"I am smiling proudly, I am smiling proudly, smiling at the world of mortals, I am not old..."

Among the lush and scattered woods, Ying Ziyi's singing voice, although not unpleasant, was not very pleasant either.

Ying Ziyi was riding the colt that he had left behind. He was riding a red sweat-blooded horse from the Western Regions. It had a thin head, a tall neck, slender limbs, and thin skin.

Behind him, there was the sound of horse hooves, and three thousand knights followed him. Wang Jian's 50,000-strong army turned around and took control of Nanyang, and the situation stabilized for a while. The bandits are gone and the people's morale is stable. Food, grass, equipment, cloth, medicinal materials and other supplies are being transported continuously from Guanzhong to Nanyang, maintaining the daily expenses of a large army, repairing cities damaged by war, comforting homeless refugees, and opening up food supplies Tao, providing military supplies for Pingyu's defenders.

This place is already the hinterland of Chu State, and it has been a month since Ying Ziyi set out from Pingyu. The land of Chu is vast, intertwined with lakes and rivers, and the terrain is flat, which is conducive to the performance of the cavalry. In the past month, Ying Ziyi's soldiers and horses avoided the main force of the Chu army and swept seventeen small cities in a row. The military power was greatly shaken.

A big reason why Ying Ziyi dared to use three thousand troops to attack Shouchun was because of his superiority on war horses.

Chu State is a big country, but it also faces a problem, the shortage of horses. This shortcoming was not obvious in the Warring States period when chariots were king.

However, the era of chariots is passing, and the era of cavalry is coming.

The separatist regimes south of the Yangtze River have always faced a great disadvantage when facing the nomadic peoples in the north, and they did not have enough cavalry. The lack of horse breeding land, the southern climate, and the terrain make the quantity and quality of horses in the south inferior to those in the north.

Not having enough cavalry means that no matter how great the advantage is on the battlefield, it cannot be converted into military results that are enough to reverse the strength gap between the two sides.

If you can beat them, fight them. If you can't beat them, leave them. But there's nothing we can do here. No matter what, you will fall into the dilemma of having more than enough rules and insufficient offensive rules.

The economic, military and cultural center of the Chu State was located in the elite area between the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers, with dense water networks and fertile land. However, the four kingdoms of Zhao, Yan, Han and Wei have been conquered and destroyed by the Qin State. Regarding the strategic materials war horses in the cold weapon era, the Qin State has tightened its pockets both commercially and militarily. War horses and other materials are strictly prohibited from flowing into Chu territory. Violators will be charged with treason. If punished, the family will be confiscated, the family will be exterminated, and the family will be killed without mercy.

From this comparison of materials, we can see the gap in national power between Chu and Qin.

In other words, this is an asymmetrical war of attrition. As time goes by, this disadvantage of Chu State will gradually become apparent. Confronting Qin is a dead end. Many senior officials in Chu State have realized this problem, and Xiang Yan is one of them. Therefore, he did not hesitate to enter the tiger's den and went to Xianyang to persuade Lord Changping to return to Chu. The purpose is to quickly resolve the situation before this worst situation occurs.

However, what Xiang Yan didn't expect was that when the Changping Lord incident happened, Qin was able to calm down the situation in Nanyang at a very small cost. Although Nanyang is in chaos at the moment, with General Wang Jian in charge, it is expected that it will soon return to its previous level.

Is it true that God is going to destroy Chu?

In the Shouchun Palace, Xiang Yan lamented in his heart as he stood with Lord Changping and a group of courtiers in the palace. He apologized for the defeat in Pingyu City and returned to Shouchun with only a few cavalry. Fu Chu did not punish him, but promoted him to a higher rank.

On the throne, the King of Chu was furious.

"Seventeen! Seventeen cities! When the Qin army entered our Chu land, it was as if they were entering an uninhabited territory. Within one month, they conquered seventeen cities. Our Chu land's hundreds of thousands of troops could do nothing to save even a single child! It’s really unreasonable!”

"I am guilty!"

Your Highness, all the ministers kneeled down to apologize, including Lord Changping and Xiang Yan.

"Hmph!" Zhe Chu looked at the courtiers below and snorted, "Everyone, get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

At this time, Xiang Yan saw Lord Changping coming out. Changpingjun returned to Shouchun with him. King Chu of Chu did not treat his close relative who had been in Qin for most of his life coldly, but instead made him king.

Mr. Changping! It's just that this is now a title of Chu State.

Lord Changping came out. He was very aware of the king's sarcasm, but he didn't make a fuss about it. "Your Majesty, the power of the Qin army's cavalry is obvious. The only ones who can deal with the cavalry are the cavalry."

Lord Changping's meaning was very clear. With the mobility of Chu's chariots and infantry, it was impossible to catch up with them. Only by dispatching the Tenglong Army could we be sure.

The King of Chu lowered his crotch and looked at Lord Changping with sunken cheeks and white hair. He said nothing and was thinking. Fuchu's age is similar to that of Changping Jun, but he is very well maintained. After several years of living as a supreme king in the palace, he was fat and had a blush on his face.

The court fell into silence for a while, everyone was waiting for King Chu's decision.

"Long Guang."

To everyone's surprise, the name that the King of Chu called out was not the name of Wu'an Lord Xiang Yan, but the name of a general standing at the back of the court queue.

"The general is here!"

Long Guang was a middle-aged general with a short beard and a broad face. Hearing King Chu's inquiry, he walked out of the train and knelt down.

"If you are asked to lead the Tenglong Army, how sure are you that you can kill that kid Ying Ziyi?"

Long Guang looked ugly, but he still answered honestly: "Less than 50%!"

In fact, this is still a conservative estimate. Long Guang still has experience in the use of cavalry, and he can be said to be a master. He would not just look at the difference in numbers between the two sides and then boldly assert that he could completely annihilate the enemy. That Ying Ziyi was able to capture seventeen small cities in one month showed his commanding ability in cavalry warfare. At the very least, evading the main force of the Chu army and detouring behind enemy lines is easy to say, but few people can actually do it.

"Trash!" A scolding came from King Chu of Chu. He looked at Long Guang with an unpleasant look on his face, apparently thinking about how to deal with this minister who had embarrassed himself.

"General Long Guang is very cautious in his life. If I am 80% sure, I can only say 50%. I hope your Majesty will forgive me." Xiang Yan walked out, wanting to protect this capable but too upright general.

"Long Guang!"

"The general is here!"

The King of Chu ignored Xiang Yan and gave orders directly to Long Guang.

"I want you to lead the Tenglong Army and kill this small Qin army that has penetrated deep into my hinterland within a month, otherwise we will come to see you."

Long Guang's face became even more ugly, but he had to agree.

"The general will obey the order!"

After the court meeting dispersed, Lord Changping slowly turned his back and walked out of the palace alone. Looking at the dim sky outside the palace, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: I am afraid that the eight hundred years of power of Chu will be ruined by this king. in hand.

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