
Congratulations on comprehending the Killing God Domain.

Wang Hao angrily swept his eyes over the dignitaries and was about to go downstairs.


The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

He was stunned for a moment, what a pleasant surprise! He actually comprehended the Killing God Domain in this way!

According to the game settings!

Each player can only have one domain skill.

And it is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Some players can comprehend it at the military branch stage.

But the vast majority of players, even at the military general stage, even first-class or super-first-class military generals, may not be able to comprehend it.

This requires great opportunity!

Wang Hao was able to comprehend it at the elite military branch stage.

It can only be said that......

What a fucking good luck!

Killing God Domain lv1:

Range: 5 steps;

Effect: 5% chance to stun enemy units and make them lose resistance;

Upgrade condition: Kill ten people!

Currently: 0/10;

That's right!

Domain skills also need to be upgraded.

Therefore, the sooner you comprehend the skills, the more beneficial it will be for the player's growth.

The way to upgrade the Killing God Domain is the simplest, you just need to kill a certain number of people!

But the only rule is that you must kill them with your own hands!

Wang Hao couldn't wait to go to the battlefield and upgrade his Killing God Domain to the maximum level!

Da! Da! Da!

Go downstairs.

Lu Zhi turned around and asked softly:"How is it, do you regret it?" Wang

Hao raised the corner of his lips slightly, and said indifferently:"How could it be! It was me who implicated Lu Zhonglang."

Lu Zhi was even more nonchalant:"If you think so, then there is no need. I have always been like this. Even without you, Wang Hao, they would not be too polite to me!"

"It's you......"

Lu Zhi stared at Wang Hao:"Today I have really opened my eyes!"

Wang Hao frowned:"Oh? Really?"

Lu Zhi nodded:"I thought you were able to intimidate those young people, which was already very good, but I didn't expect that your sharp words just now were so fierce that even those old guys couldn't stand it!"


Lu Zhi laughed out loud,"Anyway, at this banquet, not only did you not embarrass me, but you also dampened their enthusiasm. I am very satisfied with you!"

Wang Hao smiled indifferently,"That's the best!"


As Lu Zhi walked away, he said,"You have offended them today. I am afraid that you will lose hope in those fertile counties."

Wang Hao shrugged and said,"I did not become an official to make money. I do not care whether the counties are fertile or not."

"Very good!"

Lu Zhi nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Wang Hao with eyes full of joy:"I knew that I, Lu Zhi, would not make a mistake! Tell me, where do you want to go?"


Wang Hao frowned and pondered for a moment:"You, Bing, and Liang are all fine. I feel that only in the border counties can I truly defend my country. Governing in other places is meaningless to me!"


"Very good!"

Lu Zhi was really getting more and more satisfied.

He let out a long breath and said loudly:"Since you and I are frank with each other, I won't hide it from you. In fact, I have already selected a place for you, but I don't know if you are willing?"


Wang Hao frowned and asked,"Could it be Liangzhou?"

Lu Zhi nodded without hesitation:"Yes! It is Liangzhou! It seems that you have guessed it."

Wang Hao did not hide it and said tentatively:"In fact, Lu Zhonglang's real purpose today is to let me show my face in front of Huangfu Song, right?"

"You kid......"

Lu Zhi raised his lips slightly:"As expected, you guessed it! The Han Dynasty has been fighting with Qiang and Hu for many years. Now the court has concentrated all its main forces in Guandong. Perhaps Qiang and Hu will take the opportunity to cause chaos. It is not impossible!


Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

I have to admit that Lu Zhi's overall view is really amazing.

Because, according to the trajectory of history, in November of the same year of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Huangzhong Yicong Hu rebelled and established Beigong Boyu as a general. They were in chaos in Liangzhou and continued to develop. In March of the following year, the troops invaded Sanfu!

And the reason why Wang Hao chose Bian County.

It is precisely because too many things have happened in Bian County in the past two years.

Beigong Boyu is in Liangzhou in the west;

Wuhuan Qiuliju is in Youzhou in the east; maybe only Bingzhou is a little safer, but there are frequent wars and constant friction with Xianbei, Qiang and Hu.

As long as there is a war, Wang Hao can legally own an army, and he can constantly improve his strength in battle!

Of course!

The most important point is.

The bitter and cold land of Bian County, these descendants of the aristocratic families will never dare to come.

Therefore, the competitive pressure of small counties in Bian County will not be so great, and it is easy to obtain!

"Then I wonder which county in Liangzhou has a vacancy?"

If you want to be a county magistrate, there must be a vacancy.

It's not that you can appoint someone just because you have connections or military merits.

That's why Wang Hao asked this question.

"There is no Liangzhou!"

Lu Zhi shook his head and said softly:"However, there is one in Youfufeng!"


It has been affiliated with the Sanfu area.

Its core is Chang'an, which is also the main attack direction of Beigong Boyu the following year.

It must be admitted that its strategic location is extremely important. Once there is a war, it will definitely not be able to escape!

"I wonder which county it is?"

Wang Hao asked tentatively.

"Yong County!"

Lu Zhi blurted out:"The county magistrate of Yong County passed away, and the court is preparing to fill the vacancy."

Wang Hao couldn't help but be stunned:"It's still a big county?"

Lu Zhi nodded:"Yes! You are lucky, you are a 1,000-stone county magistrate!"

The Han Dynasty is a county system.

Counties are divided into large and small counties according to the population.

Large counties have at least more than 10,000 people; small counties are generally less than 10,000 people; and in large counties, the county magistrate with a population of more than 30,000 people is a 1,000-stone county magistrate; ordinary large county magistrates only have 600 stones, or 800 stones; small county magistrates only have 500 stones, and those with even less populations even have only 400 stones!

You know!

Even the military Sima in the Northern Army of the court is only a 1,000-stone.

When Wang Hao was under Lu Zhi before, he was a Sima of a separate department, and the top could only be considered 600 stones.

In this way, Wang Hao is simply promoted instead of demoted!


Lu Zhi smiled calmly:"Are you willing to go?"

Wang Hao nodded:"Of course I am willing!"


He changed the subject and frowned:"Qianshi County Magistrate, those guys may give up?"

Lu Zhi raised his lips slightly and exhaled a long breath:"Don't worry, I went to see Ganling King Liu Zhong a few days ago, and he promised me to say a few good words for you in front of His Majesty!"

"You are proficient in military tactics and have made many outstanding achievements. You are the most suitable person for Yong County. No matter how capable they are, they can't snatch you away. Don't worry!"

Wang Hao hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed:"Thank you, Lu Zhonglang!"

Lu Zhi smiled faintly:"You should thank King Ganling, he contributed more to this matter!"


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