In the land of Hetao, east of Helan Mountain and south of the Yellow River, on the vast alluvial plain, there are camps like pearls, herds of cattle and sheep, and war horses neighing. The future Fuping County of the Qin Dynasty is still occupied by the Xiongnu. The Huns have never been a hospitable nation, but on this day they had guests.

The Xiongnu lived as nomads, with cattle and sheep on the grassland, war horses and strong bows. Relying on their strong bows and horses, they have been going south to harass and plunder the Chinese people whose economy is based on farming for hundreds of years.

The Xiongnu had never been a country with centralized royal power like the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, but an organization similar to a tribal alliance.

In the past, General Li Mu of the State of Zhao defeated the Hu coalition forces at Yanmen, killing more than 100,000 of their troops. After this battle, the Xiongnu and Donghu were greatly weakened, and the Hu people did not dare to go south to herd horses for more than ten years.

Later Qin general Wang Jian set up a estrangement plan, and the king of Zhao fell into the trap and killed Li Mu unjustly. Li Mu died and the Zhao country was destroyed. Taking advantage of the gap between Qin and the six kingdoms, the Xiongnu seized the opportunity and restored some territory to the south over the years. However, for nomads like the Xiongnu, the breadth of the land is not the most important. The strength of a Xiongnu tribe is measured by the number of people and horses under it.

During the Xiongnu's march south. Touman, the leader of the Xiongnu tribe, stood out from all the tribes. Over the years, he gradually annexed various Xiongnu tribes, gathered the cattle and sheep people of each tribe, and concentrated the warriors of each Xiongnu tribe under his banner.

And he was called Chanyu, Touman Chanyu by the people of the Xiongnu tribe. Since his beginning, the Huns were no longer the loose tribal alliance they once were, but a unified slave country.

However, the unified Huns were still weak Huns. At present, it has the powerful Donghu to the east and the powerful Dayuezhi to the west. There are many small tribes in the north. To the south is Da Qin, which has a mighty army.

In Touman's royal tent, Touman Shanyu, who was in his prime at this time, was discussing tribal affairs in the tent. He had just put down a civil strife and was worried about the loss of cattle, sheep and horses.

"My Xiongnu warriors suffered little loss in this battle, but the damaged weapons, tents, and thousands of horses killed in the battle. The dead cattle and sheep were rotten because they were not salted enough. We are now There is not enough food to survive this current crisis."

Touman Shanyu's meaning was very clear. They were going to do their old job again.

Among Touman's men, an old man came out. He was an old shaman among the Huns and had a respected status. The old shaman said worriedly: "Chanyu, we have just experienced a war now. Isn't it too early to start a war with the forces from the east, west, south and south? Although there are many tribes in the north, most of them are huddled in the ice and snow. We forcefully I’m afraid the gains outweigh the losses in the northern expedition.”

Touman also understood the predicament at this time. The Xiongnu was originally a hungry wolf, but now the wolf could not find a place to bite. The forces around him are all too strong. The only one in the north that is not strong is that there is not much oil and water.

At this time, there was a loud noise outside the tent.

Touman was thinking hard about countermeasures when he heard the noise outside the tent and shouted: "What happened? Why is it so noisy?"

A subordinate came in from outside the tent and said, "Inform Chanyu, a caravan of Nanmanzi came from the tribe and brought many items. Including rouge, jewelry, furs, and horses. Mr. Yan took his ladies there. Picked.”

"Horses?" Touman Shanyu asked in confusion, "When will it be Nanmanzi's turn to sell horses to us? Let's go out and take a look."

Touman led his men out of the big tent. On the open grassland not far from the king's tent, two carriages were parked at this time. A businessman and four or five men were selling various exquisite jewelry to his women.

However, these are not the reasons that attract Touman's attention. What really surprised him was that there was a strong horse neighing between the two cars.

As a Chanyu of the Xiongnu, Touman naturally knew horses, and he was immediately attracted by this horse.

Touman came closer to watch, and his wives and concubines moved out of the way. Touman's eyes sparkled, and he stroked the horse's smooth hair with his rough hands, as if he were cherishing a woman's white body, and said fondly: "What a horse, what a horse!"

But he immediately felt something was wrong, and said to the businessman with a flattering smile on his face: "This horse is very different from the horses on the grassland, and it should not be a horse produced in your southern barbarian region. Where did you get it?"

