No more bullshitting.

Wang Hao traveled through time.

He traveled to the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period and became a passerby.


That's right!

Not one of the three heroes, Cao, Sun, and Liu.

Nor is he a descendant of the Yuan family, who have been officials for four generations! He doesn't have a great scholar as a teacher, nor a father-in-law who is rich and powerful! He can't even get a position as a county magistrate or a county lieutenant. He is extremely miserable.

Of course!

If you think that's all, you are wrong.

Because just half an hour ago, Wang Hao was drafted into the army and given a broken hatchet, in preparation for him to resist the Yellow Turbans!

Fuck your balls!

Wang Hao suddenly felt like he had been fucked by a god.

He picked up the hatchet and chopped at the tree in the yard, cursing:



Experience +10;

Wood +10;

A mechanical and strange voice suddenly appeared in Wang Hao's mind.

In an instant!

Wang Hao could feel a strange power flowing into his limbs.

It seemed that the power was a little stronger.


Congratulations on reaching level 1.

The next second.

A brown page appeared.

【Host]: Wang Hao

【Level】: lv1 (0/100)

【Occupation: Militia

【Attributes: Military Strength 5; Intelligence 5; Politics 5; Command 5;

【Skills: None

【Resources]: Wood × 10;......


Isn't this the"Little Soldier Invincible" game I developed myself?

Could it be that when I traveled through time, I brought the game template with me?

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Wang Hao suppressed his excitement and rubbed the tree trunk in front of him again!

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Experience +10

Wood +10

Glancing at the character template

【Level】lv1 (10/100)

Experience has indeed increased

【Resources: Wood x 20;


It's really useful?

Wang Hao's eyes rolled.

I have to hurry up and upgrade. I can change my job when I reach level 5.

《The game"Invincible Little Soldier" originally relies on continuous job transfers to improve strength.

It is divided into two stages: arms and generals.

The arms stage is further divided into four small stages: basic arms, enhanced arms, advanced arms and elite arms.

Of course!

This is only on the surface.

Wang Hao, as the designer of this game.

Naturally, he knows clearly that in addition to the elite arms, there is also a hidden special arm.

In the arms stage, if all professions can be transferred and skills are trained to the maximum level, then it will directly determine the potential for promotion to the general stage!

With good potential, you may even become a god-like general like Lu Bu in the future!

With average potential, you may only be able to reach the first-class general, not even the top-class general.

If the potential is poor, you are at best a second-rate general.......

It's the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period.

Naturally, we need to be armed with weapons and horses, and be as aggressive as a tiger!

Wang Hao's goal is to become a god who can rival Lu Bu!

Naturally, he must work hard from now on.

He picked up the hatchet! He chopped at the tree trunk again!


Experience +10

Wood +10......


Experience +10

Wood +10......


Congratulations on reaching level 2.

Although the increase is small, Wang Hao can definitely feel the strength.

He is overjoyed.

Continue to pluck the small tree!


Experience +10

Wood +10......


Experience +10

Wood +10......


A closer look.

The trees were all chopped down and stripped of their bark.

Wang Hao turned his head and took a glance, and found the steps paved with bluestone bricks.


Experience +10

Stone +10......


There's a hoe over there?


Experience +10

Refined Iron +10......


Congratulations on reaching level 4.

Only one level left.

If you work harder, you can change your job.

Cluck, cluck, cluck!

A rooster crowed nearby.

Wang Hao turned his head and saw four old hens and a big rooster.

Without hesitation, he rushed up and chopped them!


Experience +200! 200 experience points ? Killing chickens is so awesome! Wang Hao's eyes turned red, and he chased after the chickens that were running around. Ding! Experience +200



Experience +200......


Congratulations on reaching level 5.

Do you want to change your job?

""Change job!"

Wang Hao said in his heart without hesitation.


Open the basic soldier job change channel, please select the job change.

In an instant, various soldiers appeared in Wang Hao's mind. Short sword soldiers!

Pudao soldiers!

Long~spear soldiers!

Shield soldiers!

Short bow soldiers!

Crossbow soldiers!

Light cavalry!

Archer cavalry!

Considering that the next battle is to defend the city,

Wang Hao chose the short bow soldiers at the first time!


Wood -50; only 50 units of wood are needed to change jobs.


An inexplicable force infused Wang Hao's body.

He could clearly feel his body being rapidly strengthened.

The strengthening process was very short.

It seemed to be just a moment.

When he came to his senses, the strange power had disappeared.

And his original body had also undergone obvious changes.

His thin body became sturdy, his arms had obvious muscles, and he even grew taller and became more sturdy.

Of course!

More importantly, he actually had a short bow in his hand.

Then, the attribute panel appeared.

【Host]: Wang Hao

【Level】: lv5 (0/3000)

【Occupation: Shortbowman

【Attributes: Military Strength 10; Intelligence 8; Politics 5; Command 5;

【Skills: Basic Archery (0/100)

【Resources: Wood × 485......

【[Equipment]: Shortbow


Finally a skill.

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