What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 75 Medical Classics

Aokiji looked at the ancient book in his hand, opened the cover and stood in the alley to read.

It happened to be right next to the bookstore. If this ancient book with "Medical Classics" couldn't help him acquire better medical skills, he would simply go directly to the bookstore and look for books on Chinese medicine or Western medicine to learn skills.

The handwriting on the old 'Medical Classic' is quite clear, but some places are inevitably obscured by stains. In addition, the entire text is written in ancient Chinese texts, so Aokiji seems to have some difficulty.

Fortunately, in his previous life, he had been troubled by classical Chinese in high school, and Aokiji didn't know a word of it. Although he had no idea what many professional terms meant, it was not impossible to get a general understanding of them.

After briefly reading through the ancient book, the system promptly popped up a message about skill learning.

['Incomplete Ancient Medical Technique' detected, do you want to learn it? 】

Aokiji fell into deep thought.

The medical classic in front of me is probably a compendium of medical skills written by an unknown person from China. What is written in it includes but is not limited to how to cure external injuries and some internal injuries such as typhoid fever. It is a pity that This ancient book is probably just one of a series of complete medical scriptures. It is probably the only one that exists as a prologue. It is probably impossible to learn any truly profound medical skills from it.

Even if his skills can break through the limitations and allow him to gain knowledge without actually possessing the remaining books, I'm afraid there are limits. After all, no one knows how precious this complete set of medical classics is, and it may be far behind modern Chinese medicine. Not allowed.

This skill can be classified as a traditional Chinese medicine type medical skill as a whole, but it may be slightly different from the traditional Chinese medicine methods currently circulating.

Can this so-called ‘ancient medical technique’ really cure Qiong’s problem?

Aokiji frowned, unable to make a conclusion for a while - Chinese medicine has always been full of controversy. Some people believe that it is far more profound and more effective than Western medicine. There are even claims that Western medicine treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and only Chinese medicine can cure the disease. But it is unavoidable that Chinese medicine does have limitations in some aspects. Most of the people who come back to life on the operating table are medical experts who come from medical schools and are based on Western medicine.

Should the radical treatment of heart disease be based on Western medicine or Chinese medicine?

And no matter what technology it is, it is constantly improving with the progress of the times. Even if this ancient medical book records one of the top medical schools in ancient times, can it really compare to modern medicine, which has been continuously improved through the efforts of countless people?

Aokiji couldn't make a simple conclusion for a while.

"System, this medical book in front of me, if I learn the ancient medical skills in it, can I cure Qiong?" Aoki asked the system.

[After testing, this ‘incomplete ancient medical skill’ should be classified as a special skill in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is recommended to use the skill improvement scroll to perfect it before learning. 】

The system did not answer directly, but gave suggestions.

Aokiji was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Just like the system will not directly tell him that reaching level 4 will provide additional attributes and enable new functions, perhaps its own limitations do not allow him to directly disclose certain subsequent information. However, just as the system can remind Aoki Si through the experience value of skill stage leaps, he can help Aoki Si in other ways.

Aokiji even thought that maybe this system could predict the future. Otherwise, why would he have obtained this ancient book just after he obtained the 'Scroll of Skill Perfection' from the hidden mission?

Of course, maybe it's just a coincidence.

Aokiji used this item without thinking too much.

[The incomplete ancient medical skills are being perfected. 】

[The incomplete ancient medical skills were successfully perfected → ‘Medical Classic’]

[The 'Medical Scripture' skill is relatively rare, and the experience required for upgrading is doubled compared to regular skills. Hosts are advised to learn with caution. 】

Experience points doubled? !

Aokiji suddenly fell into a tangle. He didn't know what kind of medical skills and what kind of effects it would bring, but his most common Chinese medicine and Western medicine also required seven or eight levels to cure heart disease, and this was already an astronomical level of experience value.

"No matter what, if it doesn't work, just take the initiative to find the task again. There will definitely be a new skill bar!" Aokiji gritted his teeth. He had already used all his props. This skill will gain more experience points, and it will definitely be effective. It should be stronger!

The moment he studied medical classics, Aokiji felt that there was a lot more knowledge in his head. This kind of instilled memory made him feel dizzy for a while. He staggered a few times and held on to the wall before he could calm himself down. Barely standing up straight.

After a long time, when he sorted out the extra knowledge in his head, he laughed out loud with joy: "This experience value is worth not to mention twice, it is worth twice as much!"

Originally, the ancient book in Aokiji's hand was just one of a complete set of medical books. Not to mention any advanced medical skills he learned from it, I am afraid that even the traditional Chinese medicine skills circulated on the market are not as good as them.

However, the skills learned after systematic improvement are not only the level of the medical skill itself, but a higher level. The so-called perfection is not just to complete the skills, but to postpone them to their perfect state!

This 'Medical Classic' skill not only encompasses all the medical skills of traditional Chinese medicine throughout the ages, but even those lost classics have been completed and become a 'Medical Classic' in the true sense.

The traditional Chinese medicine skills on the market may only be able to extend more profound knowledge to complete or even transform their flaws until they break through their own limits, but they themselves are on a completely different level from the beginning!

Just like in martial arts novels, you use the most basic internal skills and mental skills to reach the top and break through the limit. Although you are also a hero for a lifetime, another person who practices top-level mental skills that is unparalleled in the world may only need to practice it to 70% to 80% perfection to be able to compete with him. You have reached the same level, and your combat effectiveness is even better, because the top mental methods often have various comprehensive and special effects that ordinary mental methods do not have!

Aokiji even felt that it was a pity that this skill-perfecting scroll was used in this ancient book - the role this scroll could play was really too great!

[Medical Sutra LV1: You are just getting started with medicine. Now you may be able to put a band-aid on others. (Experience 0/200)]

Although the skill introduction is superficial, Aokiji knows how much wealth the extra knowledge in his head is!

"Maybe it only takes level 5 or 6 to help Qiong's illness, I don't know for sure!" Aokiji clenched his fists happily.

Looking at the bookstore on the side, Aokiji walked in excitedly. Looking at the black-haired girl with a disgusted expression in front of him, he asked eagerly: "Do you have any books related to Chinese medicine here?"

Wu Geng Liuli raised her head, looked at the bald man in front of her, and pointed at the innermost corner of the bookstore.

She just secretly heard the conversation between the old man and Aokiji. Although she didn't know what happened specifically, she always felt that the old man must be disappointed. It was too much to leave Natto and the others to this bald old man to take care of. How could he possibly do it?

Aokiji held a thick layer of books related to traditional Chinese medicine and put them on the counter. He finished brushing them with a blank expression and said softly: "Thank you for your patronage, thirteen thousand yuan."

Aokiji didn't mind the price, so he happily walked home with a pile of books in his arms.

Wu Geng Liuli looked at Aokiji's back and snorted: "I want to see how many days you can hold on."


PS: This chapter has been modified.

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