heavy. Ah! Xiao Die, it's just right."

Just as Ying Ziyi was enjoying the luxurious life of the decadent feudal landlord class that exploited the working people with a sinful mood, a loud howl interrupted Ying Ziyi's thoughts.

The black bear walked into the hall of the main building, startling the three beautiful girls. I saw the black bear crying and saying: "Master, I am lovelorn!"

Unexpected and reasonable.

"What's wrong with you?" Ying Ziyi was in the gentle countryside, and he really didn't want to talk to Black Bear, a great guy.

"Mr. Gongsun left, and she said she would never come back." At this time, Black Bear pushed away Xiaohe who was beating Ying Ziyi's legs, and lay on Ying Ziyi's legs, feeling painful.

Ying Ziyi looked with some distress at Xiaohe who was forced to retreat three or four meters away by the rough man Black Bear, who was barely able to stand still, and secretly thought that this Black Bear was not sympathetic at all.

"Master, my Black Bear's heart hurts so much, it hurts so much!" Black Bear cried while pressing Ying Ziyi's legs.

"Yes! I know." Ying Ziyi felt that his legs were numb, and said helplessly: "My legs hurt too!"

The three girls laughed unconsciously as they looked at the strange but relaxed and harmonious scene performed by the master and servant in front of them.

Maybe! What my mother-in-law said is true. The young man in front of them can really change their destiny!

ps. Thanks for your comments. It’s just that this week’s essence has been used up and I can’t add more.

ps2. Second update, please recommend and collect

~~~~~~~~~Thank you, okay, I got a big shot, Xingchen/Duan Xialuo gave me a big reward~~~~~~~~~

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