In the main hall of the Qin Palace, the King of Qin has not yet arrived, but all the civil and military personnel of the dynasty have already arrived.

Ying Ziyi slowly took off his shoes, walked into the main hall, and greeted all the military attachés.

"Hey, General Zhang, how are you doing?"

"Master, how is that horse?"

"General Li, recently he captured two more cities in Chu."


"Sir, the two jars of wine you gave me last time were really good."

"Sir, the two Xiongnu horse slaves you gave me are really talented people. They raised my horses to be very strong."

"Sir, I haven't seen you for a year, and you have become much more handsome."

All the military attachés chatted with Ying Ziyi one after another, chatting and getting acquainted with each other.

Unlike the enthusiastic response from the military attache, the reaction from the civil servants was a bit cold.

Li Si, Feng Quji and other civil servants, as well as a group of ministers with Legalist background, stood aside in silence.

"Ying Ziyi, are you really so arrogant!" Lord Changping stood at the head of the ministers and did not look back, but he was aware of everything behind him.

Zhao Gao watched this scene with cold eyes, surprised in his heart. When did Ying Ziyi have such great influence among the many generals in Da Qin?

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Changping? How are you doing lately?"

Ying Ziyi was awarded the title of Lord Anxi and was in the front position among the imperial guards. At this time, he walked up to Lord Changping and greeted him.

Changping Jun bowed to the side, not even looking at Ying Ziyi, and said coldly: "I'm very good."

"Ziyi, you're here, how have you been on your journey?" Young Master Fusu, who was standing beside Lord Changping, greeted him.

"Brother, my journey has not been very good! Before I entered Xianyang Royal City, I encountered a group of assassins."

Fusu lowered his body to support Ying Ziyi, looking a little nervous. He looked at the lively Ying Ziyi and breathed a sigh of relief, "I think Ziyi must have solved it."

"Thank you for your concern, brother! It's just that this group of assassins finally confessed that they came to assassinate me under the orders of Lord Changping and Zhao Gao, the commander of the CRRC."

The latter sentence was shouted out by Ying Ziyi, and all the civil and military officials in the entire hall could hear it.

That's right! This is frame-up, naked frame-up!

With the shrewdness of Lord Changping and Zhao Gao, how could they do such a stupid thing.

At this moment, the expressions of Da Qin's two young men were struggling, their hearts were hesitant, and they were filled with hatred for Ying Ziyi.

The next moment, Lord Changping was unafraid and put on an awe-inspiring look: "My heart is clear and the bright moon can reflect it. Master said so, I am willing to confront those assassins."

But Zhao Gao was different. He hurriedly knelt down and said, "Young Master, even if I eat the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, I don't dare to send someone to assassinate the Young Master. Please be careful."

The acting skills of the two young men are lifelike, their expressions are sincere, but in their hearts they want to eat Ying Ziyi.

"The king has arrived!"

Ying Zheng walked into the hall and knelt down on the throne. After hearing about the dispute in the palace, he said to Ying Ziyi: "Ziyi, you said those assassins were ordered by Lord Changping and Zhao Gao. Do you have any evidence?"

Yingzi Yi reported: "I'm telling you, father, those assassins told me before they died, and then they took advantage of their unpreparedness and committed suicide."

This means that there is no proof of death.

Both Changping Lord and Zhao Gao knew that the assassination was carried out by the Jixia soldiers of Qi State, but they could not tell it. Otherwise, how could they explain that they knew that someone was assassinating the Da Qin Master, but they stood by and watched. Looking at Ying Ziyi's proud expression, their understanding of Ying Ziyi's shamelessness reached a new level.

However, both of them were very powerful people. When they calmed down, they were shocked. Could it be that Ying Ziyi discovered some clues about their hostility?

There was silence in the main hall. To be precise, I didn't know what to say. In a sense, Lord Changping was another person in the Qin Dynasty who was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people since Lu Buwei, the Prime Minister of Power. Although Zhao Gao's position in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty was not high, he controlled the Zhongshu Mansion and the Luowang, and was a powerful figure. Ying Ziyi attacked these two people as soon as he came back, but there was no evidence, which really made the civil and military officials in the palace confused.


