The change in attitude was obvious.

It was really surprising!

But Wang Hao looked normal, with no intention of changing his words.

Even from his personal point of view, this was not a shameful thing.

He would not become a licker for the sake of an official position, and would not care about his dignity and integrity!

After Wang Yun left, Lu Zhi lowered his voice and said:

"Master Wang Zi came back yesterday. I didn't visit him."


Lu Zhi glanced at Wang Hao:"From his reaction just now, he is probably the same as the previous person."

Wang Hao simply responded:"Well, normal!"

Lu Zhi smiled lightly and nodded slowly:"You have a good mentality."

Wang Hao raised his lips slightly:"No! I didn't have much hope at first, I just tried my best, but it was an eye-opener."

Lu Zhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief:"Well, I am relieved that you can do this."

Not long after.

Huangfu Song also came to the venue.

After all, he is a member of the Huangfu family in the north, a famous general family.

Naturally, he was greatly welcomed!

Of course!

Fundamentally speaking.

Huangfu Song must still be a general in the future.

He will not compete with these people for certain positions, so there will be a superficial atmosphere of joy.

However, Huangfu Song is naturally not stupid. He knows the reason very well, and he is just perfunctory on the surface.

He simply sat in front of Lu Zhi, and the two chatted casually.

A person stood behind him.

He is more than seven feet tall, with a handsome face, a tall and strong body, and a heroic aura.

"My name is Huangfu Jing, with the courtesy name Jianshou. I don’t know if you are......"

"My name is Wang Hao!"

"Brother Wang!"

"Brother Huangfu!"

The two of them greeted each other and nodded.

Huangfu Jing did not ask Wang Hao about his background, which shocked Wang Hao.


In the eyes of a family of generals, origin does not seem to be as important as that of a family of Confucian scholars.


Wang Hao developed a slight liking for Huangfu Jing.

And when Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi chatted, they were all talking about battlefield matters.

When Huangfu Song heard Lu Zhi introduce Wang Hao, he turned around and praised Wang Hao, and used this to advise his son to learn more about military tactics so that he could come up with more brilliant plans!

Huangfu Jing did not mean to be embarrassed, but instead bowed to Wang Hao and praised him highly.

Wang Hao naturally returned the greeting politely, with decent and generous manners.

After a while, the banquet finally began.

As expected!

The celebration banquet only had a celebratory feel at the beginning.

Everyone toasted Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song to express their congratulations.

But immediately.........

Their eyes were no longer on Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song.

Instead, they talked about classics, officialdom, the vacancies after the Yellow Turbans, and the advantages of their own descendants.

Many young descendants even took the opportunity to compose poems and perform acrobatics like clowns.

But unfortunately!

The dignitaries in the court praised him one after another, and added:

"Young, talented, and with a bright future ahead of him."


"He really is worthy of being the disciple of XXX, and has inherited the true teachings of XXX!"......

Wang Hao could only laugh.

Although he was not familiar with classics, he was also deeply influenced by Tang poetry and Song lyrics.

More or less, he had some appreciation ability!

Even he found the poems of these younger generations disgusting.

But in the eyes of some great Confucian scholars, they could even be praised as"not bad".

This was really.........

Lie with open eyes, destroy dignity for power!

It's obviously shit, but he eats it with relish.

Wang Hao was behind Lu Zhi.

He could clearly feel Lu Zhi's contempt for this.

Although he couldn't see his face, he could imagine the disdain that burst out from his bones.


A voice sounded in the hall:

"I heard by chance that when Lu Zhonglang came back from Jizhou, he brought back a young talent."

"It is said that this man was full of clever strategies, not only did he save King Ganling with his clever plan, but he also broke into Zhang Jiao's lair within ten days!"

"To be honest!"

The man's eyes immediately focused on Wang Hao:"After hearing this news, I was shocked and wanted to see the style of this young hero!"

Wang Hao remembered it very clearly.

The speaker was a member of the Guo family in Bingzhou.

His son Guo Quan had just recited a poem, but it was obviously not as outstanding as others.

Seeing that they could not get off the stage, how could the Guo family let it go?


The man naturally transferred the contradiction to Wang Hao, trying to use Wang Hao's embarrassment to offset the incompetence of his descendants of the Guo family.

Wang Hao was so sharp that he saw through the other party's sinister intentions at a glance.

"Yes! I had heard Lu Zhonglang talk about this hero a long time ago, and today I saw that he was indeed a handsome man!"

"The person who is valued by Lu Zhonglang is not an ordinary person. He must be well-educated and talented."

"I wonder if Brother Wang could compose some poetry or essay, which would broaden our horizons!"

"Yes! Brother Wang was born in the military, so his poems and songs must be different from ours!"

"Well, I really want to see it!"


For a moment!

The eyes of everyone in the hall were all focused on Wang Hao.

But in Wang Hao's eyes, no matter whether the other party was an elder or a junior, the expectation in his eyes was accompanied by a hint of sneer and ridicule, just waiting for him to make a fool of himself so that Lu Zhi would also fall into embarrassment.

After all!

Lu Zhi was like a hedgehog on weekdays.

Let alone slandering Lu Zhi, they were already thankful that they were not killed instantly by Lu Zhi.

Now, they finally got the opportunity to embarrass Lu Zhi, how could they let it go so easily.

Of course, this is just an appearance.

More importantly!

Once Wang Hao makes a fool of himself, would he still have the nerve to ask for an official position?

The answer is obviously no!

In this way, wouldn't there be one more person to share the food?

And he is an extremely competitive person!

After all, Wang Hao is a man with real military merits, and these latecomers in front of him are really useless except for being too thick-skinned.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Wang Hao was born in the military......."

Although Lu Zhi had just spoken, Wang Hao could clearly sense his intention to shirk responsibility.

He stretched out his hand to stop Lu Zhi, and immediately stepped sideways, bowed and said:"To be honest with you, Lu Zhonglang, when I was young, I studied in a private school for two years, and I also dabbled in military tactics and poetry."

The meaning was very clear!

I'm going to do it!

Lu Zhi raised the corners of his lips slightly, and smiled faintly:"Yu'er's guess was right, you kid is not that simple!"

Wang Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air:"I don't know if Jian is simple or not, but compared to them, I still have some confidence!"

Lu Zhi knew that Wang Hao never lied.

Since he dared to say it, he must be full of confidence.

And he also wanted to see Wang Hao's talent, so he didn't stop him:

"Well, I believe you, go ahead!"

Wang Hao immediately stepped out, clasped his fists and said:

"Although I come from the military, I am also familiar with poetry."

"You can recite poems and compose essays!"

"But I'm afraid......"

Wang Hao's eyes were stern, and he was murderous:"This poem is like a knife or a sword, some people can't stand it!"


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