Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a while, the drums sounded again.

Wang Hao gradually calmed down as he watched the Yellow Turbans rushing in like a tide.

"Sergeant, I'm a little scared, what should I do?"

"Easy! Let me tell you a secret"

"What secret?"

"You guys, don't think of the Yellow Turbans as enemies, but think of them as moving military merits. The more you kill, the more military merits you will gain, and the more rewards you will get. Then you won't be afraid!"

"this......Is it possible?"

"Try it, it works!"


Wang Hao was secretly happy.

These guys were quite good at learning and applying what they had learned.

At least, it saved him time to train new soldiers and he could focus on the enemy.

Looking up, the Yellow Turbans were getting closer and closer to the city.

Three hundred steps!

Two hundred steps!

One hundred steps!......

Wang Hao slowly stood up, drew his bow and arrow, and said,"Brothers, prepare your bows and arrows!"

The soldiers followed Wang Hao's movements, drew their bows and arrows, and aimed at the battlefield.

"I'll only teach you once, pay attention to my movements"

"Lower your left arm, rotate your elbow inward, push the bow with your thumb and for stability!"


"Eyes, arrow and target, all in one line!"


"After aiming, adjust your breathing and wait for orders!"


The sound of bowstrings being stretched rang in his ears.

Wang Hao had no time to give specific instructions.

His eyes were fixed on the yellow turbans below the city, following their slow movement.


With a command,

Wang Hao loosened his fingers and the arrow flew out.

Under the city, a yellow turban fell down.


Experience +1000

Primary Archery (540/1000)

"Go ahead, shoot!"

Wang Hao pulled out the feather arrow and put it on the string.



Arrows flew like stars.

Another Yellow Turban fell to the ground.


Experience +1000

Primary Archery (550/1000)

Zhang Nan, who was standing next to him, was stunned and stared at Wang Hao in disbelief.

You know, he was a minor official in the county who was responsible for suppressing bandits. He thought he could show his prowess on the battlefield.

But who would have thought that he was not as good as Wang Hao, a rural militiaman?

Without hesitation,

Zhang Nan followed Wang Hao's instructions.

He drew his bow and arrow and aimed at the Yellow Turban.


Arrows whizzed out and the Yellow Turban fell to the ground.


Zhang Nan gasped and glared:"It really works!"

He pulled out the feather arrow again and continued to shoot arrows in Wang Hao's way.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Zhang Nan shot arrows one after another, and his hit rate really improved a lot.

While he was impressed by Wang Hao's amazing archery skills, he couldn't help but feel a little sore in his arms.

After all, shooting arrows requires too much arm strength, and his limit is about seven arrows.

But when he turned his head and looked at Wang Hao, the other party continued to shoot arrows, his face was not red, and he was not breathing heavily, obviously he still had strength to spare.

At this moment, Zhang Nan was convinced. No wonder he was a team leader, but he was a sergeant!

"Leader, the Yellow Turbans are climbing up!"

"What are you standing there for? Throw the rocks and logs at me!"

Wang Hao made a prompt decision without hesitation.

Zhang Nan also came to his senses and picked up the log and smashed it down.

"Take the spear and stab it in the face!"

"Pay attention to the rhythm and don't panic!"

"Remember what I said: When two people meet on a narrow road, the bravest one wins!


The skill Encouragement is triggered.

The morale of the whole army is increased by 20.%


The roar rang out.

All the soldiers worked together and fought frantically.

Under Wang Hao's calm command, the Yellow Turbans were unable to break through his defense zone for half an hour.


Just as he expected.

Military Commander Li Lu couldn't hold on any longer and asked for help urgently:

"Wang Hao, block that hole for me!"

"Zhang Nan, follow me!"


Wang Hao put down his longbow, replaced it with a big sword, and rushed towards the torn hole.

Facing him, a yellow turban holding a ring-handled knife screamed and rushed over like a wolf.

Wang Hao was not in a hurry. He dodged the opponent's attack while stabbing the opponent's heart with a sword!


Blood spurted and sprayed on Wang Hao's face.


Experience +1000;

Primary Swordsmanship (110/1000)

Wang Hao kicked the corpse away and swung another sword with his backhand.


The yellow turban in front of him was killed by Wang Hao's sword before he could raise his weapon.

Wang Hao didn't even see the opponent's face clearly. He pushed the corpse down and continued to fight!

"Zhang Nan, rush forward and block the gap!"

"Leave this to me!"

"Got it, brothers, let’s go together!"


Wang Hao killed several Yellow Turbans in succession and finally stabilized the situation. He looked up and saw that

Li Lu, the military commander, was in a tough fight.

He did not hesitate and rushed forward with his sword:

"Sima, don't worry, Wang Hao is here!"

Puff! Puff!

Wang Hao attacked decisively.

With two consecutive sword strikes, he killed two people on the spot.

He pulled Li Lu away with all his strength and thrust his sword forward.~~~

A clear and crisp sound of a golden bell rang out.

Wang Hao was very strong, and while knocking away the opponent's weapon, he swept his sword across and chopped off the opponent's neck.

Puff~~ blood spurted out.

The Yellow Turban bandit fell down with his eyes wide open!

"Sima, are you okay?"


"Can I still fight?"

"Don’t worry, you won’t die!"


Wang Hao responded,"Protect yourself, leave this to me!"

Li Lu protected himself with a sword and breathed a sigh of relief.

He had to admit that it was really reassuring to have a capable subordinate.


When he turned his head and looked to the side, he saw two new soldiers under Wang Hao's command, actually stripping the Yellow Turbans of their equipment.


Ring-handled swords!

Bows and arrows!

Even wooden sticks were not spared!

Damn it!

What are these guys doing?

Why do they want all the junk!


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