The conditions for opening the red envelope on Watla made Lan Yufeng raise his eyebrows slightly.

Because the condition for opening it was to completely kill Watla.

"Killing Wattela, that's just what I want."A cold light flashed in Lan Yufeng's eyes.

Of course, although he didn't mind killing Wattela, he had to at least grow up to be able to defeat Wattela head-on, and at the same time have the ability to protect himself and even compete with the True Ancestor.

Otherwise, it would affect the whole body. Killing Wattela would make the first True Ancestor furious, and then attack him, and then trigger a series of changes.

Although he didn't care and was not afraid of the so-called hunting of the True Ancestor, it would affect his friends.

At least Akatsuki Nagisa would definitely not sit idly by. In that case , it is estimated that it will evolve into a direct battle between the Fourth True Ancestor and the First True Ancestor.

Although Wattola is crazy, he still respects the First True Ancestor very much. In addition, he is capable enough, so he is valued by the First True Ancestor.

Otherwise, Wattola would have been executed for the serious crime of devouring two elder-level vampires.

For this reason, Wattola cannot be attacked casually. Before the ability is insufficient, you can only wait for the opportunity to come.

The platinum red envelope is really not easy to get.

Lan Yufeng muttered in his heart.

Lan Yufeng rushed all the way to the vicinity of the Forgotten Forest

"Why are you still following me?" Lan Yufeng glanced at Watola beside him and said with disgust."Stalker?"

"......"Wattola's expression froze for a moment, then he smiled and said,"I'm worried about you. After all, the enemy is Bruder Danberggraf, the last descendant of St. George of the Dragon Slayer Clan. Even I don't have the confidence to defeat him."

"Hehe."Lan Yufeng sneered.

No one would believe you. Maybe he really couldn't deal with Bruder in normal mode. However, Wattora's specialty is the fusion of his familiars.

Two already powerful familiars are fused together to form a new familiar. Its power is incomparable, enough to be on par with the True Ancestor-level familiars. Of course, it's just on par, there is still a little gap.

The fusion of three familiars completely reaches the True Ancestor-level familiar. This level is enough to easily defeat Bruder.

Wattora is a complete battle maniac, his style is crazy, and he has the capital to be crazy, so he is one of the most dangerous guys.

"I'm not interested in searching for Bruder with you. Let's go one side at a time." Lan Yufeng said calmly, jumped onto a tree, and quickly rushed to one side using the thick branches.

"It's really a headache."Watola glanced at the direction of the wind that Lan Yufeng left, his face slightly gloomy.

He intended to test Lan Yufeng's strength, but unfortunately this was the Forgotten Forest, an area that was isolated from signals.

In this case, he would not be able to see the battle between Lan Yufeng and Bruder, and the meaning of the test would be greatly reduced.

"That's fine. It won't do me any harm anyway." Wattola grinned and walked to the other side with a happy face.

Lan Yufeng won, which means Lan Yufeng's strength is enough to threaten him. Lan Yufeng died, which means Lan Yufeng is just so-so. It means that his previous attention was wrong.

Of course, if he met Bruder, it would be even better.

He was very curious about the last descendant of St. George of the Dragon Slayer Clan and wanted to fight him.

After having fun, he made a big noise in the battle to attract Lan Yufeng over, and his goal was achieved.......................................

While Wattola was making his wishful thinking, Lan Yufeng was moving forward quickly with the help of tree branches.

At the same time, in front of him, there was a virtual map that only he could see.

The mark on the map was the Forgotten Forest.

And in the Forgotten Forest, a silver red envelope was moving quickly.

And the carrier of this silver red envelope was the target Bruder.

To be honest, Lan Yufeng was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that after arriving at the Forgotten Forest, he tentatively opened the map and found that the red envelope was refreshed.

Sure enough, the refresh mechanism of some red envelopes changes with his position and situation.

Lan Yufeng pondered slightly.

"This speed is a bit slow."Lan Yufeng looked at the red envelope on the map, his eyes slightly fixed.

""The third gate, the gate of life, open!" Suddenly, Lan Yufeng directly opened the third gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, and a light green aura was intertwined around his body.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng's speed soared to a terrifying degree, and he quickly closed the distance with Bruder.

With Lan Yufeng's current physical fitness, plus this is an improved version of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, opening the third gate has little burden on the body, and it can be opened for a long time, so it can be used to hurry on the road.

"Hmm?" Ten minutes later, Brand, who was wearing armor and holding a big sword, seemed to have noticed something, stopped, turned around and looked at the forest behind him, his face slightly solemn.

"Someone is catching up with us at a fast speed. Isn't it a demon?"Brud was a little confused.

In the few seconds that Broud was confused, a fierce wind swept by, the leaves fluttered, and a figure appeared on a tall branch, looking down at him.

"I finally caught up with you." Lan Yufeng said in a deep voice

"Catch up with me? Enemy? If that's the case, then there's nothing to say. Just knock him down."Brud snorted coldly, stepped on the ground, and rushed up like a cannonball, extremely fast.

The next moment, he suddenly swung his knife and cut the branch where Lan Yufeng was standing in half.

However, when he attacked, Lan Yufeng disappeared on the branch, appeared above his head, and kicked him to the ground.


There was a shocking explosion, and a huge hole was smashed directly on the ground, scaring away countless birds and various animals.

"The speed is very fast, but it is only very fast. But are you trying to tickle me with your little strength?"Brud stood up from the pit, looked at Lan Yufeng in free fall, and tilted his neck.

Seeing that this guy was fine, Lan Yufeng was speechless.

Sure enough, the body of this descendant of the dragon slayer is a cheating existence. Even a high-level orc is not worthy of carrying his shoes.

I guess only orcs like the dead royal brother who can transform into a divine beast can compare.

"You can't move in the air, you're just a target." Bruder snorted coldly, jumped into the sky again, and slashed at Lan Yufeng with the sword in his hand.

"The fourth gate, the gate of injury, opens!"Lan Yufeng's eyes condensed, and he opened the fourth gate directly. The aura around him turned dark green, and his strength and energy increased significantly.


The next moment, Lan Yufeng had a red spear in his hand, which collided with the greatsword wielded by Bruder.

The sound of metal colliding rang out, sparks flew, and a circle of air exploded in the center of the collision, turning into a white circle and drifting away, with a howling wind!

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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