The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 4 Brother is a low-key person

What kind of person was King Qin Yingzheng?

Regarding this point, from the debate two thousand years ago to two thousand years later, there has never been a unified statement.

People who like him say he is a man of great talent and wisdom, while those who dislike him say he is a misuse of people's power, cruel and ungrateful.

These words are of no use to Ying Ziyi now.

In the palace hall, the king sitting on the throne looked at him like this. And Ying Ziyi also stared blankly at Ying Zheng, his cheap man.

Of course, Ying Ziyi didn't just look at it, he clicked on the character detection program.

But such a message appeared on the holographic screen in front of him.

Character name: Ying Zheng

Character gender: male

Character identity: King Qin,? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?

Character level:? ? ?

Character evaluation:? ? ?

Danger level:? ? ?

System prompt: The other party has a special identity and the program cannot make an accurate evaluation.


Ying Ziyi doesn’t know what’s going on? It seems this is the first time this has happened.

Brother Zheng will not have the aura of the protagonist! Ying Ziyi speculated maliciously.

"You are special."

Ying Zheng on the throne finally spoke and said this.

What? What's going on with this opening statement?

"Many people have advised me to kill you!"

What? Is this what you say to your son? Ying Ziyi cursed. What does this cheap guy mean? As for the meaning of the words, Ying Ziyi was not worried at all. If Ying Zheng wanted to kill someone, would he ask the person's opinion?

"I don't understand," Ying Ziyi said in a tender voice.

"Don't you really understand? It would take years for an ordinary person to get a glimpse of the Taoist Heavenly Sect's Ten Thousand Rivers of Autumn Waters. And you, in just a few days, have already practiced to such an extent."

Is it a crime for my brother to be a martial arts prodigy? Ying Ziyi looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed.

"I still don't understand." Ying Ziyi decided to continue pretending to be young to the end.

"Originally, it's not a big deal to practice so quickly. The world is so big, there are always extraordinary talents. However, just before you saw Zhao Gao, the aura on your body suddenly became introverted, as if it had never appeared before. More than average. This is a bit strange. I want to ask, how did you do it?"

This is the poster’s level disguise program. I set the level too low. Ying Ziyi couldn't help but be frightened while cursing. It seemed that his every move was under the watchful eye of King Qin.

But why should he take such strict precautions against his own son? Still a son who is only six years old.

Ying Ziyi was confused and glanced at Ying Zheng on the throne. Am I not his biological child? Then he threw the idea out of his mind.

With Brother Zheng's personality, anyone who dares to wear such a hat on him and her nine tribes will probably not live in this world.

He couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. Ying Ziyi made an innocent gesture: "My son, I still don't understand!"

In this case, Ying Ziyi couldn't help but pretend to the end.

"Forget it! You are not young anymore. I have found a teacher for you. You can go see him tomorrow!" Ying Zheng seemed to no longer be obsessed with the topic and said instead.

"My son, thank you father!"

Ying Ziyi left quickly. Brother Zheng's domineering attitude put too much pressure on him.

The next morning.

"Hateful, who is it?"

Ying Ziyi, who was still asleep, murmured.


Xiaomeng was beside him and pushed him gently.

"Sir, it's getting late, it's time to go to class."

In the confusion, what came into focus was Xiaomeng Loli's delicate face. With her slender arms and slim waist, I really want to hug her.

Then Ying Ziyi really hugged him.

"Come on, give me a hug."

Touching, a huge noise resounded throughout the palace.

Under the service of the palace maid, Ying Ziyi took off his damp clothes and changed into new clothes. Seeing the girl's face turned away, she seemed to be angry.

"Are you angry?"

"How could I be angry?" Tsundere Xiaomeng refused to admit it. He just pouted and ignored Ying Ziyi.

what the hell! Haven’t they all already had skin-to-skin contact? Ying Ziyi thought to himself.

"Sir, it's getting late. The teacher is already waiting."

At this time, the palace maid reminded from the side.

"Set off!"

He was dressed in white robes and had a long sword in his hand. His back was to Ying Ziyi and his group, and he was facing a pool of clear water in front of him.

The wind blew by, rolling up a pool of lake water, and the man's broad sleeves and robes danced with the wind. Ying Ziyi looked at him from behind. The man's broad back gave people a very calm feeling, like a stream flowing through a millstone.

Ying Ziyi clicked on the character detection system.

