I have to admit.

Li Lu's actions were very fast.

In a short while, he got seven or eight hundred wooden sticks.

He did not ask the lightly wounded to process them, but those who were responsible for carrying the equipment did it.

After all, there was no equipment to carry for the time being, and they were idle anyway, so they could just use resources effectively.

Because the suggestion was made by Wang Hao, and he was the main force of the North Gate, Li Lu also gave him a lot of the processed wooden spears.

In the following time, Wang Hao and others withstood two more waves of attacks, and the arrows in their hands were exhausted.

But fortunately.

Wang Hao's elementary archery skills have reached the maximum level.

Even if there are no arrows, it will not delay his promotion to advanced arms.

Glancing at the system interface.

At this moment, Wang Hao is already level 28.

Except for the cavalry-related professions that have not changed their jobs, the rest have all changed their jobs.

Moreover, all the skills of the related professions have also been upgraded to the maximum level during the process of defending the city.

Everything is ready, only the level is missing!

Now Wang Hao can't wait to fight the Yellow Turban.

He is absolutely sure that he can upgrade to level 30 in the next wave of attack!

Glancing at the sky.

The setting sun was blood-red, and the wind was cold.

I thought there should be another wave of attacks before nightfall.

Sure enough!

About a quarter of an hour later, the Yellow Turbans gathered under the city again and shouted the slogan that shook the world:

"The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, and the world is blessed!"

"Brothers, follow me to attack the city!"


In an instant, a yellow wave swept over.

Wang Hao picked up the wooden spear and stared at the yellow turbans under the city.

His soldiers followed his example and also picked up wooden spears.


Closer! Closer!......

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer.

Wang Hao reminded:"Sima, the distance is almost right."

Li Lu then ordered:"Three armies, listen up, hit hard!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One by one, wooden spears flew out with a whistling sound, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

The Yellow Turbans outside the city did not realize that what was above their heads were not soft arrows, but the wooden sticks they had used to attack the city before!


The wooden sticks were very sharp.

As sharp as swords!

At that moment!

The Yellow Turban soldiers were stunned.

They looked at the sharp wooden sticks flying from the sky. Some of them even forgot to run away. They were so scared that they just watched the wooden sticks pierce through their bodies.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

A wave of wooden spears rained down, and the Yellow Turban bandits fell like wheat being cut.

Some people were pierced through the body; some were nailed to the ground; and some were directly pierced like candied haws. There were two or three corpses hanging on one spear.

Li Lu was overjoyed when she saw this and shouted again:

"Raise your spears!"

All the soldiers raised their wooden spears.


The order was given.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The rain of wooden spears came again.

The Yellow Turban who had managed to escape before was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Run, run quickly!"

"This is their new weapon!"

"Everyone, hurry up and leave, otherwise you will surely die!"


Without hesitation, they turned and left, not caring whether the horn was sounded or not.

The defeat was like a landslide!

The commander of the Yellow Turbans was so angry that he cursed his mother.

Since he started his army, he had never suffered such a great defeat.

""Damn it!"

The Yellow Turban leader cursed inwardly, gnashing his teeth and saying,"Who on earth is guarding the city that they can hold out to this extent? Could it be that the will of heaven is not on the side of our Taiping Dao?"

"Mr. Qu, what should we do?"

"What can we do? The defeat is already done, there is no way to turn the tide, quickly gather the remaining troops, don't let them run away"

"" Yes!"

At this moment, shouts of victory broke out from the city.

Perhaps even they did not expect that they could defeat the Yellow Turbans with this sharpened wooden spear?......

Wang Hao was embarrassed.

Although he hit the target with two spears, it only provided two thousand experience points, and he didn't even break through lv29.

He thought that the rain of wooden spears could only ease the opponent's offensive, but who could have thought that it would directly defeat the opponent.

Damn it!

These Yellow Turbans are too vulnerable, aren't they?

When Wang Hao was thinking secretly, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.


Excellent performance for defeating the offensive within five minutes.

Reward: Military Strength +1; Command +2;


Although I got the reward by chance.

But compared with the advanced arms, it's really a drop in the bucket.

Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Wang Hao felt like a thousand grass mud horses were running wildly in his heart.

He cursed himself secretly.

Why bother to do such a stupid thing.

It's not worth it!

If God gives me another chance.


Wang Hao was daydreaming.

Suddenly, a bonfire lit up in the southeast corner.

This meant that they could no longer hold on and requested reinforcements.

Wang Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, and without hesitation, he loudly requested for help:

"Sima, let me lead the troops to support you!"

Military Sima Li Lu knew that he had to send people to support him, so he did not hesitate:

"Be careful and stay safe!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed and waved his hand:

"Zhang Nan, Li Le, Tie Niu!"

"Follow to support Dongmen!"


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