By the small river, Han Xin was fishing with a fishing rod, and Ying Ziyi was following him.

"What on earth is there to do here?" Ying Ziyi looked at Han Xin very depressed, but the other party was silent, looking at the river, motionless.

"There are rough waves in the water, but the water surface is unusually calm. When fishing, you need to see clearly the actual and actual trends, which is exactly what a military strategist should do." Han Xin answered this way.

"Okay!" Ying Ziyi was helpless. He originally thought that Han Xin came to the river to fish because he was forced to have three meals a day. But after Ying Ziyi solved his three-meal problem, Han Xin remained the same, coming to the river to fish every day.

"Sister, wait for me!"

A loud voice sounded, and Ying Ziyi turned around. Two little girls were picking flowers and fruits not far away.

Ying Ziyi had seen these two little girls, and they were the same ones who played with the three little boys who threatened Han Xin that day. It seems that the older one is called Xiao'e and the younger one is called Xiaocai.

Soon after, the three little boys followed.

The five people were jumping around on the grass, looking very happy.

However, this happiness was soon broken.

When more than a dozen fierce figures appeared in everyone's sight, a fat man headed by three little boys came out and said kindly: "Uncle Li, why are you here?"

"Young Master, let's find a man named Han Xin." This little fat man is the son of Hu Er, the leader of the Jiangkou Gang, Hu Duifeng.

Deacon Li looked at the two figures by the river and said this. When he was tracing Hu Liu's traces, he unexpectedly learned that Hu Liu had been tracking two boys, so he came to investigate with the mentality of giving it a try.

"It's Han Xin! Come with me!" Hu Duifeng led a group of people to come behind Han Xin and said arrogantly: "Han Xin, Uncle Li is looking for you."

Behind more than a dozen people, four children followed suit, monitoring the situation nearby. Xiao'e looked at Han Xin, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes. Xiaocai, on the other hand, was very excited and felt that Hu Duifeng looked so majestic.

Han Xin was still fishing and did not look back.

"Brother, since you came here, I haven't stopped having trouble here."

"Is this called trouble?" Ying Ziyi said nonchalantly, and then asked with a smile: "How many can you hit?"

"I just started learning martial arts and can't fight a few," Han Xin said.

"So that's it!" Ying Ziyi nodded.

Looking at these two little children who were watching no one else, Deacon Li felt very depressed. For a moment, he had a feeling in his heart that Hu Liu's disappearance was related to these two people.

"Have you seen this person?" Deacon Li took out a portrait and asked the two of them.

"Who painted this? It's too ugly." Ying Ziyi took a look and said.

"Have you seen this person?" Deacon Li asked eagerly, not paying attention to Ying Ziyi's rude attitude.

"Yes! When we were in the temple, we saw this man leading three or four of his men to the west. He seemed to be looking for something, right?"

"Really?" Deacon Li narrowed his eyes and stared at Ying Ziyi, "Then can you invite the two little brothers to come and sit with us at Jiangkou?"

"Sorry, I don't have time, and my little brother probably doesn't either."

Ying Ziyi said so, raising his head uninhibitedly.

This is an insult to them!

Looking at Ying Ziyi's "innocent" smile, these dozen people all thought so.

"I'm afraid it's not up to you."

As Deacon Li said, he stepped back, and a dozen boys behind him slowly stepped forward, wanting to teach these two hateful boys a lesson.

However, before they even got close, these dozen young men were knocked down.

Five civilian swordsmen stood between Butler Li and Ying Ziyi and Han Xin like door gods.

Deacon Li looked at his men lying on the ground, and he protected Hu Duifeng behind him. These five civilian swordsmen were extremely skilled. Deacon Li didn't even notice their approach just now. With his eyesight, he could tell that any one of the five swordsmen in front of him had a higher martial arts skill than himself. In fact, their strength is not even comparable to that of Jiangkou Gang leader.

To be able to dispatch so many masters, the identity of the child in front of him must not be simple.

What exactly is it? Deacon Li accidentally glanced at the sword carried behind one of the swordsmen. The shape is simple, and the Yang characters engraved on the hilt do not seem to be the characters of Chu.

This is an ancient sword!

After thinking about this, Deacon Li suddenly felt something. When he looked at Ying Ziyi, his eyes were different.

"I'm sorry for intruding you." Deacon Li lowered his posture to the point of being humble.

"That's it! Let's go!"

Deacon Li held Hu Difeng's hand that was ready to leave and let go. He looked at Ying Ziyi, who was not interested in paying attention to him.

"I'll take my leave."

Hu Difeng didn't understand why his Uncle Li's attitude suddenly changed so drastically, and he didn't react for a while.

"Uncle Li, when have our Jiangkou Gang ever been afraid of others? We want to..."

Before Hu Duifeng could finish speaking, Deacon Li covered his mouth and dragged him away.


"Sister, let's go quickly, Hu Duifeng will not let them go." Cai'er pulled E'er hard and walked towards her home. But E'er was obviously hesitant. She got rid of her sister's hand and walked towards Han Xin in the eyes of her sister.

"Han Xin, you have to be careful."

"Thank you!" Han Xin said.

Everyone dispersed and the river flowed slowly, leaving only Han Xin and Ying Ziyi.

"Brother, why did you let that Deacon Li go? You know, if you let him go, bigger troubles will follow."

"There are many people looking for me now. Wouldn't it be nice to save them the effort of looking for me?"

Ying Ziyi smiled.


Eguchi Gang.

"Are you telling the truth?" Hu Er, the leader of the Jiangkou Gang, looked at Deacon Li and said in disbelief.

The fourteenth son of the Qin Kingdom, Ying Ziyi, appeared on his territory. If he could be captured, wouldn't his Jiangkou Gang become prosperous?

This tempting idea stayed in Hu Er's mind for a moment, and then disappeared. He confirmed to Deacon Li: "Are you really sure?"

This suspicious question did not make Deacon Li unhappy. In fact, no matter how many times his gang leader asked him, Deacon Li would not be surprised.

"The stolen ancient sword, five masters, and the child should be right. Gang leader, what should we do?"

Deacon Li was confused and asked Hu Er to make up his mind.

"If we want to deal with Ying Ziyi, we cannot do it with the strength of our Jiangkou Gang. We have to inform the people above."

"Above? But this will have an impact on our Jiangkou Gang's territory." Deacon Li said with an ugly face.

"I know it too, but the news about Ying Ziyi is of great importance, that's all." Hu Er said helplessly with a heavy face.

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