Character name: Gai Nie

Character gender: male

Character identity: Disciple of Guigu, Sword Master

Character level: top expert (first-generation master)

Character evaluation: Excellent swordsmanship, careful thinking, trustworthy and promise-keeping, and possesses a calmness that is difficult for ordinary people to possess.

Danger level: S

System prompt: Rather than confronting you head-on, the poster should run away!

It's actually Gai Nie? The teacher Ying Zheng found for him turned out to be Gai Nie, a disciple of Guigu and the successor of Zongjian.

"I would like to pay my respects to Mr. Gai Nie!" Ying Ziyi bowed forward and said.

"Are you finally here?" Ge Nie turned around. When Ying Ziyi saw Gai Nie, a sense of oppression followed.

Ge Nie didn't do anything to Ying Ziyi, but Ying Ziyi instinctively felt the danger.

This is the consciousness of being a villain.

To be honest, Genie is an idealist, but he does not lack the decisiveness to kill.

Because of a promise, he could give up the trust of King Qin, risk offending Brother Zheng, and flee with Jing Ke's remaining son. At that time, Qin had almost unified the six countries. Within the four seas, Brother Zheng has no rival. However, Gai Nie was deeply trusted by the King of Qin and had a bright future. But he gave up all this without blinking an eyebrow.

This can only prove one thing, powerful, Ge Nie is powerful without any surprise. But he is different from Wei Zhuang who is ruthless and decisive, domineering and intimidating to others. Genie's strength is reserved, but like light, he can continue to convey warmth to the people around him, thereby gaining the trust of others.

Simply put, such a person would make every villain feel ashamed.

Of course, this also includes Ying Ziyi, the future number one villain in the world.

The attributes are different, so there is a generation gap. When there is a generation gap, there are differences.

"What do you want Mr. Gai Nie to give me?" Ying Ziyi asked bluntly.

"What do you want to learn?" Gai Nie asked in a calm tone, not at all moved by Ying Ziyi's rudeness.

"I heard that Mr. Zongheng is a disciple, a disciple of Guigu?"


"Sun Bin and Pang Juan are famous for their art of war, Su Qin and Zhang Yi are famous for their eloquence. The heroes of the past dynasties can fight against millions of troops with one person. But Mr. and his fellow disciple Wei Zhuang only rely on swordsmanship to rule the roost. How about swordsmanship again? Can you defeat a thousand or ten thousand people?" Ying Ziyi's words were quite harsh, implying that Gai Nie was not good at learning, but Gai Nie was not angry at all.

"Are you really different?"

What kind of development is this? Ying Ziyi originally thought that Gai Nie would leave in anger, but his expectations were disappointed.

"If you want to learn the art of war or eloquence, I can leave it to you." Gai Nie said slowly.

"I admire your magnanimity, sir, but why do you say that I am different?" Ying Ziyi turned away from his arrogance and asked respectfully.

"Six years ago, a strange phenomenon descended from the sky. The starry night was full of fire, which illuminated most of the world. Among the hundreds of schools of thought, such as the Taoist, Yin-Yang, and other sects that are proficient in astrology, the elders in their sects have already calculated that this strange number It will fall on the fourteenth prince Yingzheng of Qin, that is, you. In other words, your existence itself has great value and can arouse the interest of everyone, including all the countries in the world and hundreds of schools of thought. It’s just that your existence itself has great value. Because you are the son of King Qin, no one dares to do anything to you for now."

"...!" Ying Ziyi stood there blankly, at a loss for words.

Please tell me loudly, what are the most important basic qualities for a villain?

Yes, it’s low-key!

Ying Ziyi has rich experience and has learned lessons from countless bloody and tragic examples (mainly from major animations). He knows that all villains die in the end because they are too high-profile. For example, Aizen Sosuke thought he had mastered the secret of Honyu, so he dared to challenge Kurosaki Ichigo and was extremely arrogant, so in the end he could only sit down. For another example, Uchiha Madara thought he had collected ten tailed beasts, so he dared to challenge the crown prince and crown princess, and was extremely arrogant, so he was stabbed in the end. For example, Doflamingo, King Shichibukai, King Dressrosa, and the Celestial Dragons, with so many prominent identities, would almost be the protagonist template in a dark comic, but he dares to still have a way with Luffy. Fei's gay friend challenged him and was extremely arrogant, so in the end he was punched so hard that his grandma didn't recognize him. Another example is Brother Cheng. Relying on the invincibility of Big Everyone knows that......

But now, Ying Ziyi is about to cry but has no tears. Can this guy keep a low profile?

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