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After a week of"training" by him, Xian Guyong was undoubtedly much more sensible than at the beginning. His movements were no longer stiff and he was very skilled.

It's a pity that I can't see that shameful expression. Today is the last day. Alas, it's so lonely. I should have said one month earlier.

Lan Yufeng sighed.

Well, if it really takes one month, Xian Guyong will definitely not agree. One week is already the limit of her patience.

"Today is the last day, and I don't owe you anything from now on."Xiang Guyong said calmly with a subtle expression."Well, I think you can take the initiative to extend the time. You see I have so much potential. Wouldn't it be a good deal to bribe me by being my maid?" Lan Yufeng said with a smile.

However, as soon as Lan Yufeng finished speaking, Xian Guyong's momentum rose.

"Really, I was just kidding, you are so stingy because you are wanted by others."Lan Yufeng raised his head, sat next to Xian Guyong, stretched comfortably, and said jokingly

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."Xian Guyong stood up and walked towards the door.

Well, it's convenient to have a spell, and you don't have to worry about dust.

"Also, remember to tell the little ghost hiding over there not to tell anyone about you and me, otherwise I will have to make her lose this memory."Xian Guyong paused, looked towards a certain place on the rooftop, and said calmly

"An, I am a person who keeps my promise."Lan Yufeng lay on the mat again and waved his hand.

After Lan Yufeng finished speaking, Xian Guyong disappeared at the stairs.

""Wow, Lan Yufeng, I never thought that you have so many beautiful girls around you, but you are still secretly having a tryst with a senior schoolmate. I really misjudged you."

After Xian Guyong left, Di Shanpo ran out from the high stone steps at the back, staring at Lan Yufeng with disdain.

Well, from this angle, Lan Yufeng can clearly see the safety pants under Di Shanpo's skirt.

Tsk, safety pants, the most failed invention of mankind.

It is worth mentioning that Di Shanpo's dress is different from others. She thinks it is shameful to wear skirts, so she likes to wear jeans.

However, the school requires school uniforms, so she can only wear skirts at school. For this reason, driven by shame, she added a pair of safety pants.

"Are you a pervert? You keep staring at me under my skirt." Di Shanpo blushed, pressed down her skirt, and complained

"Tsk, what's so good about you?" Lan Yufeng pouted."Wearing safety pants every day."

"What do you care about?" Di Shanpo curled her lips and sat next to Lan Yufeng.

"What is your relationship with that senior?" Then, Di Shanpo asked again with full of curiosity.

She discovered that the matter between Lan Yufeng and Xian Guyong was also an accident.

"The relationship between a master and a maid? Well, this answer seems to get me killed. The relationship between a creditor and a debtor?"Lan Yufeng said casually.

"What kind of relationship is this?" Di Shanpo spat out

"Silly Feng, accompany me to the game hall today." Di Shanpo said with bright eyes.

"No time for playing." Lan Yufeng glanced at them, stood up, patted his clothes, and walked casually towards the stairs.

"I still have something to do with Yue-chan." Feng waved his hand.

Hearing this, Di Shanpo's face fell, and she could only mutter that she was going to go back and play games on Lan Yufeng's computer.

Well, she is quite satisfied with her current life, except that Lan Yufeng still treats her as a naughty child who has not grown up.

She can go to school, has many friends, and has her own home.

However, it would be nice if that guy could treat me as a person of the opposite sex, as a girl.

Di Shanpo looked at the dim sunset, feeling a little depressed.

Aurora and I have the same face, why is the treatment so different? Logically speaking, shouldn't this be a plus?..................................

While Di Shanpo was feeling depressed, Lan Yufeng was on his way to Na Yue's house.

At the same time, Lan Yufeng also looked at the platinum-level red envelope in front of him.

After rubbing his hands thoroughly, wanting to get rid of his bad luck of having all R cards in ten consecutive draws recently, Lan Yufeng lightly clicked on the platinum-level red envelope.

Instantly, the platinum level was activated, the red envelope shone brightly, and an item emerged in the platinum light.

It was a gun with a strange shape.

This made Lan Yufeng want to complain a little. Didn't he draw too many guns?

At the same time, the system's voice also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the owner for opening the platinum red envelope and obtaining the disposable item: [Saint Slayer's Spear】"

Saint-Slayer Spear: From the Overlord World, it is ranked among the world-class artifacts and is one of the strongest [20] world-class artifacts. It has the ability to completely delete the target object. The person using it will also be completely deleted.

After system improvements, [Saint-Slayer Spear] can completely wipe out the target object, and any resurrection method will not work. The side effect is reduced to a small death itself, which can be resurrected by resurrection methods.

Warm reminder: use with caution

"Shit, it's actually the Spear of the Slaughter of Saints. This is pretty awesome. The improved version is awesome, the improved version is invincible."Lan Yufeng's eyes lit up, and he was very happy.

This is a prop of the rule of cause and effect. Maybe there is an upper limit, but within the range of annihilation, whoever it hits will die! Although he will die a small death once, which makes people complain.

However, considering the effect of the original Spear of the Slaughter of Saints, a small death is nothing.

The target will be completely deleted. It is estimated that after the object is deleted, even the traces of its existence will be deleted, which is equivalent to never appearing.

It will also be deleted itself, and the same is true.

If Lan Yufeng draws the original [Spear of the Slaughter of Saints], he will definitely not use this crappy prop himself.

"If anyone pisses me off, I'll kill him at the cost of my life."Lan Yufeng hummed a little tune. He had one more ultimate trump card. One word: cool. Two words: super cool. Three words: super cool! Hmm? Four words. Don't worry about this detail.

With a comfortable mood, Lan Yufeng came to Na Yuejiang's house.

This time, he came to test Na Yuejiang's attitude. This was related to a plan of his.

"Astraluti, make me a cup of tea"

"Sumanilut, um, give me a back rub this time"

"Hey, Astraluti, your tea-making skills have improved, not bad, not bad."

Lan Yufeng's words echoed in Na Yuejiang's house.

"......"Nangong Nayue sat on the other side, looking at Lan Yufeng who was enjoying the service of his two maids like a master, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Lan Yufeng, why did you suddenly come to me? Don't tell me you're here to eat and drink for free."

Finally, Nangong Nayue couldn't stand it anymore, and slapped the table with her lace folding fan, looking unhappy.

(ps: Please subscribe automatically, please everything, QAQ~, two chapters left, updated at 8 and 10 o'clock!)_

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