The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 8 I want to be the leader

The wind blows in all directions and the clouds move in all directions.

Ying Ziyi, who had no idea that trouble was coming, was now staying in Wang Jian's tent, kneeling beside General Wang Jian, listening to the generals discussing the military situation.

How should Yan Guo be defeated? Ying Ziyi looked at the passionate expressions of the generals in the tent and yawned out of boredom.

Since King Shang's reform, the Qin State's national power has increased rapidly. Soldiers are not afraid of death, and generals are not afraid of war. Although the total military strength is smaller than that of the Shandong Six Kingdoms, the organization and mobilization capabilities of the army, as well as the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, are not the same.

As long as he achieved military merit, even a commoner in Qin could become a noble, let alone the generals present. Its enthusiasm for attacking cities and strongholds is not comparable to other countries.

After conquering Zhao State, Qin's army had already approached Yan State. In addition to the troops and horses Wang Jian brought from Xianyang, Wang Jian now had a total of 100,000 troops at his disposal.

The opponent is only in a remote location, and the Yan State, which is the weakest among the seven countries, although the number of its own soldiers is not as many as that of the opponent, the victory or defeat is already obvious. In the eyes of all the generals present, it was easy to conquer Jidu and destroy the Yan Kingdom.

For such things, Ying Ziyi was not interested and looked like he was lacking in interest. The generals present had to sigh slightly when they saw it. It is indeed a bit difficult for a six-year-old child to understand this.

"Sir, what do you think?" Wang Jian asked politely after some discussion.

I thought Ying Ziyi would say something formal, but Ying Ziyi shook his head, "I think what you generals have agreed is wrong, and this military strategy cannot be implemented."

Although through system observation, the hatred values ​​of all the generals present are very high and their quality is also good. But Ying Ziyi had no intention of arousing their hatred. On the battlefield, the people who should not be offended the most are these generals.

Wang Jian was worthy of being a general in the army. Hearing Ying Ziyi's joking words, he did not deal with it hastily. He asked seriously: "What do you mean by this, Master?"

"My army of Great Qin is powerful in the world. Even before the troops leave the Zhao territory, the Yan State is already in panic. I am afraid that the Yan State will soon seek peace, and the peace will inevitably cede the territory. If we can defeat the enemy's troops without fighting, my father will not Move the army again.”

Ying Ziyi's words aroused heated discussion among the generals present, and even Wang Jian fell into deep thought.

"Wang Wangxi of Yan is certainly cowardly and incompetent, and his younger brother Yan Chunjun is also a villain. However, Prince Dan of Yan has always had great plans, how can he just watch the country fall?"

The person who spoke was a captain, who was not conspicuous in this large tent, so Ying Ziyi did not notice him at first. At this time, it seemed that the hatred value on the captain's body was actually green. Such high quality is obviously not something that an ordinary captain can possess.

"Who are you?" Ying Ziyi asked.

"See you in the next chapter, Han, Young Master."

At this time, Zhang Han was still just a teenager, but as a school captain, he was young and promising.

Wang Jian nodded, confirming Zhang Han's opinion.

"General Wang also thinks that Yan will fight?" Ying Ziyi asked at this time.

"I think so."

"Okay, old general, how about we make a bet?"

Wang Jian looked at Ying Ziyi, a little surprised and interested, "How to bet?"

"If I lose, I will lead the old general's horse for one year."

"Young Master, I dare not." Wang Jian cupped his hands and said.

"The old general has high morals and high respect. He has been riding for my great Qin for decades. How can he not tolerate me leading the horse at a young age?"

Ying Ziyi expressed great respect for Wang Jian in his words. As soon as Ying Ziyi said this, everyone laughed. Wang Jian also smiled and seemed very happy in his heart. After all, although what a child says is immature, it is easy for people to believe it. Ying Ziyi really respected him.

"If the young master wins, what will I do?"

