The defense of the city by Jinzhi was a great success.

The county magistrate and the county lieutenant were also very pleased when they learned about it.

The two summoned the leaders of each sect to return to the county government to discuss politics, and also wanted to commend Wang Hao in public.

Of course, more importantly, they wanted to strike while the iron is hot, stabilize the morale of the army, and hold on until help.


It's a pity that Wang Hao poured a bucket of cold water on me.

"County Master!"

Wang Hao clasped his fists and said solemnly:"I think it is far from the time for us to relax our vigilance. Although the golden juice is quite effective in defending the city, it is not invincible!"

"Once the Yellow Turbans gather enough straw raincoats to protect their bodies, the effect of the golden juice will be greatly weakened, and we will still suffer brutal attacks!"


"In a siege, the amount of boiled gold juice is limited, and the number of Yellow Turbans that can be killed is also limited. Even if the enemy does not have enough raincoats, as long as you avoid the time when the gold juice is poured, you can still take advantage of the situation to attack."


Wang Hao said in a loud voice,"The main purpose of this plan is to delay time. We should take advantage of this time to rest and be ready to fight again at any time!"

If it were someone else, Wang Hao would not dare to speak out.

But he has determined that the county magistrate and the county lieutenant are rare good officials who can listen to opinions!

It is precisely because of this that Wang Hao dared to state his views openly.

Sure enough!

The county magistrate pinched a strand of beard under his chin and nodded first:

"Yeah, that makes sense!"

"It seems that I am too optimistic."

Immediately, the county magistrate turned his head and looked at Wang Hao, his eyes soft and said:"Wang Junhou is indeed a talented general. Facing a great victory, he still maintains a calm judgment, which is really admirable."

Li Xiong also nodded:"That's right! If it weren't for Wang Junhou's reminder, we would even think that the Yellow Turbans had been defeated and dared not to attack the city again!"

"County Master, then we......"

Li Xiong winked at the county magistrate

"Regardless, it was a big win."

"The reward should be given!"

The county magistrate did not hide it, smiled slightly, turned his head and looked at Wang Hao:"Wang Junhou, you have made outstanding contributions in this battle. I discussed with Li Xianwei to give you some rewards, but there is nothing in this city that can be given."

"Think about it!"

"I'll wait for the decision, but I still want to ask you what you think"

"Tell me, what do you want? This county will do its best to satisfy you."

Li Xiong reminded:"Wang Junhou, you only have one chance, you must think clearly!"


For a moment, Wang Hao was a little hesitant.

To be honest.

Some things were too remote.

Wang Hao himself did not dare to think about it.

Even if he proposed it, the other party would not agree.

So, it would be better to make some requests that the other party would definitely agree to and that would be useful to him. He pondered for a long time.

Don't say it!

Wang Hao actually thought of one.

He clasped his fists and said in a sonorous voice:

"County Magistrate, I want a war horse!"

War horse?

The county magistrate was stunned when he heard this:

"Wang Junhou!"

"Are you sure you only want a warhorse?"

Li Xiong nodded slowly:

"If it were just this, it would be really simple"

"Now that we are defending the city, war horses are useless. There are ready-made war horses in the stables."


Li Xiong frowned and asked curiously,"Do you really just want a warhorse?......Military Sima?"


This reminder......

Isn't it too obvious?

I have to admit it.

Wang Hao actually considered the position of military Sima.

But think about it carefully, this thing is now a nominal position.

The county can no longer draw soldiers to supplement.

Even if you are promoted to the position of military Sima, you will not be allocated enough eight hundred men.

Although the position of military Sima is good, it is really not very practical.

What's more!

Climbing too fast may not be a good thing.

After all, the jealousy of colleagues in the palace also needs to be guarded against.

Wang Hao has no energy to think about those.

He just wants to upgrade with peace of mind, stay for the time being, and enhance his strength.

Speaking of enhancing strength!

Wang Hao has not yet switched to a cavalry profession.

If he can have a warhorse, at least he can complete his profession first.

As for the improvement of skills!

If there is a chance, he will naturally not let it go.

He said with certainty and certainty:

"That's right! I just want a war horse."

The county magistrate and the county lieutenant exchanged glances.

Li Xiong understood and nodded slowly:

"Okay! I'll help you."

"I will personally take you to the stables later and let you choose any one you want."

Wang Hao was overjoyed:


The county magistrate exhaled and said calmly:

"In this case, you all go back first, and remember, do not let your guard down."

All the soldiers bowed and said,"Yes!"

After that, they bowed and left the hall.

Li Xiong called out:

"Wang Junhou, please follow me."

Wang Hao replied,"Yes."

Immediately, he followed.

He walked through the corridors and courtyards, and the winding paths led to secluded places.

After a while, he finally arrived at the stables.



7 poor horses;

3 strong horses;

2 war horses;

1 good horse; huh?

There is actually a good horse?

Wang Hao was surprised.


More chapters added!

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