"Eight Gates of Ninja, this thing can be opened from the silver red envelope, it seems that my luck has finally turned good for once."Lan Yufeng heard the voice in his mind and his face was full of joy. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Eight Gates of Ninja is the first physical technique in"Naruto".

Kai Huang's father, Might Dai, a Genin, relied on the Eight Gates of Ninja to defeat four Mist Ninjas who were close to the level of Kage, and seriously injured three.

Kai Huang was even more terrifying. He almost kicked Six Paths Madara to death with one kick while opening the Eight Gates of Ninja. For this reason, he was jokingly called"almost kicked out the finale with one kick."

You can imagine how powerful the Eight Gates of Ninja is.

Of course, the price to pay is also high enough, and you will die if you use it.

However, it is strong enough without opening the Eight Gates of Ninja. With the improvement of the system, it is also strong enough to open only the first seven gates!

In short, Lan Yufeng is very satisfied. With the Eight Gates of Ninja, he can finally get rid of the class of five scum in combat.

"Boss, it was this damned brat who broke my leg!"At this time, a voice full of resentment sounded, which made Lan Yufeng come back to his senses and look over.

Instantly, Lan Yufeng frowned, his eyes flashing coldly.

As many as twenty demons surrounded him, and one of them was the orc whose leg was broken by him before.

Obviously, the other party was a member of a demon gang, and brought his companions to seek revenge.

"For me, maybe it's just the right time. They are a good group of sandbags for testing the power of the Eight Gates."Lan Yufeng looked at the demons who surrounded him coldly, his eyes stern.

"Little devil, you dare to hurt our people in the erased area, you are very arrogant."At this time, a thin figure stepped forward and said with a gloomy face

"The strong prey on the weak, isn't that the philosophy you demons believe in? Blame me for being too weak."Lan Yufeng sneered.

"You!" This made the orc blush, but he couldn't say anything.

"Very good, you are right, we believe in the law of the jungle. But now you are the weak one, so just wait for us to smash all your bones."The lean demon grinned."Let's go together and kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the demons surrounding Lan Yufeng transformed one after another. Most of them were low-level orcs. There were also inferior Xiong ghosts.

Although Xiong ghosts are also vampires, they are all small fry who can't even summon their own beasts, and are despised by orthodox vampires.

After all, even the weakest beast is enough to rival an armed chariot.

"boom————!"When the demons transformed, Lan Yufeng had a Desert Eagle in his hand. With a gunshot, Lan Yufeng blew off the head of a Hun demon.

However, although a big hole was opened in the Hun demon's head, the opponent's flesh squirmed and squeezed the bullet out, and the wound healed quickly.

"As expected, ordinary bullets are useless against demons."Lan Yufeng looked at this scene and shook his head.

If you want to kill demons, you basically have to use demon-breaking bullets. This is also the standard equipment of the special zone security team of Xianshen Island.

This Desert Eagle should be regarded as a collection. After all, he liked the Desert Eagle when he played shooting games before.

""Little boy, do you think this toy gun can be useful to us? How naive!" An orc rushed over with a sneer, waving his huge arms and punching Lan Yufeng. The powerful force brought gusts of wind.

However, when he punched over, Lan Yufeng's figure also disappeared on the spot, appeared behind him, and swept his leg on the back of his head, kicking him out and hitting the wall to form a big hole.

"Speed-type over-adapter?"The skinny demon crossed his arms and saw this scene, his eyes flickered. He didn't see Lan Yufeng's speed clearly just now, which shocked him.

""Come on, don't give him room to move!" Then he suddenly roared and gave orders."Although this guy is fast, he is not strong enough to kill you easily."

""Boss, you're right!" Hearing this, the demons who were frightened by Lan Yufeng came to their senses and surrounded him with ferocious faces.

Even the orc who was kicked away struggled to get up from the ground. Although he was kicked in the vitals, as an orc, his vitality and endurance were famously strong.

"What a trouble."Lan Yufeng exhaled lightly, his pupils condensed, and he growled

""First door, open the door! Open!"

Instantly, violent power appeared in Lan Yufeng's body, which made Ye Yu feel extremely happy.

At this time, three orcs had already attacked first.

Although the opponent had more people, the orcs were larger, so at most three people could attack at the same time.

Of course, no matter how many people attacked at the same time, it didn't make much sense to Lan Yufeng.

Because when the three orcs attacked, Lan Yufeng had already punched the three orcs and blasted them away.

Each punch hit their fragile throats.



Suddenly, there was a sound of bones breaking, their throats were shattered beyond recognition, and the whole person flew out, spitting blood in the air, and fell to the ground and died.

"————!"This shocking scene made the other demons stunned, with astonishment on their faces.

"Now is not the time for you to be in a daze."Lan Yufeng's eyes flickered, and he didn't even use the instant step. He appeared in front of the next orc as fast as lightning, and punched him in the heart.

Instantly, the opponent's chest caved in, his ribs were broken, and his heart was directly exploded. He flew backwards and died.

""Monster! This guy is a monster!" This violent scene made several orcs' scalps numb.

They could no longer imagine who was an orc and who was a human. Obviously, strong physical functions were the patent of them orcs.

However, they had to go up now, so the other orcs and Xiong ghosts could only bite the bullet.

However, with their level, they couldn't even touch the corner of Lan Yufeng's clothes, and they were killed one after another.

The orcs were killed by their throats and hearts. The Xiong ghosts had their entire heads twisted off by Lan Yufeng, which was extremely bloody. However,

Lan Yufeng had no psychological burden to kill these demons. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I must offend them. This is his life creed. In a short period of time, the demons present were slaughtered by Lan Yufeng. There were corpses all over the ground, blood was gushing, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"It's your turn next." Lan Yufeng ignored the skinny demon leader whose pupils had turned red, whose vampire fangs were exposed, whose soles had red lines, and whose amazing magic power was bursting out. He said indifferently:

""Come out, my beast, the Iron Tiger!" The lean demon leader roared. Instantly, the void twisted, and a steel tiger as big as a tank appeared beside him, roaring, and the ground shook.

(ps: Please collect, reward, flower, vote and support, QAQ~)

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