
When Hu Hai walked into his palace with a bruised face, he was no longer as cute and pink as before. With an angry look on his face, he bumped into a palace maid who was about to go out with a pallet for candles.

"Don't you have eyes? Take him out and beat him!"

"Yes, Young Master!" The eunuch behind him stepped forward and grabbed the maid.

"Young Master, spare your life, Young Master, please spare your life." The maid kowtowed and begged. She knew very well what would happen if she offended Hu Hai.

"Pull him out yet." Hu Hairi ignored him and lay down on his bed.

"Sir, the order from the CRRC is here."

"Let him in."

Zhao Gao himself was very knowledgeable and was sent by Ying Zheng to teach Hu Hai. Therefore, even if it was already the end of the moon, he could still enter and leave Hu Hai's palace openly.

Zhao Gao walked in slowly and was a little surprised when he saw Hu Hai's appearance, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's not that bastard Ying Ziyi who tricked me on purpose. Huh!" Hu Hai slapped his little hand hard, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

"Master, calm down!" Zhao Gao said calmly from the side.

"Calm down, how do you want me to calm down? It was you who told me that he might become a big problem for me in the future. You wanted me to get close to him, get to know him, and make him relax his vigilance. But look, what has become of him now. "

"I can't see clearly what Ying Ziyi is. Young master, please be patient. I believe the king has already learned about this matter by now."


"Yes, let's see how the situation develops!" Zhao Gao smiled coldly.


Just as the side of Al Fang Palace was plotting a conspiracy, Ying Ziyi's laughter filled the entire villain space.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

I just heard that cheating system say this.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the original poster, you have successfully been promoted, and your current level has made you debut."

"I didn't expect that kid to be so promising. He would get 100 hatred points after bullying him twice."

"Bibi Dong! The current level of the poster is new to the world, and he has won the title of villain. Do you want to unlock the corresponding subroutine?"

The villain succeeds? "Do you always want to make a scene on such a day when everyone is celebrating?"

"Bidong! Sorry, forgive me for being an overly upright artificial intelligence."

"You are so shameless that I can't help but feel helpless!"

"Bidong! In this space where bad people are in power, I am always annoying for being too upright."

"...!" Ying Ziyi realized that he was really no match for this artificial intelligence in terms of bickering. "Forget it, forget it, unlock the subroutine."

"Bibi Dong! The first-level subroutine for the first time in Jianghu was successfully unlocked."

Ying Ziyi discovered that the gray subroutine under the Jianghu level when he first emerged was now in gold font. He looked for it and found a useful subroutine.

"Hate value display program. Its function can be turned on at any time. It can be observed that the character should have a hatred value and its quality."

In other words, Ying Ziyi can observe the character's hatred value from the outside world at any time.

"Bidong! As the level is unlocked, the level of the exercises that the poster can practice increases accordingly. Now he can practice the human-level intermediate exercises. Based on the current energy analysis of the world, this system divides the levels of exercises into human, earth, There are three levels of heaven. And humans, the two levels of earth each have three levels."

"Wait a minute! Isn't Wanchuan Qiushui of Taoist Tianzong an advanced technique?" Ying Ziyi realized something was wrong and asked.

"Bidong! During the novice protection period, there is no level limit for the first skill practice. Wanchuan Qiushui belongs to the advanced skills of the earth level."

"Fuck, why is this system so generous? It's completely different from the past!" Ying Ziyi thought to himself.

"Bik Dong! This system reminds you that due to the limited level of the poster, even if Wanchuan Qiushui is completed, he cannot use it freely. Before the level reaches the famous level, forcibly operating it may lead to death from explosion."

Ying Ziyi remained silent.

"Bidong! What's wrong with the poster? Don't be disappointed, poster! Is the poster still here? Don't think too hard!"

Ying Ziyi smiled and said, "I'm just telling you! This is in line with your cheating style. I was shocked. I thought you suddenly changed your gender!"



In the palace of King Qin.

Ying Ziyi was called into the palace room by Brother Zheng.

King Qin sat high on the throne, looked at Ying Ziyi, and asked, "Did you hurt Hu Hai when you were playing with him a few days ago?"

Has this guy come to complain? Ying Ziyi said secretly. its not right! How could Brother Zheng have the time to care about such a thing?

"I don't understand!"

