"It's so hot. It turns out that the summer on Genshin Island is not a place for people to stay."In the bedroom of a certain apartment on Genshin Island, Lan Yufeng opened his eyes with a hot body, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and felt that his whole body was soaked.

The temperature was over 40 degrees, and the air conditioner was broken. It was simply hell.

"Aurora..."Then, sitting on the bed, ignoring the messy hair, Lan Yufeng's eyes were dazed and he muttered.

He dreamed of the past again, and the sporadic key memories.

It has been sixteen years since he traveled to the world of the anime"Strike the Blood". His current identity is the twin brother of one of the heroines, Lan Yu Asagi.

Although he has lived on Genshin Island for sixteen years, it is still difficult to adapt to the terrible temperature here.

Genshin Island is an artificial island built by Genshin Chiro at all costs. It organically combines the most advanced science and technology at the time with feng shui and magic, and creates a huge artificial island on the dragon vein of the South China Sea, on which there is an artificial city Genshin City.

The temperature on the island is maintained above 20 degrees all year round, and the total population is about 560,000. On the surface, it is said that it is a [Demon Special Zone] to protect the endangered demons and study their body tissues and special abilities.

Of course, on the surface, it is a demon special zone. Lan Yufeng knows the real meaning of the construction of Genshin Island.

But knowing it is useless because he has no ability to change. Although he is an over-adapter and has the ability of super-speed regeneration, that's all.

Of course, Lan Yufeng has not achieved nothing in these sixteen years.

With the help of the familiar plot, he mixed into the team of Akatsuki Castle on Gozo Island four years ago and explored the ruins.

During that exploration of the ruins, Lan Yufeng stepped forward and protected Akatsuki Nagisa with his super-fast regeneration ability.

For this reason, there is no original protagonist Akatsuki Kojou who died because of blocking a gun for his sister Akatsuki Nagisa and was reincarnated as a blood servant by Aurora Florestina of the twelfth Flame Night.

In the end, Aurora was awakened and killed the orc leader, the dead emperor brother, and other orcs under him in seconds.

However, unlike the original work, this time, because Akatsuki Kojou had nothing to do, Akatsuki Nagisa's qualifications were much better than Akatsuki Kojou.

For this reason, Aurora took a fancy to Akatsuki Nagisa and reincarnated her as a blood servant. And the original soul of the fourth true ancestor ran to Lan Yufeng.

This made Lan Yufeng very depressed at the time.

Because his goal was to become a Blood Servant, and then become the fourth True Ancestor.

Not only did he fail, but he also got in trouble with the cursed soul of the Original Soul.

In the end, after returning to Genkami Island, because of the Original Soul, Lan Yufeng lived with Aurora for three years.

And Lan Yufeng also successfully conquered Aurora.

Next, it was the Flame Feast.

Because of the birth of the fourth True Ancestor, Akatsuki Nagisa became the fourth True Ancestor, the Original Soul was destroyed, and Aurora also died, and the remaining soul and thoughts lived in him. And he strangely did not lose his memory. Instead, Akatsuki Nagisa, the fourth True Ancestor, has a blurred memory like Akatsuki Kojou in the original work.

"It's a rare holiday, what should I do today?"Lan Yufeng wiped the corners of his eyes and muttered.

"Alas, the time for the plot to start is getting closer and closer, but I am still a lazy fish, which is really annoying."Lan Yufeng jumped off the bed, looking helpless. Where is the golden finger that is required for time travel? Is our destiny to become the blood servant of the little girl Xiao Nagisa to gain power?

Although becoming a vampire is pretty good, Lan Yufeng still wants to continue to be a human. Probably...If the time came, he wouldn't mind becoming a vampire.

"Ding, the red envelope system is loading...1%...57%....99%...100%..."

At this moment, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in Lan Yufeng's mind, which made Lan Yufeng stunned and excited.

Shit, does this mean that the system is here? No, no, should I say that the system is late for sixteen years?

"Ding, dear master, the red envelope system has been successfully activated. We are happy to serve you!"The system's mechanical voice sounded.

"Uh, blast system? What functions do you have?"Lan Yufeng suppressed his excitement and tried to stay calm.

Ding, the system functions are as follows:

①.Various red envelopes will appear all over the world. They may appear randomly on the roadside, in special places, or even on creatures."

Note: Red envelopes on creatures require special conditions to be opened

②.There are various prizes hidden in the red envelopes. The levels are divided into bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and colorful levels.

Note: Bronze red envelopes are the lowest level, but they may also contain very good things, but the probability is relatively small.

"This is really a simple and clear ability."Lan Yufeng touched his chin, quite satisfied.

""By the way, system, is there a map or something like that?" Lan Yufeng asked.

If there is no map, it will be more troublesome to find the red envelope.

""Yes." After the mechanical voice of the system sounded, a virtual map appeared in front of Lan Yufeng.

This map is equivalent to the map of the Bloodthirsty Assault world, which clearly depicts various spheres of influence and special places.

At the same time, many red envelopes also appeared on the map.

Of course, the red envelopes that can appear on normal maps are all red envelopes above the gold level.

On the map, there are only three diamond-level red envelopes. They are located in the three major night empires, and the difficulty of opening them can be imagined. In addition, platinum and gold-level red envelopes are also difficult to open.

Then, Lan Yufeng placed the map on the String God Island and enlarged it, and immediately saw the locations of many red envelopes, clearly.

On the String God Island, there are three gold-level red envelopes, which made Lan Yufeng very jealous.

"By the way, system, didn't you order a novice gift pack as a token of your appreciation?" Suddenly, Lan Yufeng seemed to remember something, rubbed his hands, and said with a smile.

"...Yes." After the system paused, a mechanical voice sounded

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for winning a colorful red envelope!"

""Fuck! A top-grade, seven-color red envelope came directly! The system is awesome!" Hearing the voice in his mind, Lan Yufeng was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed with joy. He had seen generous systems before, but he had never seen such a generous system.

The seven-color red envelope is the highest-level red envelope. Even the three true ancestors only had diamond red envelopes. The top-level seven-color red envelope, no matter how you look at it, it can open something awesome!

In four words, make a fortune!

(ps: Newcomers and new books are asking for collections, rewards, flowers, votes, everything, QAQ, your support is the author's writing motivation!)

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