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With anticipation, Lan Yufeng tapped his finger lightly, and the golden light suddenly shone brightly. The red envelope opened, and an item flew out with the golden light.

The system voice also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the gold-level red envelope and getting a special reward! Congratulations to the owner for evolving the Mangekyō Sharingan into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!"

""Eternal Kaleidoscope?" Lan Yufeng was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his lips.

The power of the Kaleidoscope is very good, but it has the consequence of blindness if used too much.

He has used it many times during this period, and now his eyesight has declined a little.

He was a little anxious at first, but he didn't expect that this problem would be solved so easily.

Although the Eternal Kaleidoscope does not make the pupil power infinite, it only increases the pupil power, but at least it can automatically restore the pupil power over time, so there is no need to worry about going blind.

"Fengjun, you look very happy?" La Fulia asked with a smile."Did anything good happen?"

"Well, I'm just looking forward to meeting you and Xia Yin." Lan Yufeng collected his thoughts and joked,"I suddenly remembered that Xia Yin is your aunt."

""Natsune." La Freya shook her head."That's true."

Yese Natsune is the illegitimate daughter of her grandfather's affair. She is indeed her aunt.

"What do you think of Xia Yin?" Lan Yufeng asked

"How can we look at it? To put it in a way that can be easily misunderstood, it's heartbreaking."La Freya sighed."We really didn't expect that a man like Kensuke Yezawa would do such a crazy thing."

"So my father and mother asked me to come to Genshin Island to visit Natsune, and if possible, take her back to the Kingdom of Aldikia."La Freya said seriously.

Although Yese Natsune's identity was embarrassing, all members of the royal family of the Kingdom of Aldikia recognized her bloodline.

At this point, Lan Yufeng had a good impression of the Kingdom of Aldikia.

"I won't allow you to take Xia Yin away." Lan Yufeng raised his eyebrows and said softly."Xia Yin has her own friends and ties here."

"Well, that's what the official version says. Whether to take her or not is up to me." La Fulia said with a smile."So why don't you please me quickly? For example, remove the word"prepared" in front of the"prepared girlfriend""

"Tsk, I like to say no to self-righteous people. So I refuse."Lan Yufeng snorted."Anyway, you can't beat me, so you can't take Xia Yin away."

"Hmm, it's really boring." La Fulia glared at Lan Yufeng in dissatisfaction.

"A petty man like you is doomed to be alone....Well, that's impossible..."

Then, La Fulia muttered again, but she was only halfway through her words when she thought of the girl next to Lan Yufeng and then thought about herself. She rolled her eyes and changed her words instantly.

Amidst the laughter and chat, Lan Yufeng and La Fulia returned.

Because La Fulia's clothes were rather dirty, she went straight to take a shower.

Lan Yufeng thought about it and only gave La Fulia a set of clothes that Asagi no longer wore to make do with it for the time being.

Well, after taking a shower, La Fulia, wearing Asagi's middle school clothes, was a bit exposed, which made Lan Yufeng's heart beat faster.

Seeing Lan Yufeng's reaction, La Fulia's mouth curled up slightly, and she felt much more comfortable.

As time passed, Lan Yufeng also sat on the sofa with La Fulia watching TV.

It was not until four or five in the afternoon that Lan Yu Asagi and Yese Natsune came back.

The two of them looked like they were carrying a lot of bags, well, they should be Natsune's clothes.

After all, Asagi said before she went out that she would help Natsune go shopping. Some daily necessities must be bought

"La Folia...?"At this time, Lan Yu Qiancong also looked at La Fulia, who was wearing her junior high school clothes, frowned, and was a little doubtful.

"elder sister..."Yeze Natsune also looked at La Freya in surprise and stammered

"Sister, this name is not bad. It really feels better this way."La Fulia put her fingers together, her eyes lit up, and said with a smile

"Sister?"Lan Yu Qian Cong looked at La Fulia with a strange expression. She now knew Ye Se Xia Yin's other identity. According to seniority, Xia Yin was clearly La Fulia's aunt.

However, seeing that the two did not care, Lan Yu Qian Cong did not say much.

"Feng, what's going on?" Lan Yuqian walked over to Lan Yufeng and asked.

"Uh, this one..."Lan Yufeng told La Fulia's purpose and experience.

This made Lan Yu Qiancong understand what happened, and looked at La Fulia with a little vigilance.

Although La Fulia was attacked on the way to Genshin Island, Lan Yu Qiancong was a little irritated by the other party's purpose.

She didn't want La Fulia to take away the little angel Xia Yin.

At the same time, Lan Yu Qiancong's intuition told her that La Fulia was an aggressive and competitive enemy!

"Sister, I want to stay on Genkami Island and I won't go with you." Yeze Natsune smiled and spoke softly."I want to stay by Feng's side forever."

"Forever?..."La Freya smiled softly and held Yeze Natsune's hand."It seems that we have reached a consensus."

""Huh?" Hearing this, Yeze Natsune blinked and was stunned.

"————!"Lan Yu Asagi's eyes widened a little.

Sure enough, her intuition was correct. This woman was a powerful enemy!

""Xia Yin, I won't take you away. If you want to live here, just stay. Anyway, Feng Jun is here, so I don't have to worry about your safety." La Fulia gently held up her hair and said in a gentle voice

""Yeah." Yeze Natsune smiled softly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"La Folia, you..."At this time, Lan Yu Qian Cong couldn't help but say something.

However, the doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting Lan Yu Qian Cong's words.

"I'll go open the door, you guys continue chatting."Lan Yufeng said softly, then got up and opened the door.

After Lan Yufeng opened the door, he saw Huangsaka Sayaka standing at the door, looking at him with a blushing face.

"Um, Sayaka, why are you here?" Lan Yufeng asked in surprise.

"Can't I come?"Kurosaka Sayaka snorted.

To be honest, she was quite shy when she went to a boy's house for the first time. Of course, she was also looking forward to it.

"Of course, come in and talk."Lan Yufeng smiled and took out a pair of guest slippers.

In response, Huang Saka Sayaka blushed and changed her slippers, closed the door, and walked in with Lan Yufeng.

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