"One hundred thousand troops will obey my orders until they conquer Jidu."

Ying Ziyi's words can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone. Wang Jian's expression changed and he said seriously: "Sir, this... Your Majesty has given me an army of 100,000 troops. I can't tolerate childishness!"

"Hahaha, the old general is afraid that I will bury a hundred thousand troops in Yandi." Ying Ziyi said with a smile.

"This...I don't dare." After all, Ying Ziyi is Qin Gongzi, and he can control an army logically. However, given his age, it is not good to say too much.

"No, no. Old general, you have high moral character and high prestige. You can't make a joke." Ying Ziyi took advantage of his age and started to cheat. As I talked, tears began to come out.

I didn’t agree at first! Seeing this out-of-control scene, Wang Jian had no choice but to say, "Why don't you report this matter to the King and let the King make the decision?"

In Wang Jian's opinion, this is the best solution. I can't control you kid, let me control you.

"That's the only way it can be." Ying Ziyi sighed, wiped his face with his sleeves, and returned to his original appearance, yawning.

After Ying Ziyi's troubles, this military meeting could not be held. Anyway, everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed. The generals dispersed one after another, and Ying Ziyi bowed to Wang Jian and left.

"Young Master!" Zhang Han called to Ying Ziyi after he left the tent.

"It's Captain Zhang Han!" Ying Ziyi said.

"I have something unclear, and I would like to ask the young master for advice."

"What's the matter?"

"Young Master Shicai said that if this bet succeeds, he will ask the old general Wang Jian to give the young master 100,000 troops. But if the young master wins and the Yan Kingdom sues for peace, won't this war be unwinnable? How can we conquer Ji? All?" Zhang Han asked.

As expected, his thinking was quick. None of the generals present had thought of this factor, not even Wang Jian. In other words, even if Wang Jian noticed it, he didn't have time to ask because of Ying Ziyi's cheating.

"What you just said is right. Prince Dan of Yan has great plans. The territory under his rule is well organized, and the people are rich and the army is strong. However, if the Yan Kingdom seeks peace, do you think he will not move a muscle at all?"

"What do you mean, Master?"

"Haha!" Ying Ziyi did not answer, turned and left, leaving behind an unpredictable figure.

According to Ying Ziyi's memory, in another time and space, after many outstanding civil servants and generals in Xianyang were slaughtered by the prodigal son Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, he was the last pillar left in the Qin Kingdom. He put down the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, repeatedly defeated the armies of other countries, and killed Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu's uncle. Although Julu was defeated by Xiang Yu's cauldron, the main force of the 200,000 Qin army was not damaged and was still able to resist the coalition of princes outside Hangu Pass and protect the Qin state. However, at this critical moment, Zhao Gao's two or five young men cut off his food and return route, so he had no choice but to make peace with Xiang Yu. Afterwards Liu Bang invaded Xianyang and the Qin State was destroyed.

In this time and space, Ying Ziyi didn't know how far Zhang Han could achieve, but with just a young man, he already had green hatred, which was not bad at all. If possible, Ying Ziyi wanted to take him under his wing, so naturally he had to pretend to be X in front of him.

Just a few days later, Wang Jian received a reply from King Qin. When he opened the Red Dragon Scroll, his jaw dropped. Because there is only one word written on the silk, but.

If it weren't for the fact that this piece of silk was escorted by the Empire's most elite Golden Fire Cavalry, and the unique seal of the Red Dragon Scroll was intact. Wang Jian almost thought that this was a strategy used by Yan State to detect this incident. After careful inspection and finding that it was correct, Wang Jian was very angry. How could the King of Qin be so childish and give the lives of a hundred thousand soldiers to the hands of a six-year-old child.

However, Qin's laws are strict and the king's orders are as strong as mountains. Soon, Wang Jian told Ying Ziyi who was catching fish by the river.

Ying Ziyi secretly laughed and said, "Brother is going to be the leader!"

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