Qin Palace.

In front of the palace gate, the tiger and the ben stand guard.

A man in green clothes with a long sword on his back suddenly walked over.

The Su Wei on duty had already noticed the man dressed as a ranger, and when he saw him coming, he stopped him from a distance.

"Who are you? You dare to break into the Forbidden Palace!"? Before the guard could finish speaking, the man had already pulled out the long sword behind him and slashed him to death.

"Your grandfather Jing Tianming!"

Jing Tianming's sword was so fierce that for a moment, the guards in front of the palace gate were stunned.

It was not that they had never encountered an assassin who wanted to break into the Qin Palace and assassinate Wang Jia, but this was the first time they had seen such a bold and ruthless assassin.

Soon, the guard guarding the gate reacted. As the trumpet sounded, a large group of people poured out from the palace gate, trying to surround Jing Tianming.

However, Jing Tianming was so fast that he escaped from the encirclement and broke into the palace gate before the guards of the Qin Palace could form a surround.

Seeing the figure rushing into the palace gate, the gatekeeper, Zhonglang General, was shocked. He touched his forehead and said, "Quick, stop him!"

There has never been an assassin who can be like the person in front of him. This is the first time that the guard Zhonglang has seen such an unscrupulous assassin. He is so unscrupulous that he does not even take them, the guards of the Qin Palace, in his eyes.

Behind the palace gate, the corridor was narrow and long. Guards in full armor and shields stood in front of Jing Tianming one by one.

The iron armor is falling, the cloud forest is full of swords, and the formation is so tight that there is not even a single gap.

This is the strongest city wall. Facing this heavy military formation, no ordinary master can break through it.

However, Jing Tianming is different. With the power of Canglong Qisu, his momentum has surpassed the limits of mortals.

Although Jing Tianming wields ordinary iron, he is like a magic weapon. Before the sword is used, the sword intention is strong, and the sword energy cuts through the heavy armor and shield as easily as tearing a piece of paper.

Countless howls arose, facing the monster in front of him, whose power was already the strongest in the world in a sense. This group of hard-lined Imperial Guards was powerless to fight back.

This long distance can only hinder, but cannot stop Jing Tianming's pace at all.

The masters of Qin Palace lined up on both sides of the corridor, looking down at the fighting scene below.

"Awesome! No swordsman has ever been able to do this to such an extent!"

Both the Six Sword Slaves, Jing Ni and Xuan Jian were all amazed by Jing Tianming's sword skills and the vigorous sword power. As sword slaves, the long-lost fighting spirit buried deep in their hearts awakened.

What a swordsman pursues. Their intuition told them that the people below could give them an answer.

After crossing the long corridor, Jing Tianming's path did not become smoother. On the contrary, this was only the first step.

Six Sword Slaves, Jing Ni and Xuan Jian stopped in front of Jing Tianming.

When the ancient sword was unsheathed, the cold light and killing intent that even Jing Tianming did not dare to ignore for a while.

Jing Tianming is only a mortal, but the power he possesses is not something a mortal can easily control. Every time he uses it, he consumes a portion of his body's energy.

Therefore, wanting to use this power is a huge burden for Jing Tianming. In other words, Jing Tianming does not have extra time to struggle with the masters of Qin Palace. He must before his body is dragged down. Find Ying Ziyi! Then, kill him!

"Get out of your way!"

Jing Tianming pointed his sword at a group of masters from Qin Palace and threatened: "Today, I am here to settle accounts with Ying Ziyi. Don't ask for your own death."

However, the only response he received was Zhen Gang's fierce blow. The huge ancient sword fell to the ground, and a deep crack appeared on the thick stone bricks in front of the palace.

Jing Tianming quietly took two steps back and dodged the blow. ?The soul-turning and soul-destroying two-pronged attack, Chaos Shen, and the sprites pursued from behind, with Duanshui assisting from the side.

A green light emerged from the whole body, and before the Soul Reincarnation was even close, it was already forced back by Jing Tianming's sword energy.

Jing Tianming's speed was extremely fast, almost exceeding the limit that the naked eye could see. He tapped his heel, and in the eyes of everyone, he was behind Huanhun in the next moment, and knocked her to the ground with a light blow from the back of his sword.

Each of the Six Sword Slaves is a top-notch master, but at this moment, they are like young boys facing a big man, weak and powerless. Jing Tianming's figure flashed six times, and all six sword slaves fell to the ground.


After defeating the powerful enemy with swiftness, Jing Tianming clutched his chest and breathed out his true energy. He took a few quick breaths before he managed to stabilize himself.

All the masters of the Qin Palace also saw Jing Tianming's weakness. For a moment, they swarmed up and tried to drag Jing Tianming here with speed.

Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, Jing Tianming was calm and unafraid, with a cold look in his eyes. Facing the storm-like attacks, Jing Tianming calmed down. Every time Jing Tianming raised his sword, there were one or two more gaps in the sword. In Jing Tianming's eyes, not only his sword, but also the sword movements of the surrounding Qin Palace masters became extremely slow.

It was so slow that he could kill a Qin Palace master with a slight raise of his hand, and with a slight avoidance, he could avoid a killing move that seemed extremely ferocious to ordinary people.

In front of the majestic Weiyang Palace, blood flowers were flying and falling all over the sky. Jing Tianming moved very slowly, but he never stopped his pace, and no one could stop him.

Jing Tianming stepped forward step by step and walked towards the white jade platform. He could feel Ying Ziyi's aura, which was in conflict with the power he controlled. However, just when he walked up the last step and was about to see the main entrance of the palace, a figure blocked him.

The blue skirt clouds the shoulders, the clouds on the temples emei, the moon is still so beautiful!

"You want to stop me?" Jing Tianming said.


"Why?" Jing Tianming asked softly.

"Because he is my husband!" Ji Ruyun replied calmly, just like Jing Tianming asked calmly.

"Really?" Jing Tianming sneered sadly and said, "What if I insist on coming forward?"

"Then unless you kill me!" Ji Ru's face was cold, and as a woman, she stood in front of Jing Tianming, but it took longer than any master of the Qin Palace to stop him. ?"Yue'er, don't force me!"

Jing Tianming was struggling, and his heart was wavering, but he never let go of the hand holding the sword.

"I'm not forcing you!" Ji Ru's bright eyes stared at Jing Tianming. With his peerless master's cultivation, he could still feel the power bred in Jing Tianming's sword edge. Even Ji Ru's cultivation could feel the power. Shocking power.

"I'm just stating a fact. If you want to proceed, I will stand in front of you. If you want to kill my husband, you can only step over my body."

"Hahahaha!" Jing Tianming roared, his eyes came into contact with the figure on the throne in the palace, and he laughed and said: "Ying Ziyi, as the current emperor and the emperor of the generation, can you only hide in a The woman’s back?”

The only answers to him were the echoes from the palace and Ji Ru's indifferent eyes.

"Aren't you going to take action?"

"You know I won't kill you!" Jing Tianming said with a long sigh.

"Then go away! Never show up again!" Ji Ru looked at Jing Tianming and said.

"No! From the moment I stepped into the Qin Palace, I can't go back!" Jing Tianming roared, and his figure jumped up. The sword energy in his hand was condensed, and the green sword light almost covered the sky and the earth. Instantly.

Following the sword light, Jing Tianming's figure disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Zi Yi!"

Ji Ru turned around worriedly and looked at the motionless figure in the palace.

With a roar, the tiles collapsed, and the palace was filled with smoke, making everything unclear.

There was a voice resounding in the darkness.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the original poster, you have reached the level of Not a Good One, the main mission has been completed, and the free mission has been unlocked!"


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