The businessman flattered him and said, "Shanyu Shishi is really extraordinary. This horse comes from Wuchecheng."

"Wuchecheng? Although I don't know much about you Nanman tribes, when did this Wuchucheng appear?"

"Haha!" The businessman smiled and said, "Wuchecheng was built on the border of Longxi by the 14th prince of the Qin Dynasty, Anxijun Ying Ziyi, who led 3,000 soldiers and more than 20,000 immigrants. After he built the city , and reached a trade agreement with the Yueshi in the west. This horse was brought back from the Western Regions by his caravan. Later, it fell into the hands of villains. "

"What is the scale of trade?"

"The carriages and horses are like dragons. Every month, more than a dozen caravans pass through Wucheng City heading to the Western Regions."

"So, this Ying Ziyi is also an amazing person. How old is he this year?"

"Seven years old!"

"Ah?" Touman thought he had misunderstood. After he confirmed with the businessman again, he learned that the so-called Anxi-kun was really only seven years old.

At this moment, Touman unconsciously felt a sense of greed in his heart. Seven-year-old children, a population of more than 20,000, and countless caravan belongings.


"What's wrong?" Touman came back to his senses and realized that the businessman was staring at him.

"This horse..." the businessman asked softly.

"I bought this horse. I'll go get the gold with my minister later!" Touman laughed, feeling happy, and turned back to the big tent.

It's just that Touman didn't notice that when he turned around, the merchant's lowered head and the original flattering face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a sinister sneer.

At night, Touman was waiting anxiously in the shaman's tent. The old shaman was dancing calmly around the altar.

The moonlight slanted down from the ventilation hole left at the top of the big tent, shining on the still water of the groove in the center of the altar. When the moon in the water was almost full, the old shaman stopped his movements and knelt down, with an unparalleled look of piety on his face, praying for something.

There is already a full moon in the water. The old shaman's body shone with a layer of green light, and in a blink of an eye he fell into the pure water and disappeared. The old shaman seemed to have exhausted all his strength and collapsed to the ground.

Touman hurriedly stepped forward to support him and asked, "What was the result?"

I saw that the old Sa's face was full of fear, and his wrinkled face was bent and out of shape. He grabbed Touman's hand tightly and said in a weak voice: "Chanyu, you... you can't... absolutely can't mess with that southerner, he... he is an evil ghost from hell. Provoking him will cause boundless disasters. The decline of our great Huns will be inevitable, and may even lead to overthrow."

Touman frowned. This was the first time he saw the old shaman like this. "In this case, I should destroy him even more. While he is still a child!"

Touman said firmly. He stood up and told the attendants beside him: "You should take good care of the old shaman. I have to discuss the specific matters of this operation."


"Chanyu...Chanyu...!" In the big tent, the only voice left was the almost pleading voice of the old shaman.


Classmate Ying Ziyi, who was called an evil ghost, had no idea that the Huns tribe thousands of miles away had already targeted him.

He was currently standing on the newly built city wall of Wuchecheng, testing the newly built ballistae of Gong Shuyi.

"Release another wild deer." Ying Ziyi waved his hand, and the guards under the city wall released a newly captured wild deer from the cage. The wild deer got free and flew out with all its strength.

"Load the crossbow arrows!" Ying Ziyi commanded, and his men loaded the newly built crossbow arrows onto the rack. The crossbow arrow is one meter long, and the arrowhead is wrapped in iron, making it look quite sharp.


With a bang, the bowstring of the ballista broke.

Ying Ziyi frowned. The power and range of this ballista were good, but it was too impatient. It only broke after more than twenty test firings.

"Mr. Gongshu, is there any way to increase the service life of this crossbow?"

Gong Shuyi had been accompanying Ying Ziyi on test firings since the morning, and it was already afternoon. Facing the tireless Ying Ziyi, who was as excited as a child getting a new toy, he smiled bitterly and said: "Master Qi, according to my subordinates' knowledge, there should be a ferocious beast nearby called the black-spotted tiger. They The tendon flexibility and toughness are quite good, making it an excellent material for making crossbows. It should be able to extend the life of the crossbow."

"Black-spotted tiger?"

~~~~~~Thank you to whoever is sleeping with you tonight, Jinao Little Angel, Xingluo Infinity, Wenfeng Climbing Lin, and ywueric for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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