"System, recycle sanitary napkins."Lan Yufeng pondered.

"Ding, recycling is successful, 1 exchange point is obtained."The system's voice sounded

"Well, there really is an exchange point...."Lan Yufeng had a strange look on his face. Did he want me to buy a lot of sanitary napkins?

"Friendly reminder, the reason why there are redemption points for recycling is because it is a system product."The system's mechanical voice sounded

"Tsk, I knew it would be like this."Lan Yufeng shook his head.

"So, can the system recover the bodies of these demons?" Lan Yufeng asked with his eyes flashing.

"Yes. Recover all the bodies and you will get a total of 2099 exchange points."The system replied

"2099...System, did you do this on purpose?"Lan Yufeng curled his lips. The previous sanitary napkin was 1 exchange point, and the corpse was 2099. This is too coincidental.

"No."The system refuted

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, just recycle it." Lan Yufeng's eyes flashed and he ordered


After the system's voice sounded, the miserable corpses on the ground disappeared, leaving only patches of blood.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for obtaining 2100 redemption points!"

"System, let's exchange a small red envelope first to test the waters."Lan Yufeng touched his chin and said thoughtfully

"Ding, spend 100 exchange points, exchange the small red envelope successfully."

The system's voice sounded, and a small red envelope appeared in front of Lan Yufeng.

In response, Lan Yufeng lightly clicked it and opened it directly.

Instantly, a red light appeared, an object flew out, and the system's voice also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the red envelope and getting a pair of worn-out leather boots."

"Are you kidding me? I know cheap products are not good ones."Lan Yufeng was speechless."Please give me back my leather boots."

"Ding, the worn-out leather boots were successfully recycled, and 0 exchange points were obtained."

"....What a rip-off." Lan Yufeng was furious. 100 exchange points were just wasted. Why did it feel worse than a bronze red envelope?

"I will never touch the small red envelopes again. System, exchange two big red envelopes for me."Rubbing his brows, Lan Yufeng tried to stay calm and said

"Ding, I spent 2,000 points to exchange for two big red envelopes successfully."

Two big red envelopes twice as big as the previous small red envelopes appeared in front of Lan Yufeng, which made him raise his eyebrows and click on them directly.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the big red envelope and getting a box of endless premium skin care lotion."

Premium skin care lotion: produced by the system, it must be a premium product. Applying this skin care lotion can keep your skin fair and moisturized even under the scorching sun!

"......"Looking at these introductions, the veins on Lan Yufeng's forehead bulged.

What the hell are these things? Are the big red envelopes so deceptive? It really is a way to make extra money.

"Forget it, let's give this thing to Qiancong as a gift."Lan Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief and changed his mindset.

Well, although this thing is useless to him, it will definitely make Qiancong very happy. After all, girls care about their skin.

Not to mention that in Xianshen Island, where the temperature is high all year round, most girls have a healthy wheat-colored skin, and very few are fair.

Then, Lan Yufeng clicked on the last big red envelope again.

He no longer had any thoughts about this so-called big red envelope. It was really too deceptive.

However, there is a saying that sometimes, the less hope you have, the more he will give you a little surprise.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the big red envelope and obtaining the B-level medical ninjutsu"

"Hey, B-level medical ninjutsu?"Lan Yufeng was surprised.

Although medical ninjutsu is not very lethal, if used well, it can cure even serious injuries and detoxify. It can be said to be very useful.

Of course, if you have good talent, you can also be lethal, such as Kabuto Yakushi, who can cut off the meridians with a chakra hand knife. It's really cool.

Then, Lan Yufeng received the B-level medical ninjutsu.

"Tsk, can't he reach the level of Kabuto Yakushi? But it's still possible to heal some minor injuries."Lan Yufeng shook his head. He was not surprised by this result. How good can a B-level medical ninjutsu be.

And what's worse is that this thing must have energy to use. And Lan Yufeng has no spiritual power, magic power or other energy at all now.

Not to mention, he also has the superpower of super-speed regeneration, so this medical ninjutsu is dispensable. He can only hope to save others in the future.

It's a pity to throw it away.

However, it's better than the original two red envelopes, and Lan Yufeng feels better.

The so-called happiness is compared, and Lan Yufeng suddenly understands this.....

"We have opened so many red envelopes today, let's go home."Lan Yufeng hummed a little tune, leisurely left the erasure area, and took the subway home.

He remembered that the air conditioner at home was still broken. He had to find a master to fix it. Otherwise, it would be fatal to have no air conditioner in such a hot day!

After Lan Yufeng left, some demons who were watching the excitement also came to the battle area where Lan Yufeng was.

Looking at the terrifying pit and the blood on the ground, all the demons felt their scalps tingling.

In addition, they could not see the figures of the lean vampires at all.

For this reason, a terrifying rumor appeared in the erasure area- a young and powerful attacking magician appeared in the erasure area and slaughtered and ate all the lean vampires.

This rumor made many demons panic and temporarily left the erasure area. For a time, the erasure area was much calmer.

Congratulations, congratulations....

Of course, Lan Yufeng didn't know about these things, nor was he interested in knowing.

He was busy all afternoon, and after finding a technician to fix the air conditioner, he turned on the air conditioner and played games, feeling very happy.

Yeah, this is how people live.

However, after just a little bit of happiness, Lan Yufeng was no longer happy.

""Stand driver, you idiot, can you please stop playing these weird auxiliary games?" Lan Yufeng said in the voice chat with a full forehead black line.

Well, this world also has competitive games similar to LOL and Dota.

""My Lord General, how did I fail? This is called trying." A slightly immature girl's voice came from the voice.

The tone of her voice seemed very strange, and she liked to use the words of Japanese samurai.

Of course, Lan Yufeng also knew the identity of this friend who played games with him.

Her real name was Lydian Tidiye. Like Asagi, she was also a professional programmer employed by the Genshinjima Management Commune. She was a foreign girl known as a tank driver, twelve years old. She was a colleague and competitor of Asagi, and liked to call Asagi"Ms. Empress". Lan Yufeng had a good impression of this genius loli.

One was because of the relationship between the two of them playing games with him. Second, he remembered that this loli saved Asagi in the original book.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, QAQ~)

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