Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road.

Wang Hao really didn't expect that among those who came to see him off, there would be the Imperial Censor Wang Yun?

After all, he had been so disdainful of him at the banquet before.

The fact that he was a local militiaman almost made Wang Yun completely lose confidence in him, and he never heard from him again.


When Wang Hao was about to leave Luoyang and rush to Yong County to take up his post, Wang Yun actually came to see him off.

This was really unexpected!

However, Wang Hao was not foolish enough to think that Wang Yun treated him differently.

Perhaps it was because among the people who came to see him off was the great man Huangfu Song?

After all, Wang Yun's attention was always on Huangfu Song, and he paid very little attention to himself.

"Yong County is a strategic location, second only to Chencang!"

Huangfu Song patted Wang Hao on the shoulder and said meaningfully:"You must not be careless. Once there is a chaos in Liangzhou, Chencang and Yong County will definitely be the first to bear the brunt!"

"Well, don't worry!"

Wang Hao bowed in return and said solemnly:"I will be careful!"

After all, Wang Yun came with him, so he would naturally give a few words of advice:"Don't worry Yizhen, Brother Wang has been through hundreds of battles and has offered many brilliant plans. It's just a small Yong County, he will definitely be fine"

"It's us!"

Immediately, Wang Yun's eyes fell on Huangfu Song:"What we are going to do next is truly extremely dangerous. Once we fail, I'm afraid all our previous efforts will be wasted."

Wang Hao suddenly thought of the fact that after the Yellow Turban War, Huangfu Song was awarded a title of nobility and appointed a general for his military exploits, but was demoted for offending the eunuchs.

He couldn't bear it, and kindly reminded:"General Huangfu, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Huangfu Song smiled lightly:"Whatever you want to say, just say it!"

Wang Hao said softly:"Although His Majesty lifted the party ban at your suggestion, it was a last resort, not His Majesty's voluntary action. If you are going to pursue the Yellow Turbans next, I suggest you be very cautious!"

"Even if!"

At this point, he deliberately emphasized:"You have the ironclad evidence in your hand, but you must not underestimate His Majesty's trust in eunuchs. If you want to eradicate eunuchs, you can't just rely on evidence."


Wang Yun was stunned.

Huangfu Song was also stunned.

Even Lu Zhi, who was silent beside him, was stunned!

Wang Yun and Huangfu Song naturally did not expect that Wang Hao actually guessed what they were going to do.

Even the things they had ironclad evidence for, were right on the mark!

And what about Lu Zhi?

He really didn't expect it.

Wang Hao's judgment of the situation in the court was so accurate.

The sentence that His Majesty had to lift the party ban simply described the embarrassing situation of the scholars vividly.

That's right!

Although the scholars were lifted.

But it's far from time to toss.

At least half of the officials in the court didn't see the problem clearly.

It was actually seen clearly by Wang Hao, who was born as a local militia.

This time, he withdrew and chose to develop in the border counties, perhaps also with the intention of escaping the vortex.

This kid is definitely not as simple as he imagined.

"That's all I have to say. If I offend you, please forgive me."

Wang Hao couldn't say too much. After all, he was in the limelight and full of energy. If you kept pouring cold water on him, he would not be grateful but would think you were meddling.

But just a reminder would fulfill his responsibility as a friend.

"It's getting late, kid, you have to get going."

After saying that, Wang Hao bowed and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Lu Zhi stopped Wang Hao.

""Lu Zhonglang."

Wang Hao bowed.

"This is a farewell, and I don’t know when we will meet again."

Lu Zhi sighed a little, took something from the attendant next to him, and handed it to Wang Hao:"This is a book called Shangshu Zhangju that I wrote when I was proofreading classics in Dongguan. The border counties are poor, and there are some ancient classics. You can read more when you have time."


《"Shangshu Zhangju"

Intelligence +1; Politics +2;

After all, the Han Dynasty is the orthodox Confucianism.

Wang Hao was born as a local militia, but he studied Confucian classics.

Lu Zhi gave him a Confucian book he wrote, which was actually meant for him to make up for his knowledge.

Wang Hao understood his good intentions, so he nodded and took over several volumes:"Thank you, Lu Zhonglang, for your kindness."

At this moment!

Huangfu Song and Wang Yun felt a little embarrassed.

After all, the two of them did not prepare any gifts, which would seem very rude in comparison.

However, Huangfu Song had an idea, took off his sword and handed it over:

"County Magistrate Wang came from a military family, so how could he not carry a sword with him!"

"This sword is called Lixue, and was made by the sword-making master Pu Cheng. Because it is tempered with blood, it is extremely evil.���"

"If ordinary people wear it, they will suffer losses. But if a veteran hero wears it, it will be like divine help!"


Huangfu Song was a little reluctant, but still stuffed it into Wang Hao's hand:"I will give this sword to you, I hope you can make it famous all over the world and live up to the name of Lixue!"


Lixue Sword

Force +1; if it was any other gift, Wang Hao might have declined.

After all, Huangfu Song was giving the gift passively, and Wang Hao could see that he was not so inconsiderate.

But it was a sword!

And there was a 1-point force bonus, how could Wang Hao refuse.

If he goes to the battlefield in the future, Wang Hao can use a spear to stab those far away and a sword to kill those close!

This is fucking awesome! What a rhythm.

Wang Hao took the Lixue and said gratefully:"Thank you for the sword!"

In this way, the most embarrassed person was Wang Yun.

He really didn't prepare any gifts, and he didn't even wear a sword. After thinking about it.

He simply took off the jade pendant around his waist


Wang Yun smiled awkwardly and handed the jade pendant to him:"I'm sorry, I didn't prepare any gifts. I've carried this jade pendant with me for almost ten years. Now I'll give it to you, brother Wang!"


The system's voice did not sound.

This jade pendant is probably just an ordinary thing, without much effect.

At the same time, Wang Hao could see that deep down in Wang Yun's heart, he was actually unwilling to give it.

But damn!

Before, he underestimated Wang Hao so much.

How could Wang Hao fulfill his wish?


Wang Hao reached out and grabbed the jade pendant and took it:"Thank you very much!"

Wang Yun's face was like a bitter melon.

Although he was a little reluctant, after all, he didn't mean to take back what he had given away.

At the moment, he could only smile awkwardly and waved his hand, saying:"Why are you being polite? Brother Wang has been promoted to the magistrate of Qianshi County this time, and his future prospects are limitless. It's just a jade pendant."


Wang Hao felt so refreshed.

In any case, he finally got rid of his anger.

He took the gift, turned around and handed it to Zhang Nan, then bowed again:

"All good things come to an end!"

"Send it here, that's about it."

"Wang needs to go on his way."

The three of them bowed together:

"Take care of yourself!"


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