After explaining the reason, the next thing was much simpler. Xiao Nagisa also joined in enthusiastically, and seemed to be chatting happily with La Fulia.

Although in Lan Yufeng's opinion, it was completely La Fulia who was teasing Xiao Nagisa unilaterally. From time to time, she would use strange words to make Xiao Nagisa blush.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng silently gave La Fulia the title of the erotic princess.

At dusk, Lan Yufeng sent Xiao Nagisa home and then went home alone.

As for La Fulia, she went back.

Not to the hotel on Genshin Island, but to the Kingdom of Aldikia.

In her words, she had seen everything she should see and played everything she should play, and she was satisfied.

Of course, Lan Yufeng also heard from Nangong Nayue that the real reason was that there was a friendly visit in the War King Realm that required her to go there, and the time was quite tight.

This also made Lan Yufeng understand why La Fulia left so quickly.

Otherwise, with her personality, she would definitely stay.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng did not ask her why she didn't meet Xia Yin. Anyway, she knew it in her heart.

After Lan Yufeng returned home, he prepared dinner.

When it was time to eat, Lan Yufeng felt that his sister Lan Yu Qiancong was a little unhappy, which made him a little confused.

""Qiancong, what's wrong with you?" Lan Yufeng asked

"Did you take leave today just to accompany the first princess of the Kingdom of Aldikia?" Lan Yu Qiancong took out his mobile phone, and on the screen was a photo of him and La Fulia shopping together.

"Well, I became a magician, so Yue-chan asked me to be La Fulia's temporary guard."Lan Yufeng said with a subtle expression.

Why did he feel that Asagi was a little dangerous now?...?

"Really? You just called me by my name." Lan Yu Qian Cong glared at Lan Yu Feng and snorted."We get along well. La Fulia is quite generous, so we just called each other by our names. This shouldn't be a big deal." Lan Yu Feng touched his nose and retorted.

"......"Hearing this, Lan Yuqian's eyes flickered slightly, and she remained silent.

"Nothing." Lan Yu Qian Cong breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her normal expression.

"The air conditioner in my room is broken, so I'm going to sleep in your bedroom tonight." Lan Yu Qiancong looked directly at Lan Yufeng and said slowly.

""Sure. Then I'll sleep in your bedroom." Lan Yufeng said with a wry smile.

"No need, let's sleep together." Lan Yu Qiancong said calmly."I don't want you to die of heat at night."

"..."Okay." Lan Yufeng's eyes were subtle, and he finally nodded.

He didn't quite understand what Qian Cong was thinking.

However, sleeping with Qian Cong. He hadn't slept in the same room since he was eight years old, and he missed it a little.

Thinking of this, Lan Yufeng couldn't help but chuckle.

""What are you laughing at? It's so vulgar." Lan Yuqian glanced at Lan Yufeng, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and snorted.

"Uh, why is my smile so vulgar? It's obviously a sunny smile."Lan Yufeng retorted.

Hearing this, Lan Yu Qiancong did not reply, but cast a contemptuous look at Lan Yufeng.

After dinner, Lan Yufeng and Lan Yu Qiancong took a shower and slept in the same bed with the air conditioner on.

Lan Yufeng originally considered sleeping on the floor, but Qiancong rejected it. The reason was that it was not her fault that she caught a cold.

In the end, the two of them still squeezed into one bed to sleep.

However, the fragrance of Lan Yu Qiancong made Lan Yufeng smell very comfortable, and her elastic skin made him feel a little numb and very comfortable to touch.

However, it was precisely because of this that he had a little difficulty falling asleep and was thinking about random things.

In comparison, Lan Yu Qiancong was much more natural. She hugged Lan Yufeng's arms and rested her head on Lan Yufeng's chest, sleeping very comfortably.

"Feng, I won't let you...mine..."The girl's vague dream talk made Lan Yufeng feel helpless.

Finally, it was one or two o'clock in the morning before Lan Yufeng fell asleep. The next day, when Lan Yufeng woke up, the charming figure beside him had long disappeared.

In response, Lan Yufeng also stretched his waist, then got up, dressed and washed.

When Lan Yufeng and Lan Yu Qiancong finished breakfast and went to school together, Lan Yufeng found that his one million yuan had been credited.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng showed off in front of Lan Yu Qiancong.

However, this was met with Lan Yu Qiancong's contempt.

In Lan Yu Qiancong's words, a mere one million, what is it in front of me.

Well, Lan Yufeng couldn't refute it and was defeated.

After all, his genius sister Lan Yu Qiancong's monthly salary is more than this.

Time passed, and another week passed. After the end-of-term exam, the students of Caihai Academy finally ushered in the summer vacation.

However, for Lan Yufeng, this was the beginning of a busy life. Because he planned to go outside Xianshen Island to collect red envelopes.

On the first day of summer vacation, Lan Yufeng went to Nangong Nayue's home.

"Are you going to leave Xianshen Island?" Nangong Nayue put down the teacup and said in surprise

"Yes. So I asked you if you have any tasks."Lan Yufeng spread his hands and muttered."I want to make some money to draw cards."

"....Didn't you make a million dollars a week ago?" Nangong Nayue was speechless.

"Oh, I spent it all."Lan Yufeng gritted his teeth and said,"I spent 500,000 on the card draw. In the end, I only got an SSR. I'm so angry."

"I spent 300,000 on action figures. I spent the remaining 100,000 on skins. So I only have a little over 100,000 left, which is totally not enough."Lan Yufeng pouted.

"You can go now, really." Nangong Nayue's face was full of contempt."What a prodigal son!"

"Tsk, Yue-chan is even more wasteful than me. I just draw some cards and buy some game skins, but any of Yue-chan's collections at home is more wasteful than mine." Lan Yufeng was not convinced and argued

""Can your things compare to my collection?" Nangong Nayue snorted."These are all historical relics."

"Why can't we compare?" Lan Yufeng snorted.

"Forget it, I don't want to talk nonsense with you."Nangong Nayue waved her hand.

"However, speaking of tasks, there is indeed a task that is quite suitable for you. Anyway, if you have nothing to do during the summer vacation, you will tend to stay at home playing games and watching anime like a dead otaku, so you might as well find something to do."

Nangong Nayue took a sip of tea and said slowly

"What task?" Lan Yufeng said seriously."I won't do easy tasks. I want to make a lot of money."

"Don't worry, the difficulty is guaranteed to satisfy you. If you are not careful, you may die."Nangong Nayue said with a smile.

"Tsk, who are you trying to scare? I was brought up by being scared."Lan Yufeng pouted.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes and support, QAQ~)

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