What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 36 Teruhashi Xinmei’s tracking record (Part 1)

Teruhashi Shinmei wore a mask, hid her long blue hair with a peaked cap, and covered her blue eyes with sunglasses. Her school uniform was also covered with a deliberately loose sportswear, like Like a paparazzi reporter, he followed Aokiji quietly.

As Aokiji walked into the kendo gym and disappeared, Teruhashi Komimi did not give up. She persevered and found some debris for her feet, and secretly glanced at Aokiji's figure inside from the window on the edge of the gym.

I saw Aokiji chatting happily with the four-eyed boy inside. After a while, Busujima Saeko, the head of the kendo club, actually took the initiative to come over and chat with Aokiji.

"Damn it." Teruhashi Shinmei narrowed her eyes instinctively, her heart ringing with alarm: She knew Busujima Saeko, a very famous beauty in the second year of high school. Not only was she beautiful, humble and polite, she was also the leader of the kendo club, and she was very powerful. Super strong.

Looking at the slightly raised corners of Busujima Saeko's eyes, her mature yet slightly charming temperament, Teruhashi Koimi patted the wall angrily: "This old woman."

Suddenly, she thought of some rumors about Busujima Saeko, and Teruhashi Komimi felt relieved: "I heard that Busujima Saeko is polite to everyone, but in fact he keeps a distance from everyone. To Aoki It should be a courtesy conversation, too."

However, Teruhashi Shinmei's face soon wrinkled again.

After Busujima Saeko and Aokiji exchanged a few words, they put on their protective gear and started sparring with each other.

Although Aokiji seemed to be fighting very hard, Teruhashi Sumimi was still surprised: It turned out that Aokiji was so valued in the kendo club. Not everyone can have a master to practice with him!

Sure enough, Aoki-san is a man who looks like a mess on the surface, but is actually very talented.

When they saw the two of them fighting for several minutes, Aokiji sat on the ground panting, Busujima Saeko brought warm water and handed it to Aokiji with concern. The two of them smiled brightly, and Teruhashi Kotomi narrowed her eyes slightly. Eye.

No, there is a situation. Teruhashi Shinmei squinted her eyes, but suddenly felt a strange and unpleasant feeling in her heart, which was vaguely like jealousy. She was stunned, and suddenly an idea came to her mind that she was afraid to accept: Could it be that I like this bald head?

Oh my God!

The battle between heaven and man began again in Teruhashi Shinmei's mind: Why do I have this strange feeling? Could it be that it's me?

Impossible, impossible! It is impossible for a perfect beautiful girl to have a boyfriend!

I just care about him!

right! This is just a must for a perfect beautiful girl, a heart of compassion!

Teruhashi Shinmei was in a mess of thoughts for a long time, and her legs were sore from standing. Then she saw Aokiji put down his protective gear and wooden sword and walked out of the kendo hall.

She followed carefully again.

Just watch Aokiji dive into the supermarket again.

"Hey, is he still responsible for buying vegetables and cooking?" Teruhashi Komimi watched in surprise as Aokiji began to buy vegetables in a noisy crowd consisting almost of aunts, and he still carefully selected the quality of the food. Nice vegetables, and when bargaining, he used his fierce face to get a lot of discounts. It seems that he is someone who often does this kind of thing!

After that, Teruhashi Shinmei watched Aokiji return home with a somewhat complicated mood. She hesitated at the door for a long time, then suddenly her eyes lit up, she thought of something, and she gently rang the doorbell at the door.

"Click." The door opened.

Aokiji looked at the girl in sportswear in front of him in bewilderment. There was still water in his hands - he was washing vegetables just now.

"Are you..." Aokiji asked cautiously.

Teruhashi Shinmei took off her sunglasses and mask, pretending to be surprised and said, "Eh? Why does Aoki-san live here?"

"Uh" Aokiji blinked and wondered, "I live here. Is there anything strange about it?"

"No, no, no, isn't this Kasugano-san's home?" The confused expression on Teruhashi Shinmei's face did not indicate that she had premeditated this.

Aokiji nodded and asked strangely: "How do you know? This is indeed Kasugano's house, and I am temporarily living here."

"We are classmates with Kasugano-san!" Teruhashi Shinmei looked like she suddenly realized: "Don't you know, Aoki-san? And what is the relationship between Aoki-san and Kasugano-san?"

Aokiji looked at how cold it was outside, and then invited Summi Teruhashi to come in. When she was taking off her shoes, he explained: "For some reasons, I have to live in Kasugano's house temporarily, and Aoki is my sister. "

"Oh, that's right. I just came to visit Kasugano-san. After all, she has never been in good health, and the teacher is also worried about her study status." Teruhashi Kotomi followed Aokiji to the living room with a smile, and looked at The clean living room asked in confusion: "Where are Mr. and Mrs. Kasugano?"

Aoki Si asked her to sit at the dining table in the living room, opened the refrigerator and said politely: "Uncle went on a business trip, and aunt returned to the countryside temporarily because of some things. Now it's just me and Qiong at home. Do you want orange juice or Coke? Tea. That’s okay too.”

"Just orange juice." Teruhashi Shinmei looked at the vegetables in the kitchen sink without any trace, and suddenly asked: "Is Aoki-san taking care of Kasugano-san during this time?"

"Yeah. Actually, there's no care. I just make breakfast and dinner for Qiong. Qiong is quite good." Aokiji smiled and said politely: "Terubashi-kun hasn't eaten yet. Do you want to eat together?" ?”

"Okay!" Teruhashi Shinmei, who had already planned it, nodded politely, which made Aokiji look a little weird - he usually doesn't prepare food for three people, but fortunately he has all the basic ingredients at home. Also, just make one more dish.

"Ah, by the way, you're here to see Qiong, I'm going to ask her if she wants to come down." Thinking of this, Aokiji put the orange juice in front of Teruhashi Summi, turned around, went upstairs, and knocked on Qiong's room. Door.

"Qiong, classmate Teruhashi Sumimi is here to see you. You can go downstairs and meet her." As soon as Aokiji finished speaking, he heard a crashing sound in the room and a Qiong's sound. Screaming in pain.

"Qiong? Are you okay?" Aokiji knocked on the door again worriedly.

"It's okay." Qiong in the room covered her calf that touched the table, her eyes were red from the pain, but her expression was very panic: Why is she here?

If Aokiji knew that I was behind his back and investigated him

Will he hate me for this?

Qiong's face turned pale.

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