"Isn't the terrain really good here?"

It was raining in the sky, but not very hard. It hit Ying Ziyi and Yigan's men. Under the halo of light from the sky, everyone seemed to be wearing a thin gauze dress in the haze. They stood on the cliff, overlooking the scenery below. Surrounding them, a dozen disciples of Gongshujia, led by Gongshuyi, were preparing the necessary site tests for installing the ballista.

The terrain here is very good, and it is very close to the black-spotted tiger's lair. It is narrow on both sides and large in the middle. There are sharp cliffs on both sides of the road. As long as the black-spotted tigers are introduced here and the passages on both sides are blocked by falling rocks, the black-spotted tigers can be trapped to death.

But the question is, who will attract this den of black-spotted tigers?

"How about my subordinates give it a try!" Li Ergou asked after knowing Ying Ziyi's worries.

Ying Ziyi shook his head, "Ergou, your martial arts have improved recently, but it is too risky to do this."

"But... Young Master?"

Ying Ziyi waved his hand and thought to himself that it would be great if Gai Nie was by his side. It would be safest to leave this matter to him.

Touch, sound.

Ying Ziyi turned around and saw that on the edge of the cliff, several personal guards who were on guard were all knocked to the ground. Shengqi was walking towards him step by step with Juque on his back.

"Who is it?" Li Ergou drew out his saber and placed it in front of Ying Ziyi.

"Er Gou, step back." Ying Ziyi said softly and walked in front of Li Er Gou.

Ying Ziyi was overjoyed and secretly thought that he would get whatever he wanted.

Sheng Qi was not in a hurry. The current situation was clear and Ying Ziyi had no power to fight back.

"Why did you come here? To catch me or to kill me." Ying Ziyi said with a smile, not caring at all.

Seeing Ying Ziyi's appearance, Sheng Qi was a little confused, "You have entered a desperate situation. Now it is easy for me to take your life. Aren't you afraid?"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Ying Ziyi said.

"Why?" Shengqi asked.

"There is no murderous intent in you." Ying Ziyi walked up to him and looked directly into Sheng Qi's fierce eyes. "There is ambition in your eyes, which is the reluctance of the strong."

"Keep talking." Shengqi stood there, his huge figure not wavering at all.

Ying Ziyi walked around behind Sheng Qi and continued: "Juque is known as the supreme king in the world. However, for more than a hundred years, no one has been able to bring its power to its peak. His name is unknown and he falls outside the two hundred names in the sword manual. Although you have brought it to the eleventh place in the sword manual, you should also know that that is already your limit. Of course, this has nothing to do with you. It is with the peasant family who has one hundred thousand disciples and is known as the number one in the world. Big organizations can no longer provide you with a bigger stage."

Ying Ziyi smiled and walked around to Sheng Qi again, "This is a world of swords and death. As a strong person in this world, you should have understood a long time ago that you have no other choice but to become stronger. . And I am the one who will provide you with this stage."

"Why should I believe you, a six or seven-year-old child?" Shengqi said.

"My existence does make many people sleepless and sleepless. Otherwise, Lord Changping wouldn't be so anxious to get rid of me. You wouldn't appear here either."

"You know everything?"

"Changping Jun assisted two generations of ancestors, but his glory was always overshadowed by others. He built the Zhengguo Canal, broke up the alliance of various countries, and destroyed the Eastern Zhou Dynasty... Lu Buwei was overwhelmed by his literary and military skills. He was eager to realize his own ambitions. Value, dormant for many years, finally waited until Lu Buwei was deposed and died, but he did not expect that the obedient child on the throne had grown into a being that frightened him. A villain would only place his hope on conspiracy and conspiracy. Instead of appreciating the general trend of the world. He didn't understand why Lu Xiang didn't rebel against Qin at first, and would rather die under an imperial edict. Was it because Lu Xiang didn't have this ability? Or did Lu Xiang think he was inferior to Changping Jun who was assisting Qin at that time? Neither, It’s because the world has been in turmoil for a long time, and it’s time to unify. Lord Changping never understands, so he always insists on going his own way, towards Qin Mu Chu. He wants to get rid of me, not only for the sake of the Chu Kingdom, but also for the sake of those who have the royal blood of the Chu Kingdom. Young Master Fusu. Is such a person worthy of your service?" Ying Ziyi said nonchalantly, sentence by sentence. The content of the words was enough to stir up a storm, whether it was Qin or other countries.

"These are not enough to convince me to surrender to you and betray the peasant family."

"Then let me put it this way, would your only brother's whereabouts interest you?" Ying Ziyi said with a smile.

"Do you know his whereabouts?" Shengqi's tone finally softened, although he remained motionless with no expression on his face.

"What would you do if I said he was dead, killed by Da Qin's snare, or killed by Zhao Gao?" Ying Ziyi would not let anyone throw dirty water on Zhao Gao. of opportunity.

"Huh?" Sheng Qi's expression changed instantly, becoming fierce and murderous. A pair of bloodshot eyes stared at the smiling Ying Ziyi, and he was angered.

Juque swung out without hesitation. The sword, which seemed huge and bulky to ordinary people, was extremely flexible in Shengqi's hands, as if a giant was swinging a child's toy, with ease.

"Murderous, young master, be careful!" Li Ergou shouted.

Ying Ziyi was so close, his young figure looked so thin in the wind and rain, as if the next moment he would be shot into a pie by the huge giant.

In an instant, Li Ergou's heart was on fire and his eyes were about to burst. But what happened next made him open his mouth wide, as if he had swallowed an apple in surprise.

Shengqi swung his sword and made no further moves. Ying Ziyi, who was expected to be killed by his sword, was now in a nimble posture, with his toes tapping lightly on the sword of his huge sword, with a smile still on his face.

"I didn't expect that you are so skilled at such a young age, and you actually managed to hide it from everyone,"

"With your skills, I certainly can't beat you. But with a thousand of my elite soldiers nearby, you definitely can't catch me." Ying Ziyi said with a smile.

Sheng Qi put away the giant tower, and Ying Ziyi fell in front of him again. Looking at Ying Ziyi, Sheng Qi felt for the first time that this six or seven-year-old child had unknowingly become an opponent that he had to face up to. What about the future? How terrible will this young man in front of me grow to be?

"My brother?" Sheng Qi had already calmed down and asked in a gentle tone.

"Ah! What I just said was nonsense. I don't know his whereabouts. But if you are willing to be loyal to me, I will find his whereabouts." Ying Ziyi said nonchalantly.

Sheng Qi has never been a man who is indecisive, and he has seen the changes in Wuchecheng in the past few months. Ying Ziyi's words had already tempted him. He leaned down and worshiped, and said, "I see you, Sir."

"Get up!" Ying Ziyi walked to the cliff again. At this moment, he felt secretly happy, but he still pretended to be angry. Sheng Qi said nothing and followed closely beside Ying Ziyi.

"It's going to be sunny, Shengqi, I need you to do a task."

Sheng Qi glanced at Ying Ziyi and said, "I have no objections to my subordinates."

ps. Please recommend and collect

~~~Thank you geng13 for the big reward~~~

~~I would like to thank Feng Denglin for a big reward~~

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