"Then, let me ask you another question."Lan Yufeng said coldly."What is your purpose in coming to Xianshen Island?"

He naturally knew the purpose of Rudolf Ostach's coming to Xianshen Island. It was for the right arm of the saint.

Xianshen Qianluo used evil magic to use the"right arm of the saint" as a"sacrificial building material", buried it at the bottom of the cornerstone gate, and used the power of the holy relic to resist the strong wave impact under the deep sea.

And this undoubtedly made Rudolf crazy when he learned the news. As a fanatical teacher, he directly invaded Xianshen Island and wanted to take back the right arm of the saint.

However, if he really took away the right arm of the saint, it would be equivalent to Xianshen Island without a cornerstone, and it would directly disintegrate in the ocean.

This led to the death of 560,000 people on Xianshen Island.

Knowing that there would be such a consequence, Rudolf still took back the right arm of the saint without hesitation.

So, all crazy priests are crazy.

However, even if he knew Rudolf's purpose, Lan Yufeng had no idea of arresting or killing him here.

Because he still wanted to open the silver-level red envelope at the cornerstone gate. This was an opportunity.

By taking advantage of Rudolph's disturbance, he, who originally had no authority to go to the cornerstone gate, could pass through.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng had another purpose, perhaps he could use this opportunity to awaken Nagisa.

"My purpose?"Rudolf's face was cold and his words were full of murderous intent."It doesn't matter if I tell you, my purpose is to destroy this sinful island!"

"What, you want to destroy Genshin Island! ?"Hearing this, Jidong Xuecai's pupils shrank and she looked at Rudolph in disbelief.

Is this guy a lunatic?

"————!"Nagisa Akatsuki was also stunned

"Why are you doing this? Genkami Island has a population of 560,000 people!"Akira Nagisa said angrily

"Haha, what do they have to do with me? I just want to take back what belongs to us and destroy this sinful island. I don't care whether those people live or die."Rudolph was extremely indifferent.

"You!" Nagisa Akatsuki was so angry that her body was shaking. Her eyes turned bloodshot and her vampire fangs were exposed. There was a faint tendency for the beast to go berserk.

"An, I'm here." Lan Yufeng touched Xiao Nagisa's hair and said softly

"Um...!"After being touched on the head by Lan Yufeng, Xiao Nagisa came back to her senses and nodded slightly. However, she still glared at Rudolph.

It must be said that Rudolph was a talent to be able to make Nagisa, who rarely gets angry, so angry.

Lan Yufeng glanced at Rudolph and swung the red spear in his hand to create a gun flower.

"Next, it's my war." Lan Yufeng suddenly remembered something and said in a cool way.

"No, senior, next, it's our war!"As soon as Lan Yufeng finished speaking, Ji Dongxuecai came over, the Xuexia Wolf in his hand danced with a silver light, and said handsomely.

Lan Yufeng's eyes twitched. He had just tried it out for fun, but he didn't expect Ji Dongxuecai to really say what he said.

Well, I feel so ashamed, I'd better not say it in the future.

Suddenly, Lan Yufeng stepped on the ground and rushed towards Rudolph at a fierce speed, and the red gun in his hand swept out

"Ding————!"Facing Lan Yufeng's attack, Rudolf's face changed drastically, and he blocked the blow with his heavy axe.

Instantly, sparks flew, and strong winds flew. Rudolf felt a huge force coming, and he couldn't stand it at all. He was swept away and hit the iron net behind him. His whole body sank.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Dong Xuecai also rushed towards Rudolf.

""Sumanilut's mental attack!" Rudolph roared."Astaruti, stop Lan Yufeng!"

""Orders accepted." As soon as the order fell, Astraluti and Sumanilut both spoke.

Instantly, Rose's fingertips blasted towards Lan Yufeng. And Sumanilut's mental attack swept the whole place.

This made Jidong Xuecai's expression stiffen, and she felt that her brain was hit, and her eyes went black.

As for Lan Yufeng, relying on the Sharingan, mental attacks were useless to him. Lan Yufeng swept Astraluti with his red spear and knocked Astraluti out again.

At this time, Rudolph had no intention of fighting anymore, and directly tore open the iron net and fled from here.

Seeing that the master had fled, Astraluti and Sumanilut followed closely and disappeared into the night.

"Are you okay?"Lan Yufeng did not chase after her. He came to Ji Dong Xuecai's side, patted her shoulder, and asked

"It's okay, I just have a headache. Ji Dongxuecai squatted on the ground, covering her head.

Is this squatting to protect her head?

Lan Yufeng looked strange.

"Phew, it’s finally over." At this time, Nagisa Akane also ran over, looking relieved."Luckily Feng came to save the situation."

""I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I let them run away." Ji Dongxuecai was full of apologies after she recovered a little.

If she had been more motivated, how could she have let Rudolph run away?

She let Lan Yufeng deal with two beasts alone, but she couldn't help at all....

Ji Dong Xue Cai suddenly felt very depressed and annoyed

"It's nothing. Psychic beasts are hard to deal with."Lan Yufeng shook his head."You can ask Yuan Tangyuan if there is any spell that can resist mental shock."

"Um..."Ji Dong Xuecai nodded absentmindedly.

She had just arrived at Genshin Island and encountered setbacks one after another, which made her lose confidence.

"Next time we meet, let me handle the mental attack. I'll use the barrier to defend myself!" Nagisa Akatsuki said quickly.

"Thank you, Nagisa."Hearing this, Jidong Xuecai pursed her lips and said

"And Lan Yu-senpai, thank you too"

"We are friends, no need to thank me!" Nagisa Akatsuki blinked her eyes and said with a smile.

Looking at Nagisa Akatsuki's pure smile, Jidong Xuecai suddenly felt a little healed.

"Instead of these unnecessary thanks, we might as well consider the harm that Rudolph could cause."Lan Yufeng pretended to be serious and said with a serious face.

"Rudolf's goal is to destroy Xianshen Island, we must stop him."Lan Yufeng's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice

"Stop it, it really has to be stopped. I don't want Genshin Island to be destroyed!" Nagisa Akatsuki clenched her fists and said with a puffed face.

There are many of her friends here, how can she let such a place full of beautiful memories be destroyed?

"Well, we must stop him. Ji Dong Xuecai also nodded.

"But his two beasts are too troublesome."Lan Yufeng pretended to be troubled and said,"I can't exert my full strength now, and it's a bit difficult to deal with them at the same time."

"This one..."Hearing this, Nagisa Akatsuki was a little confused.

"give it to me..."Nagisa Akatsuki whispered."

"Hmm?" Lan Yufeng looked at Nagisa Akatsuki.

""Ahaha, nothing." Nagisa Xiao smiled and waved.

Although she wanted to help, she felt sick when she thought of that scene.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, votes, support, QAQ~)

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