Nagisa Akatsuki and Natsune Yezane are both in Class C of the third year at Saikai Academy.

After finally calming down, Lan Yufeng found that his room was in a mess, which puzzled him. Why the hell is it like an earthquake?

This is Genkami Island, and an earthquake is no small problem.

Then, his phone kept beeping, and he couldn't help but pick up his phone to check it.

In an instant, he found all kinds of news flying around. There were news like a huge white tiger phantom appeared in the sky over Genkami Island, and the whole world was shocked.

Some people speculated that it was some powerful beast

, and some even said doomsday.

Others speculated that it was the white tiger in mythology, but this statement shook people's worldview, and ordinary people rejected it.

"Well, I also became famous at the same time." Lan Yufeng covered his forehead, feeling a headache."What a rip-off."

If he played like this, he couldn't use the power of the white tiger indiscriminately, otherwise he would be caught and sliced if he was discovered....

"Forget it. If I were to be famous, I would have been famous a long time ago.���Of course, he is only famous in front of those big guys."Lan Yufeng touched the back of his head and shrugged.

As a key figure who participated in the Flame Feast and even helped Xiao Nagisa become the fourth true ancestor, it is hard for him not to be famous.

""Huh, Aurora, give me some more time, I will help you reshape your body." Then, Lan Yufeng touched the white jade on his neck and murmured.

This white jade was a birthday gift from Aurora, and he had been wearing it on his body.

"Next, I should consider where to search for red envelopes."After thinking about Aurora for a while, Lan Yufeng opened the system's virtual map and checked the red envelopes located on Xianshen Island.

"Na Yue, Nagisa, and Xian Guyong, one of the Three Saints, have gold red envelopes. Tsk, they are all on people, and there are conditions to open them, so troublesome. There are more silver red envelopes than gold red envelopes, and some are also in various facilities. Tsk, they are all special areas, and it is difficult for me to get in."

Lan Yufeng curled his lips, a little depressed

"Forget it, let's go get some bronze red envelopes first." After thinking about it, Lan Yufeng decided not to be too ambitious. He breathed a sigh of relief and went to wash up. After washing up, Lan Yufeng took out bread and milk from the refrigerator, heated them up and ate them for breakfast before going out.

As for his twin sister, Lan Yu Qiancong, Lan Yufeng knew from the note on the table that she went shopping with her friends.

After all, it was a rare day off, and for a young girl like Lan Yu Qiancong, going shopping was obviously what she was looking forward to.

Soon, Lan Yufeng opened two bronze red envelopes in several shopping malls.

However, the things in these two bronze red envelopes made him stare. Draw.

The thing that came out of the first bronze treasure chest turned out to be a barbecue sausage, which made Lan Yufeng so angry that he destroyed it on the spot. It was a bad start, and he was showing signs of being a loser. However, the taste of the sausage opened by the system is still worthy of recognition, yes, delicious.

The thing that came out of the second bronze treasure chest was even worse than the first one. It turned out to be a box of sanitary napkins!

That's right, a box of sanitary napkins!

You can eat sausages by yourself, but what can sanitary napkins do? Is he going back to give it to his sister Lan Yu Qiancong, saying that this is a good thing his brother bought for him? Products produced by the system must be high-quality, and you are guaranteed to be satisfied with them after using them.... emmmm....

The picture is too beautiful to imagine, he will definitely be disliked to death....

"The third one, if I still can’t get anything good, I will definitely not touch the bronze red envelope this week." Lan Yufeng came to the third bronze red envelope on the square very tiredly, clicked it, and opened it.

Instantly, green light appeared, and a white light ball wrapped around a test tube appeared.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for opening the bronze red envelope and getting a portion of body strengthening liquid!"The system's voice sounded, which made Lan Yufeng alert and surprised.

Did it happen? It's really not easy. Finally, a normal thing was opened. And it's something that is very useful to him.

"Master, do you want to retrieve the item?"The system answered mechanically.

"Extract."Lan Yufeng nodded.

Instantly, a test tube with a blue medicine appeared in Lan Yufeng's pocket.

"System, how do I use this thing?" Lan Yufeng asked

"Take directly orally, blueberry flavor."System answer

""It's really good, it's quite humane." Lan Yufeng sighed, then opened the cork and drank it in one gulp.

Instantly, Lan Yufeng felt hot all over his body, and his heart beat very fast.

Fortunately, this is a public place with air conditioning, and it's very cool. It's not outside, otherwise it would be 40 degrees outside and it would be absolutely hot.

Well, it's worth mentioning that the public toilets on Genshin Island are not only clean and tidy, but also have a special fresh fragrance, which is more comfortable than home. What

's more worth mentioning is that some students on Genshin Island would rather go to the toilet for lunch.

So the toilet is definitely not a dirty place, probably...

After a few minutes, when the effect of the drug wore off, Lan Yufeng clearly felt that he had become much stronger.

At the same time, he also felt that he had infinite strength.

Of course, this was an illusion. Although his physical fitness had indeed been greatly enhanced, he was by no means infinitely strong.

However, he should still be able to fight some low-level demons.

"There are still some good things in the bronze-level red envelopes. But I feel that the chance of getting good things is really low."After getting familiar with his current physical strength, Lan Yufeng also sighed.

Well, the box of sanitary napkins in the system space should be destroyed when possible.

Otherwise, it would be a bit abnormal to put sanitary napkins in the high-end system space.....

"Hmm? There are two big red envelopes nearby?" Lan Yufeng called up the virtual map and took a look. He couldn't help but look a little strange.

Well, one silver red envelope and one gold red envelope. The people who carried them were all his acquaintances.

Yese Natsune and Akatsuki Nagisa.

Yese Natsune had a silver red envelope. And Akatsuki Nagisa, the fourth true ancestor, had a gold red envelope.

Tsk, I have to say that the system map is really convenient as a tool for committing crimes. It's so convenient to know who is where.

"Go and have a look. See what the conditions for opening the silver and gold red envelopes are. I hope it's not too bad. However, why do I always feel a sense of foreboding? This naughty system is very bad~"

Lan Yufeng touched his chin, left the toilet, and ran straight to his two cute schoolmates.

When Lan Yufeng found Ye Lai Natsune and Xiao Nagisa, the scene in front of him made him frown.

(ps: Newcomers and new books are asking for collection, rewards, flowers, votes, everything, QAQ, your support is the author's writing motivation!)

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