With Kirasaka Sayaka's testimony, Himehira Setsuna and Akatsuki Nagisa's faces changed. Aoi Asagi also frowned.

The Black Death Emperor Faction is an open terrorist organization. If they really want to do something, the people of Genshin Island will suffer heavy casualties.

However, only Aoi Feng looked calmly at Wattora.

Although he knew everything, he didn't want to expose Wattora now.

Wattora wanted to use the orcs to awaken the ancient weapon [Narakville]. Aoi Feng also wanted to use this to accuse Wattora of cooperating with terrorists to attack Genshin Island.

At that time, as long as he grasped this point and killed Wattora, the First True Ancestor would not have the right to care about anything.

Because they were not right in this matter. The Lion King Matchmaking Agency would definitely stand on their side.

In the end, the banquet ended unhappily, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

Along the way, Himehira Setsuna and Akatsuki Nagisa talked about the Black Death Emperor Faction in a low voice.

Because of what she has experienced, she is more afraid of losing something. Nagisa Akatsuki wants to arrest all the members of the Black Death Emperor Faction.

It must be said that Nagisa Akatsuki has also changed a lot.

This is what Lan Yufeng wants to see.

In her daily life, she is still as cheerful and cute, but at critical moments, she can make her own decisions and make up her mind to fight as the fourth true ancestor.

"Feng, aren't you worried?" Lan Yu Qian Cong poked Lan Yu Feng's arm and asked

"There's no need to worry. I'm here, nothing will happen to you. The Black Death Emperor faction can't make any waves."Lan Yufeng shrugged.

"Feng is really reliable." Lan Yu Qiancong smiled softly.

"Who makes me your brother?"Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and said proudly

""Tsk." Lan Yu Qiancong curled her lips when she heard this. Her expression was a little complicated.

"I'm sorry." Suddenly, Lan Yufeng apologized.

"Why apologize?"Lan Yu Qian Cong was a little confused

"Nothing."Lan Yufeng shook his head and said nothing more.

The Black Death Emperor would definitely send the stone tablet text to Asagi to provoke her to decipher it.

Lan Yufeng knew this, but he didn't remind her, which was equivalent to him taking advantage of his sister.

Lan Yufeng felt guilty about this, but there was nothing he could do.

He wanted to seize this opportunity to eliminate the great scourge of Wattora.

As the night deepened, everyone went home with mixed feelings.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

As if the previous news was false, Genshin Island was calm. Lan Yufeng and others were also attending classes normally.

In the afternoon, Lan Yufeng had just finished his meal and went to the vending machine to buy a bottle of drink and started drinking.

However, just as he took a sip, Wattora suddenly appeared not far from him, causing Lan Yufeng to frown.

"Watola, what are you doing here?" Lan Yufeng asked in a deep voice.

"I just want to chat with you, isn't that okay?" Wattola grinned.

"————!"Lan Yufeng narrowed his eyes, and a sense of danger appeared in his heart, which made him instinctively unfold his observation Haki.

Instantly, his face changed, and he crushed the drink in his hand and directly opened the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, the fourth gate, the Injury Gate.

A terrifying dark green aura burst out, filling his body, and the energy surged.

"Did you find out? But it's too late. Lan Yufeng, I advise you not to run around. The beast in my body is a little unstable. If it gets stimulated and goes berserk, it will destroy the entire Caihai Middle School."

Watola's body was condensed with magic power, and his arms turned red. The shadow of the beast appeared faintly around him.

"————!"Lan Yufeng paused, his body full of murderous intent, staring at Wattola, his eyes were extremely sharp.

He really didn't expect that Wattola would be so crazy.

He would find him directly in the school and then restrain him. Then, taking this opportunity, the Black Death Emperor faction directly invaded the school and held Asagi hostage.

""Huh, let's go to another place. I'll fight with you." Lan Yufeng took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said in a deep voice.

Asagi is the priestess of Cain, and as long as she is on Genshin Island, she will not die. So he can barely calm down.

But if Watora really wants to make trouble here. The students of Caihai Academy will probably suffer heavy casualties.

Xia Yin and the others will be affected.

"Haha, that's right." Wattola laughed a little crazy.

"I'll trouble you to accompany me for the next period of time. I won't let you disturb this good show."

"Then you can use your life to hold me back. This time, I will definitely kill you."Lan Yufeng had no expression on his face, and was extremely indifferent.

Although Asagi would never die, anyone who dared to hurt Asagi would be cut into pieces by him!

When Lan Yufeng and Wattora were confronting each other and leaving the Saikai Academy,

Himeragi Yukina and Akatsuki Nagisa also reacted and anxiously searched for and chased the beastmen who were holding Lan Yu Asagi hostage.

As for Yase Motoki, he was shot and wounded because Wattora told the beastmen about him.

"Xian Guyong, what do you mean by this?"

On the rooftop of Caihai High School, Nangong Nayue looked at the pigtailed girl in front of her with anger and asked in a deep voice

"Void Witch, please watch here quietly."Xiang Guyong said indifferently.

"This is a chance to train Nagisa Akatsuki"

"Hehe. If they act recklessly for such a reason, who will bear the consequences?"Nangong Nayue's eyes were extremely sharp.

"I will take responsibility for it."Xiang Guyong's eyes flickered

"Anyway, you have done similar things, right?"Then, Xian Guyong changed the subject and said meaningfully

"....."This made Nangong Nayue silent.

Rudolph's affairs could be hidden from others, but they could not be hidden from Xian Guyong.

"I, you, and Lan Yufeng are all doing the same thing, so no one has the right to blame anyone else."Xian Guyong said calmly.

"So please wait here quietly with me for things to develop.���Say, you don't believe Lan Yufeng?"

Nangong Nayue glanced at Xian Guyong expressionlessly and restrained her own magic power.

Xian Guyong is a very dangerous existence and must be fully alert. Otherwise, it is easy to be killed in seconds.

The ability to forcibly intervene in the real world from the non-existent time makes her known as a terrifying existence that can threaten the life of the True Ancestor.

Therefore, Nangong Nayue did not dare to be careless at all. It was very dangerous for her to use space magic to transfer to other places in front of her.

After Nangong Nayue restrained her magic power, the oppressive feeling on Xian Guyong also disappeared.

Both of them stood opposite each other expressionlessly.

At the same time, a shrill alarm sounded on Xianshen Island. The ancient weapon [Narakville] awakened in the port invaded.

The Special Zone Guard responded immediately. The sound of gunfire and the explosion of shells were endless, blocking the invasion of these machines.

However, the effect was minimal.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flowers, and votes to support, QAQ~)

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