A tributary of the Huai River, a small gurgling river.

There was a young boy fishing with a fishing rod.

This childish boy had clear eyes and a delicate face. He looked motionless at the slightly turbid river water. To outsiders, this kid looks like he is in a daze.

Children of his age either play or play every day. When you are tired, you go back home. You have two meals a day, food, clothing, and daily life, and your parents take care of you and take good care of you. But this child is different. Not only does he have to prepare three meals for himself every day, but he also has to patch his own clothes when they are torn. Sometimes he couldn't find any fabric, so he had to stay naked. Because he is an orphan,

Just behind the child, there were three men, two women, and five children playing on the grass on the shore.

"Han Xin, don't you come to play?"

Among the five people, a cute little girl invited this childish boy.

But Han Xin remained motionless.

have a future! At such a young age, you already know that to seduce girls, you need to look cool.

Ying Ziyi watched for a long time in the forest aside, and thought to himself when he saw this scene.

The person Ying Ziyi is looking for in Chu is the soldier immortal Han Xin. However, Ying Ziyi was not sure that the person in front of him was the unparalleled talent in the country, a prince, general and prime minister.

"E'er, ignore this weirdo."

Among the five children, one of the fatter ones said.

"That's right! Sister, let's play quickly!"

Another younger girl said impatiently. It seemed that she didn't have a good impression of Han Xin.

The little girl named E'er nodded slightly and quickly immersed herself in the children's play again.

After noon, a peasant woman shouted.

"E'er, Cai'er, it's time to eat."

"Okay!" The mother of the two little girls told them to go back to eat and hurried back. But Ying Ziyi noticed that the little girl named E'er didn't even look at Han Xin who was fishing in the river before leaving.

After the two little girls left, three little boys surrounded Han Xin.

"Hey, Han Xin, you heard me clearly, don't get close to E'er in the future, got it?"


Han Xin finally spoke, but it was not a domineering word, but a low tone.

"It's good to know." Seeing Han Xin like this, the little fat man felt very satisfied. He said a few words of authority next to Han Xin, and then left with his two friends.

"With your ability, why do you treat three children with disdain?" After everyone had left, Ying Ziyi walked up and sat next to Han Xin.

At this moment, the lake trembled slightly, and the fish took the bait.

This was a big blue fish. Ying Ziyi couldn't pronounce its name, but it was certain that Han Xin had a good meal today.

"I don't like trouble." Ying Ziyi waited for a long time before Han Xin replied calmly.

What a cool answer. Ying Ziyi was now certain that the child in front of him who was about the same age as himself was the Han Xin.

Everyone said that Xiang Yu did not decide to base his capital in Guanzhong, but settled in Pengcheng, which was easy to attack and difficult to defend, laying the foundation for his future defeat.

In fact, judging from Xiang Yu's various arrangements, it is not a mistake, but rather very subtle.

The massacre of 200,000 Qin troops in Xin'an completely changed the balance of strength between Qin and Chu. He drove Liu Bang to the land of Bashu to eliminate future troubles. The three parts of the Qin territory restrained each other, preventing one side from monopolizing Guanzhong, and at the same time, it could firmly block the Han army's way out from the north.

Originally, everything had been arranged, and Xiang Yu could have established his capital in Pengcheng and become famous for thousands of years like King Wu of Zhou.

It's a pity that Han Xin appeared.

Crossing Chencang secretly, the water flooded the abandoned hills, and the stone was dug into Guanzhong. Defeat Wei, destroy Zhao and attack Yan, and have the seal of the three Qi kings at his waist. He sang a song, ambushed from all sides, and forced the overlord of Western Chu to commit suicide in Wujiang River.

Ordinary people who can do the above-mentioned things are enough to enjoy a lifetime of prosperity. But all the above-mentioned things were done by one person, but this person was not the supreme person in the world.

So, how can this person embarrass the world’s supreme love?

Therefore, Han Xin’s final fate can be imagined. Even though he had given up military power and became an idle marquis in the imperial capital Chang'an.

Marquis of Huaiyin!

"Your Majesty, what do you mean when you come here?"

Han Xin spoke again, but Ying Ziyi was at a loss.

"How do you know I am a noble person?" Ying Ziyi looked at the clothes he was wearing. They were similar to those worn by Han Xin!

"At your age, if you were an ordinary farmer's child, you would already have to work in the fields and help out. It is impossible to be like you, with white and slender fingers, not even calluses. Fair skin, rosy complexion, although the clothes look like You are poor, but there is an extraordinary quality in your conversation. You are not like ordinary people, but like a noble. What is important is that your accent has an accent from Guanzhong. You are not from the Chu region. This Everything indicates that you are hiding an identity, an important identity."


Damn it! Monster! This is still a child! For a moment, Ying Ziyi wondered if this guy had also traveled through time.

"I'm here to treat you to dinner."

"The rich and the poor don't mix. Thank you for your kindness." The monster stood up and picked up the fish and fishing rod.

"Han Xin, wait..."

"Is something wrong?" Han Xin turned around and asked.

"Do you know who I am?" Ying Ziyi wanted to see how evil this monster could be.

"I don't like trouble." Han Xin replied, and then slowly walked away into the distance.


Ying Ziyi strongly suspected that this evildoer already knew his identity.

A strong breath came from the forest. Ying Ziyi turned around and saw an old man with white beard and hair, wearing black and white cloth, standing at the edge of the forest, looking at him.

Ying Ziyi stood up, approached the old man, and asked respectfully: "Don't you know your surname?"

Just for a moment, the powerful aura released by this old man was so terrifying that Ying Ziyi shuddered. But then, the old man suddenly took back his breath.

Ying Ziyi stood in front of the old man. If he closed his eyes, he would not feel the old man at all. His aura has completely overlapped with this world, as if he doesn't exist at all.

"I, Wei Liao, have met the Fourteenth Young Master." Ying Ziyi was surprised. This old man is the famous Wei Liaozi, who can see the beast without seeing its tail.

"It turns out to be Mr. Wei Liao. He disappeared from Xianyang after the fall of Wei. King Qin has been looking for him, but he didn't expect him to be here.

Wei Liaozi stroked his long beard and said, "The Kingdom of Wei has been destroyed, and the world actually belongs to the Kingdom of Qin. I have nothing left to help King Qin."

"Really? I'd like to ask you a bold question here, is Han Xin your disciple?"

"How did you know?"

"Guess!" Ying Ziyi smiled. Although Han Xin is extremely talented, he is almost a monster. But without a monster teacher, one cannot become a true monster.

"When you meet a good talent on the road, wouldn't it be a pity to abandon him? I have been teaching him here for three months, and I have almost finished teaching him."

"Really? Qin destroyed the six kingdoms and unified the world. The troubled times are about to end. Why do you still want to sharpen such a sharp sword?" Ying Ziyi was telling lies with his eyes open.

In an instant, Wei Liaozi's energy burst out, "The Fourteenth Young Master has a burning gaze. He should know everything he knows, so why bother asking more questions."

Wei Liaozi smiled, and so did Ying Ziyi.

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