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's words gave Lan Yufeng a thrill.

One word, cool.

Two words, super cool.

Three words, super fucking cool.

Huh? Four words, forget it, don't worry about this detail.

"Ahem, I didn't hear you, can you say it again?"Lan Yufeng was completely excited, and he coughed lightly, and couldn't help teasing again.

"————!"Lan Yufeng's words instantly made Serafall's shy expression disappear. She gritted her teeth and glared at Lan Yufeng like a mad cat, ready to bite him. She successfully transformed from shyness and shame to anger.


" Asshole, die ten thousand times for me!...

""Mmmmm!" However, before she could attack, Lan Yufeng waved his arm and put the side of a grilled fish into her mouth, blocking her words.

"————!"Instantly, Serafall's eyes widened, and her anger melted away like ice and snow, turning into a ruddy color. She narrowed her eyes and instinctively took a bite.

Instantly, her delicate body trembled, and she covered her pretty face with her hands, full of enjoyment and happiness, and bit the grilled fish tightly.

What is this! ? Why is it so fragrant and delicious!

Is there such a delicious food in the world! ?

Instantly, after enjoying it, Serafall came back to her senses, and her anger dissipated. She just glared at Lan Yufeng, the bad guy, and took the end of the iron spike and ate it in small bites. The redness of her pretty face became more and more intense.

Serafall, the future Demon King, and the current incompetent maid, perfectly interprets the law of"real fragrance".

At this time, Gurefia looked at Serafall subtly. Even though she was cold and serious, she wanted to complain, but she didn't say anything in the end.

The previous Serafall was just a bit out of tune, but now Serafall has thrown away her moral integrity and dignity and can't pick them up again.

Although this is also related to the owner's personality of liking to tease people...

"Here, Gurefia, this is for you. Lan Yufeng smiled and walked to Gurefia and sat down, handing her a skewer of grilled fish.

Then, Lan Yufeng started eating.

""Tsk tsk tsk, it's worthy of my grilled fish, it's so delicious." Lan Yufeng sighed narcissistically.

In response, Gurefia also started to eat. As soon as she took a bite, her reaction was quite big. Her eyes widened a lot, her body trembled slightly, and her pretty face turned a little red.

If it weren't for her personality, her reaction would probably be the same as Serrado's.

"tasty...!"Gurefia looked at Lan Yufeng and exclaimed

"If it tastes good, eat more."Lan Yufeng said with a smile on his face.

"Um...Thank you, Master."Gu Lei was stunned, then he thanked her softly and started eating silently.

Seraphel, who was standing by, saw this scene, snorted inexplicably and ate the last bit of fish. She obviously likes to tease me, but she is so nice to Gu Leifia. How am I worse than Gu Leifia?...Or is it because I'm hated even when I call my master? So you're teasing me?

For a moment, Serafall felt that she and Gurefia were old enemies, but she was outdone, and she became more and more annoyed. Although she felt that she was also annoyed, this aspect was a bit subtle.

"Master, I want to eat more. Then, Serafall walked to the other side of Lan Yufeng and sat down. She breathed a sigh of relief, tried to calm herself down, and said silently.

"Huh..."Lan Yufeng looked at Serafall who called out the word"master" so easily, and was a little surprised.

Before, every time he asked Serafall to call him master, it was either a request after winning a card game, or a joke and threat. Serafall had never taken the initiative to do so.

"What's wrong with me calling you master? Or is it better if I don't?" Serafall pouted.

"Uh, as long as you like it." Lan Yufeng shook his head subtly.

"However, if you want to grill the fish, you can grill it yourself next time." Lan Yufeng smiled."I have taught you everything I should have taught you just now."

"Well, Master, leave it to me." Gurefia's eyes flickered and she nodded firmly.

"I'll come too."Serafall was stunned, and then followed Gurefia to get the fish.

After a while, Gurefia silently placed a skewer of grilled fish that looked pretty good in front of Lan Yufeng.

Serafall's was burnt.

"It tastes good, a big improvement. Gurefia, you really have the potential to become a perfect maid."Lan Yufeng smiled slightly and couldn't help patting Gurefia's pretty shoulders.

"No. You will be a perfect maid in the future."Lan Yufeng paused and added:

"I'm still far from that."Lan Yufeng's praise brought a clear smile to Gurefia's pretty face, and she said softly

"Well, just take your time."

Lan Yufeng smiled slightly and looked at Serafall with a strange look in his eyes.

"Stop looking, eat now..."Being looked at by Lan Yufeng, Serafall's eyes wandered, a little embarrassed, and then he moved the grilled fish closer in anger.

In response, Lan Yufeng shook his head and took a bite.

Well, the taste is so-so, as long as it is not a dark dish.

Under Serafall's expectant gaze, Lan Yufeng calmly finished the fish.

"Not bad, some progress." Lan Yufeng commented

""Oh, so that's it." Hearing this, Serafall breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile spread across her pretty face.

Although she was not as good as Gurefia, she was not bad either, and that was enough.

An hour later, Lan Yufeng and the other two had a grilled fish dinner and drank some beverages. After they were full, they extinguished all the fires.

Then, Lan Yufeng conjured up a small wooden house with everything in it.

Although Serafall was surprised by Lan Yufeng's methods, she was able to accept them. After all, she had seen them many times and was used to them.

"But why is there only one bed?..."Seraph looked at the big bed in the wooden house and felt sick.

"Why? You are maids, isn't it normal for you to warm the bed for your master?"Lan Yufeng looked at Serafall with a strange expression.

It seemed that it was incompetent for a maid to ask this question.

"But what's the difference between this and a bed-warming maid?"Serafall's mouth twitched, and she tried to struggle weakly.

"For me, there is no difference. Lan Yufeng answered innocently.

"......"Hearing this, Serafall was speechless and choked.

This feeling, I was threatened by you at the beginning, and it was useless to change clothes in front of you in shame?

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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