The moment Yuan Tangyuan rushed over, her spiritual power was intertwined with lightning, which brought her explosive power to the peak.

This was undoubtedly the close combat technique that the Lion King Mechanical Sword Wizard must learn, the Eight Thunder God Technique. This move was enough to allow Ji Dong Xuecai to kill the orcs without relying on the Snow Wolf.

And Yuan Tangyuan's control over this physical skill was undoubtedly much stronger, and the lightning visible to the naked eye was proof of it.

The next moment, the greatsword in Yuan Tangyuan's hand slashed towards Lan Yufeng mercilessly.


In response, Lan Yufeng narrowed his eyes and punched out. He didn't hit the sword head-on, but hit her sword body.

A terrifying explosion sounded, and the wind whistled, shaking the sky. The big sword was directly deflected by Lan Yufeng's powerful force.

In terms of strength alone, Yuan Tangyuan is undoubtedly not Lan Yufeng's opponent now.

Of course, her sword was just a cover.

When Lan Yufeng hit the big sword, Yuan Tangyuan clenched her left fist, and a special technique wave appeared on the back of her hand.

The spiritual power rolled, with the ability to cut, wrapped around the fist. At the same time, Wu Weiyuan's Eight Generals Divine Method and Jianwu's Eight Thunder Divine Method were used at the same time.

This punch was unreserved.


When Yuan Tangyuan attacked, Lan Yufeng also punched out and faced the enemy head-on.

In an instant, blood flew, violent thunder sounded, the air exploded, forming a violent gust of wind, rushing straight into the sky.

The girl above looked at this scene in shock, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

The collision between the two people was actually deadlocked this time.

At the same time, at some point, the Shikigami around Lan Yufeng also pounced on him, trying to bite Lan Yufeng.

Faced with this dilemma, Lan Yufeng's face changed slightly.

Yuan Tangyuan's control of spiritual power is really essential. He is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of skills.

But Lan Yufeng was not surprised. He gained power for a short time. And the other party didn't know how long he had lived. After all, there are rumors that Yuan Tangyuan is an elf, and I don't know if it's true or not.

""The Seventh Gate, Shocking Gate, Open!!!"

Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered, and he opened the Seventh Gate without hesitation. As his sweat evaporated, the aura around Lan Yufeng turned blue, and a terrifying wave of air swept over, directly blowing everything around him away.

Whether it was the Shikigami or Yuantang Yuan, they were all blown away.

"————!"Seeing Lan Yufeng's strength increase again, Yuan Tangyuan's pupils shrank sharply, and a strong sense of danger appeared in his heart.

"Is there no limit to this kind of physical skill?" The three male saints also changed their expressions, their faces full of shock.

"No, this should be the limit."Xiang Guyong's eyes flickered as he looked at Lan Yufeng, whose veins were bulging, sweat was evaporating, his flesh was constantly breaking and recovering, and his energy was running wild. Lan Yufeng looked directly at Yuan Tangyuan, stepped on the ground, and rushed towards Yuan Tangyuan violently.

This time, Lan Yufeng didn't even use the instant step. It's not that he didn't want to use it, but he couldn't use it. The power was too violent, making it difficult for him to control it.

However, the speed of the simple burst was enough, and it was almost the same as the previous use of the instant step.


The violent force directly exploded the special floor, condensing into an endless storm, and blasted towards Yuan Tangyuan



The moment Lan Yufeng rushed over, Yuan Tangyuan's face changed drastically, and he did not hesitate to put the big sword horizontally to his side and launched the defensive barrier.

This time, although he blocked Lan Yufeng's attack, there was an obvious clicking sound.

"Can't stop it!?"Yuan Tangyuan was shocked.

Lan Yufeng's current strength was much stronger than before.

While Yuan Tangyuan was shocked, Lan Yufeng launched another attack. In an instant, he threw countless punches and directly blew up the defense barrier.

Yuan Tangyuan was also blown away and flew backwards in the air.

While she was flying backwards, Lan Yufeng strangely appeared in front of her and kicked her.

At this moment, Yuan Tangyuan's barrier was ready and she resisted the kick.


In an instant, Yuan Tangyuan fell to the ground. The terrifying force created a big hole in the ground, and spider-web-like cracks appeared.

""Master Yuantang Yuan!?" This scene made Huangsaka Sayaka and others gasp.

The martial arts field was actually blown up!?

After launching this attack, Lan Yufeng did not stop attacking. Instead, he flew in the air with the flying technique, gathering all his strength to launch the strongest attack.

"Daytime Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lan Yufeng shouted in a low voice, and under the power of his fist, a blue tiger condensed and violently slammed into the dusty pit below.

"Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!"The next moment, an even more terrifying explosion sounded throughout the martial arts arena, and a howling wind formed a tornado. The barrier surrounding the martial arts arena's audience seats began to tremble violently.

The entire martial arts arena was completely destroyed and turned into a pile of ruins.

Lan Yufeng was also panting, staring at the

"Master Yuantang Yuan, you won't lose, right?" Huangsaka Sayaka was shocked.

"I am worried whether Master Yuantang will be killed...."Kamikawa Nami sighed

"It's over." Xian Guyong breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really over."The three male saints also nodded in amazement.

Suddenly, a gust of wind appeared, blowing away the smoke, and the aftermath subsided. Yuan Tangyuan appeared in front of everyone.

Her clothes became tattered, giving people a gray and dirty feeling, and there was blood on her body.

However, the special power fluctuations wrapped around her body prevented her from being seriously injured.

"He actually blocked it?"Lan Yufeng frowned, unable to let it go.

He didn't hold back at all in that attack just now, but he actually took it.

Sure enough, someone who is qualified to compete for the Three Saints can't be so simple!

"In this case, there is nothing we can do."Lan Yufeng had a headache. His eyes turned into the Mangekyō Sharingan.

If possible, he really didn't want to use the power of the Mangekyō. However, if he didn't use it, it would be difficult to win. After all, even if the system improved the Eight Gates, he couldn't open the seventh gate for too long.

Even his body couldn't bear it, and his body kept breaking apart, and then it was repaired by super-speed regeneration, so it seemed fine.

"Stop, I give up, I won't fight anymore."When Lan Yufeng was about to complete the final kill in the last minute, Yuan Tangyuan suddenly waved his hands and said with a depressed look on his face

""Hmm?" Hearing this, Lan Yufeng was stunned."Why?""

"You're too ruthless. If we continue, it will be a fight of life and death. This is just an ordinary duel, there's no need to risk your life."

Yuan Tangyuan patted the dust off his body, covered the torn clothes with his arms, his eyes twitched, and said unhappily

"Without revealing my true trump card, I am indeed at a disadvantage, so I admit defeat."

(ps: Please collect, reward, flower, vote and support me, QAQ~)

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