Usually at this point the plot needs a twist. Ying Ziyi was no exception, he said but.

"But I will not believe those assassins' nonsense." Ying Ziyi said indignantly.

"Both gentlemen are favored by the great Qin Dynasty and trusted by their father, so how could they do such things that are worse than animals? Birds, insects, and ants know the kindness, how could the two gentlemen collude with foreign enemies, and do what they want to do to the death of their sons and ministers? Those things that harm the interests of our Great Qin!"

On the surface, Ying Ziyi's words were meant to defend the two of them, but when they reached the ears of the two young men, they felt a little uncomfortable. Those words were getting more and more awkward the more they heard them, but they couldn't refute them yet, so they could only accept it.

"So, let's leave this matter as it is!" Brother Zheng finally concluded, bringing this matter to an end. There is one more important thing right now.

Fa Chu!

All the ministers were well aware of this matter. It's just that the Chu State is so vast that it's difficult to pacify it without enough troops and horses, and the ministers don't have any good methods.

Ying Zheng's tiger eyes wandered among the generals, and finally landed on Wang Jian.

"In the opinion of the old general, if we attack Chu, how many men and horses will be needed?"

Wang Jian walked out of the train and said: "Your Majesty, the veteran needs 600,000 horses!"

The ministers were astonished. Six hundred thousand was almost the strength of the entire country. The old man Wang Jian really dares to speak!

After Ying Zheng heard this, he was also hesitant. First, if an army of 600,000 people is put into the hands of one person, which king can rest assured? The two of them, those who are good at fighting, do not think about winning, but think about defeat first. If the 600,000-strong army fails to attack Chu, then within a few years or even ten years, Qin will no longer be able to attack Chu. Brother Zheng cannot help but be careless.

"Hahaha! General Wang Jian is really old, and his spirit is not as high as before." Laughter sounded, but it was the voice of Lord Changping.

I only heard him say: "I am a native of Chu. No one knows the situation of Chu better than me. In my opinion, 200,000 troops are enough to conquer Chu. It just lacks a brave and resolute general."

Wang Jian did not defend himself and returned to his train. Lord Changping's method of provoking generals was indeed effective, and there were many militant young factions among Qin's generals.

The brave general Li Xin came out and said, "The last general only needs 200,000 troops. We will surely be able to pacify Chu and defeat Shouchun."

Ying Ziyi looked at Wang Jian, who was standing beside him. This scheming old fox must have sensed something, so he asked for 600,000 people.

Looking at Ying Zheng who was looking happy on the throne, he obviously didn't notice Wang Jian's intentions. Lord Changping's plan is acceptable to Ying Zheng. First, 200,000 troops are not too much or too little for Ying Zheng, so the burden is not that big. Both of them, even if the attack on Chu fails this time, it is not an unbearable loss.

Of course Ying Ziyi knew that historically, this attack on Chu was a failure, and the 200,000 troops led by Li Xin suffered heavy losses. Later, Wang Jian commanded another 600,000 troops and finally pacified Chu. But for Ying Ziyi, who needed manpower, how could Qin be allowed to bear such losses?

"My son, please fight!"

Ying Ziyi walked out of the train, and spoke calmly under the gazes of the ministers.

Ying Zheng originally wanted to agree to Li Xin, but when he saw Ying Ziyi, he couldn't help but become interested and asked: "Ziyi, how many troops do you need?"

"My son has commanded his three thousand cavalry, and he will definitely be able to defeat Shouchun!"

Silence, as quiet as a pin drop. The people present were all outstanding figures in the world, but at this moment in the huge Qin King's palace, these outstanding figures all stood blankly on the spot, wondering if they had heard wrongly, or if the person in front of them was a lunatic!

ps. Second update, please send me your recommended collections!

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