What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 73 Meeting the homeless old man again

"What is the dream practice room?" Aokiji said with a calm expression, carrying the purchased ingredients, wearing the hat and mask he just bought, and embarked on the way home. Maybe it’s because winter is coming, but today’s sky seems to get darker earlier than usual.

[It allows you to practice skills that have reached LV4 in a dream. The ratio of time to reality is about 1:2. In other words, if you sleep for eight hours, you can study skills in the dream practice room for four hours. Because it is practiced in a dream, it will not exercise your body and can only be used to learn upgrading skills. Of course, you will not feel tired in the dream practice room, and the damage you suffer will not affect reality. 】

[However, the mental fatigue caused will not be weakened. It is recommended that the host adjusts the training time and rest time by himself to avoid overtiring himself. At the same time, if you notice your discomfort, you should also make psychological adjustments. 】

Aokiji was stunned for a moment, this was amazing. It's equivalent to having almost four hours more than others every day, not to mention that you won't feel physically tired during it - for example, practicing swordsmanship, practicing for four hours without stopping is better than three or four days of concentrated practice in reality. ! After all, there are physical limitations in reality.

I just don’t know what it’s like inside.

"Hey, it smells so bad and it's blocking the road. Don't you want to live anymore?"

In the alley next to him, there was suddenly a sound of punches, kicks and curses from teenagers.

Aokiji frowned slightly, stopped, and turned to look. Around the corner, several delinquent boys in school uniforms, who were probably still in junior high school, were surrounding a homeless man, violently and violently cursing him.

"Hey!" Aokiji shouted angrily.

The teenagers turned their heads and saw Aoki Si. They were stunned for a moment, their expressions were a little frightened, but their tone was still a little arrogant: "What are you doing!"

"What are you doing?" Aokiji was already in a bad mood. Seeing these teenagers pretending to be calm and arrogant towards him, he suddenly became angry: "You guys, are you looking for death?"

The leading boy swallowed, his expression obviously very frightened, but he still insisted: "What does it have to do with you if we beat this homeless man?"

"Ha." Aokiji sneered, put the ingredients in plastic bags at the entrance of the alley, moved his wrists and walked towards them: "You are quite interesting when you say the craziest words with the most cowardly expression."

"I, my brother is also in high school in Wuyang. If you hit me, my brother will not let you go!" The young man was a little flustered. He glanced at the companions who were beating people with him just now and saw that they were trembling. He swallowed as he looked like a coward who would run away at any moment.

Aokiji said with a cold face: "Then your brother didn't tell you not to mess with me?"

"Son, don't be so proud!" the young man shouted, and took out a hand-sized stone from the corner: "It's not like we haven't beaten high school students before!"

"Call me!" Aokiji sneered and raised the corners of his mouth.

The young man took a few quick breaths on the spot, turned to look at his companions, and saw the fearful looks on their faces. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Seeking death!"

After saying that, he held up the stone and rushed towards Aokiji.

Then, he flew back at an even faster speed.

The young man lay on the ground clutching his stomach and screamed. When he looked up, he saw that his partner had already run away. He looked at Aokiji with fear on his face and his voice trembled: "I, I, I was wrong. !sorry!"

Seeing that he was young, Aokiji had already lost some of his strength, but it was enough for him to bear it.

"I don't care why you want to beat this homeless man, but please remember it for me." Aokiji looked at his pitiful appearance at this time, and didn't want to care about the child. He just threatened: "You have to have If you are capable, come and fight with me. If I see you bullying these poor people again, no matter who it is, as long as I see it, you will wait for me to chop off your little finger, do you understand?"

Maeda Tora taught this to Aoki Tsukasa, and it worked well enough. The boy was so frightened that he almost peed. He nodded hurriedly: "I, I understand, yes, I'm sorry, brother!"

"Go away, stop pretending to be a bad boy." Aoki Si glanced at him. The boy held his stomach and staggered towards the alley while holding on to the wall. Before leaving, he glanced at Aoki Si in the corner and seemed to be He wanted to remember Aokiji's appearance, but as soon as he turned his head, his eyes met with Aokiji's. At that time, he was so frightened that his legs went weak and he knelt on the ground, rolling away and crawling away.

It seems that I have to watch that TV series and learn how to do things like the boss of the Yakuza. In the future, if I can rely more on scaring people to make peace, that would be great!

With such a fierce face, it seems a pity not to learn how to scare people.

Aokiji turned around to look. The homeless man who had been beaten before was leaning against the wall, coughing and holding his head in his hands, curled up like a shrimp and lying on the ground. Aokiji couldn't help but sigh.

"Uncle, okay, they have left."

The homeless man opened his eyes carefully, looked at Aokiji, and froze.

Aokiji also felt that he looked a bit familiar. Thinking about it carefully, he seemed to be the old homeless man whom he had given more than a thousand yuan to buy rice dumplings.

It's just that he was wearing a dirty hat to cover his white hair, and his face was pitch black, so it wasn't very visible.

"It's you again." Aokiji smiled slightly.

Gently reaching out his hand, he helped the old man sit up. In his evasive eyes with a bit of inferiority, Aokiji patted the stain on his back generously: "Those brats are young, but they have poisonous hearts." Very, today’s young people really don’t understand it.”

"Thank you." The old man sat against the wall, took off his hat, his silver-white hair was sticky on his face, and he covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

Aoki Si squatted on the ground and smiled at him: "There is nothing to thank. How is your health? They didn't hurt you just now, right?"

The old man sighed and shook his head: "It's okay. I'm fine."

Seeing his sallow complexion, Aokiji asked softly: "Have you had dinner tonight?"

"Not yet." The old man lowered his head, his voice trembling.

Aokiji patted the dust on his shoulder and smiled at him: "Then wait for me for a while, and I will buy you some food."

"No, no need!" The old man hurriedly reached out and grabbed Aoki Si's clothes. Seeing him stop, he quickly let go, for fear that his hands would stain his clothes: "I have something to eat, it's okay."

Aokiji just smiled: "It's okay. I'll buy you some bread. It won't be bad if you eat it tomorrow morning."

Before the old man could refuse, Aokiji trotted out.

The old man stood there, his eyes full of gratitude, and he thought for a long time with a complicated expression. He seemed to be making an important decision. Finally, he sighed and made up his mind.

Not long after, Aokiji trotted back and handed the bag containing bread and mineral water to the old man: "Then we have a chance to see each other again. I pass by here almost every day to go home. If you have any difficulties, you can come around around 4 in the afternoon." Wait for me here when you order, I will definitely help if I can."

He wasn't exactly a holy mother, but he just felt that he didn't have to worry about food and drink now, so he could help as much as he could without any trouble.

Seeing Aokiji about to leave, the old man suddenly said: "Young man, can you come with me? I have something I want to ask you for, okay?"

Aokiji was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the time on his phone. He saw that his stay in the kendo club was relatively short today, but he still had about an hour to spare, so he said cheerfully: "Okay, where are we going?"

The old man stood up tremblingly, limping and leading the way in the alley: "Follow me."


PS: I recommend a book by a great guy called "Dimensional Door". It's quite interesting. You can go to favorites and click to watch BIUBIUBIU~~~~

Hey, just leave the recommendation to me QAQ! Love you guys!

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