So Ying Ziyi pretended to be crazy and stupid again.

"Don't you really understand?" Ying Zheng waved his hand, and all the eunuch guards around him withdrew. After that, dozens of black shadows emerged from every corner of the empty hall. It seemed that no one should appear in the original position of these black shadows, but they happened to appear there.

Ying Ziyi glanced at them and could see that these guards were highly skilled, at least at the master level, and they should be the legendary Shadow Guards. They wore good soft armor, but did not carry weapons. One by one, they walked out of the main hall and lined up around the entire palace, guarding them to prevent others from approaching.

"Okay! Since you don't want to talk about this matter, then we, father and son, will talk about other things."

Brother Zheng was so kind, Ying Ziyi couldn't believe it unconsciously.

"Which country among the six countries in the world do you think is the biggest problem for our country, the Qin Dynasty?"

"For military and state affairs, Prime Minister Li Si is responsible for civil affairs, and General Wang Jian is responsible for military affairs. It seems that Father should not ask me."

"Tong Yan Wu Ji, Yi'er, you might as well joke about it." Brother Zheng said with a smile.

You read that right, Brother Zheng, who has always been stern about words, actually smiled. He actually smiled, and he smiled very nicely. If this scene were seen by the guards, civil and military officials, aunts, concubines and children outside the palace, many jaws would drop in shock.

Han Fei was a master of legalism, but he was a theorist. Ying Zheng is a practitioner who practices Han Fei's theory, and he practices it very successfully. The current Qin Kingdom and the future Qin Empire are the best proof.

In the Legalist lineage, the three elements of magic and power are integrated into one, and the strictness of criminal law establishes the authority of the king. Ying Zheng is more concerned about the structure and implementation of the law. In the eyes of everyone, he is not an easy person to get close to, nor is he a kind person.

It seems that it is no longer enough not to say it. Ying Ziyi secretly thought, Brother Zheng has worked so hard, and he won't be able to do it if he doesn't. Moreover, judging from Ying Ziyi's dark psychological thinking, Brother Zheng would have been caught by him by doing this. If Brother Zheng is not satisfied tonight, his life will not be easy in the future.

"Chu!" Ying Ziyi said it without thinking.


"It has a vast territory and many soldiers. After the Battle of Changping, only Chu among the six eastern kingdoms has the ability to compete with our great Qin for supremacy."

"That's right!" Ying Zheng nodded. This was the consensus of all the generals in power now. He then asked: "Then how do you think we should deal with Chu?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Now South Korea has been destroyed. Prince Jia Yuan of the State of Zhao fled to Dai County, so there is no danger. Our future enemy of Qin will be Wei. If we take Wei, we will gain all the benefits of the three Jin Dynasties. Behind it is Chu. The king of Chu is weak and his ministers are strong. If you keep fighting, you have enough self-preservation, but you are not aggressive enough, you will not send troops for Wei. Therefore, after winning the governor of Yan, we, the Qin Dynasty, can directly attack the state of Wei. By marching into the Central Plains, the world is actually in our hands, the Qin Dynasty."

"That's right, that's right. What Yi'er said is that his knowledge is as good as that of a good general in the army. It's ridiculous that those civil and military ministers of Chu are not as good as a six-year-old child." Brother Zheng said disdainfully.

Ying Zi Yi Lie, it seems that the senior officials of the Chu State also have the eyes of Brother Zheng.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with your answer. Tell me! What reward do you want?" Brother Zheng stopped his smile and returned to the King of Qin who was emotionless and angry.

"This...!" Ying Ziyi summed it up and finally said: "I want one person."



Brother Zheng's expression froze, and after a moment of hesitation, he said, "Yes."

"Thank you, father."

Just when Ying Ziyi was about to leave, Brother Zheng suddenly said: "Let's do this! You are not young anymore. This time we attack the Yan Kingdom, you should also go with the army!"

"What?" Ying Ziyi was stunned, "But I'm still a child!"

A light flashed in Brother Zheng's eyes, and Ying Ziyi swore he saw a narrow smile on his face, but it passed away in an instant. "It doesn't matter. If you become counselor to the military affairs earlier, you can share your worries earlier!"

Watching Ying Ziyi walk out dejectedly, Ying Zheng smiled and said, "With Gai Nie here, we are safe. But is this Ziyi a disaster or a blessing to our Great Qin?"

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