"Emperor Qin wants me to go to Xianyang in person?"

In the palace, Aaliyah said quietly.

Mia nodded, with a peaceful expression, and a long linen skirt draped over her shoulders. Although Queen Yuezhi is middle-aged, her skin is smooth and plump, as smooth and soft as a girl.

"Aliya, sometimes I really envy you?"

Mia looked at Aaliyah, rested her head on her shoulder, stretched out her hand to caress Aaliyah's cheek, and said with a smile: "You don't seem to care about the passage of time and the passing of years. It has been so many years, but you are still She looks like a girl.”

If Mia is well-maintained, she is almost forty but still looks like a twenty-year-old young woman. Then Aaliyah, with the title of King Arthur, the legendary female warrior of the Yuezhi, a military commander who was feared by all foreign races, her appearance has not changed at all.

This is not a matter of maintenance, just like time cannot corrode the body of this female warrior. Her appearance is ageless and she remains youthful forever. Therefore, whether in Kushan or in surrounding countries. Many people have privately listed it as a god.

"Really?" Aaliyah raised her head slightly, a trace of unknown confusion flashing through her emerald green eyes.

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling passed through my heart. What is it? Aaliyah herself no longer knew.

She only remembered, after that night. She forgot some things and her past identity. After gaining a new life, she was in this world just for one thing.

Kill the most evil person in this world!

After the Eastern emperor succeeded to the throne, he put down the rebellions in various Eastern counties one after another. On the bank of the Wujiang River, he killed the terrifying existence. The young master of the Xiang clan, the peerless God of War who single-handedly moved among hundreds of thousands of troops without any care. Since then, for more than ten years, the emperor of the empire has mobilized his troops to the northern and western regions, and at the same time maintained two country-destroying battlefields with the Wolf of the Steppe and the War Lion of the Western Region, and he has never been at a disadvantage.

As a result, today, the Yueshi have been completely defeated and have to retreat to the west of Congling, where she led the army in the eastward expedition.

Aaliyah was not discouraged after more than ten years of hard work was in vain. However, there is still one thing in her heart that must be completed.

"Aaliyah, do you want to go?" Mia raised her head and looked gently at Aaliyah, her most sincere partner. "I won't force it if I don't want it."

"I will go." Aaliyah bit her lip, a hint of determination flashing in her emerald green eyes.

As a king, Alia cannot abandon her soldiers and people. But if all this is abandoned, she is just a swordsman, a skilled swordsman. She wants to accomplish her purpose in this world among thousands of people.

Even if you pay for it with your life!

Mia glanced at Aaliyah, smiled slightly, and said, "No matter what you want to do, I will support you."

The night wind blew in from outside the palace. The curtains flickered, and the moonlight shone lightly, reflecting the two pure women.


"His Majesty!"

Solemnity and splendor, darkness and light coexist in the Qin Palace.

Beside the huge throne, the figure of the monkey came quietly. This wretched little monkey is, to a certain extent, one of the most trusted beings in today's world.

"Have you checked it out?"

"Since the failure of the previous Mo family's rebellion, a small group of people from the Mo family and the Yin Yang family are still operating secretly. This riot in East County has their shadow. But who their leader is, it is not yet known clear."

"Are these people still unwilling to give up even now?" Ying Ziyi said with a gentle smile.

Since that assassination incident, which is still fresh in the memory of the head of Xianyang Guizhou, the Mo family and the Yin Yang family have completely declined. Many of these people are looking for their own way out. However, there are still a small number of people who are still active today, pursuing the 'grand' goal of overthrowing the empire.

"Your Majesty, after the riots in Dongjun, the leader behind the scenes seems to have been aware of it and has hidden himself. I'm afraid it will be difficult to expose him! Moreover, I have captured several former Mohist disciples, but They seemed to have been under some kind of spell and had no awareness of what they were doing. Later, I verified through various means that this spell was similar to the Yin Yang family's soul-leaving technique."

"you mean?"

"Since the great retrograde assassination of the Mohist giant, there has been no trace of the two guardians of the Yin-Yang family. It is rumored that they are dead. But how many masters are there in this world who can use the soul-leaving technique? That was when the Yin-Yang family was at its peak. At that time, the number of people who know how to leave the soul is no more than five fingers. I’m afraid it’s just a deception.”

"Moon God, Star Soul." Ying Ziyi squinted his eyes, looked at the deep moonlight outside the hall, and murmured slightly.

"Monkey!" After a while, Ying Ziyi said.

"I'm here!"

"You can secretly investigate and find out if these two people are really still alive. Remember, get rid of them at all costs."

"I obey the decree!"


After Emperor Qin succeeded to the throne, the political center of Xianyang was moved from the palace of the former king on the north bank of the Wei River to the Weiyang Palace in Weinan.

Successively, many ministers and nobles also moved their residences to Weinan.

It was already dark, but the current guard, Gai Nie, still did not fall asleep. In the quiet room, Kong was looking at Yuanhong, the second most famous sword in the world, and pondered something.


Duan Murong walked into the quiet room carrying a bowl of medicinal soup.

Gai Nie turned around, and there were only him and Duan Murong in the empty quiet room.

"Husband, it's already late at night. I've made a bowl of medicinal soup for you. After drinking it, go to bed early!"

"Rong'er, thank you very much."

Duan Murong is no longer the Duan Murong of the past. When she was captured, the general who captured her knew about the relationship between Duan Murong and Gai Nie, so he did not dare to make the decision without authorization and handed it over to Ying Ziyi.

Ying Ziyi ordered Mrs. Jin Ling to cure the poison, and handed Duan Murong to Gai Nie for disposal.

In the beginning, Duan Murong cried and fought, but her past resentments were eventually lost in the years and Genie's tenderness. Since that night, Duan Murong became Ge Nie's wife. Over the years, we have treated each other with respect.

A neighing sound reached the ears of Gai Nie and Duan Murong. Gai Nie was a close minister of Ying Ziyi and was deeply favored. His house is next to the palace.

It was already late at night, and logically no one should be riding horses at night.

At this time, it was only a possibility that someone could ride a horse and shuttle through the imperial capital heavily guarded by the Jinwu Guards.

This person has the most urgent military information in his hands!

Is it the Yueshi in the west or the Xiongnu in the north?

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