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"The Void Witch is still alive!? Then how did we get out?"

"Why bother with so much? To prevent any accidents, let's kill the Void Witch first. I don't want to go back to this broken place again."

A cruel voice sounded, and countless prisoners rushed over here, making Xiao Nagisa pale.

"What are you going to do next?"Xiandu Mu Aye did not leave immediately, but flew in the air and looked at Lan Yufeng, with a slight smile on her face. With so many vicious magic criminals, she did not think Lan Yufeng could solve them all.

"Xiao Di."Lan Yufeng said calmly as he handed Na Yuejiang in his arms to Xiao Nagisa.

"Hey, leave it to me." Di Shanpo smiled confidently, and an astonishing wave of magic appeared on her body. The next moment, her eyes lit up, and a powerful beast figure vaguely appeared behind her.

""Capricorn's Eye Crystal!" With a cry from Di Shanpo, the power of controlling the mind swept the whole place, making all the prisoners look more or less dazed. At the same time, Lan Yufeng used all his strength to perform [The Fourth Protection of the Long Distance], directly sealing the area of several thousand meters in radius.

The Fourth Protection of the Long Distance is the strongest defense and sealing magic of the elves. At the same time, it can also be used for imprisonment.

And what Lan Yufeng did was to completely ignore the consumption of spiritual power and perform [The Fourth Protection of the Long Distance] on a large scale.

Ordinary barriers cannot stop so many magic criminals. Only the strength of the Fourth Protection of the Long Distance can stop them and prevent anyone from escaping!

In the sealed area of the Fourth Protection of the Long Distance, even using space abilities is useless!

"This is......?"Xiandu Mu Aye, who broke free from the mind control at the first time, keenly noticed the strange phenomenon in this area. Her face changed drastically, and she looked at Lan Yufeng with a sharp look. Does this guy mean that if you want to escape, you should kill him first?

It's exactly the same approach as that bastard Na Yue!

"Nagisa, take action. Lan Yufeng exhaled lightly and reminded

""Yes, leave it to me!" Nagisa nodded seriously, and her powerful magic power burst out.

"Come out, Familiar No. 5, the Lion's Gold!"

With the summons of Nagisa Akatsuki, a lion's gold with a length of more than 30 meters appeared in the air, roaring towards the sea, carrying terrifying golden lightning.

This also made some prisoners who had just escaped from the mind control look horrified, but most of them did not have time to dodge.

This attack made the sea boil, and golden lightning intertwined wildly on the sea. Countless magic criminals were foaming at the mouth, their bodies twitching and floating on the sea like dead fish.

The brief opportunity formed by Di Shanpo's large-scale mind control, coupled with Nagisa Akatsuki's lion's gold and conductive seawater.

This attack easily killed more than 80% of the magic criminals in seconds, and thousands of people were killed and injured.

However, the remaining magic criminals were incomparable in strength and even more violent. Although they were frightened, they stared at Nagisa Akatsuki, Di Shanpo, Nangong Nayue, and Yufeng with bloodthirsty eyes.

Although their strength was a little worse, some of them understood that Lan Yufeng was the leader. At the same time, there was an abnormality in this area. Only by killing Lan Yufeng could they escape.

"Xiao Di, you didn't do well this time. I'll buy you some food and take a good rest."Lan Yufeng touched the pale Di Shanpo and said softly.

Although she had the 10th beast of the fourth true ancestor, she had exhausted her magic power by exerting all her strength to control so many vicious magic criminals. She even had signs of collapse because of exerting all her strength.

But what does it matter? As long as she can help Lan Yufeng, she is willing to do anything.

"Nagisa, take good care of Na Yue and Xiao Di."Lan Yufeng touched Nagisa and Di Shanpo's heads, and his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope.

While speaking, Lan Yufeng also restored Di Shanpo's body to a healthy state, so that her body would not collapse.

However, the consumed mental energy cannot be recovered so quickly.

"Next, leave it to me."Lan Yufeng looked at the hundreds of evil demon prisoners rushing towards them with murderous aura. His eyes flickered slightly, and he once again used the fourth protection of the long-lasting to protect Xiao Nagisa, Di Shanpo and Xiandumu Yuma.

After taking care of these, Lan Yufeng directly burst out the sixth gate, Jingmen, with a dark green aura intertwined on his body.

""Go to hell, little devil!" At this time, dozens of magic criminals have rushed over.

In the distance, there are even more ferocious magic criminals who are desperate and directly launch range attacks.

""Towards the peacock!" In response, Lan Yufeng's face was cold, and his fists were waving at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

In an instant, a peacock intertwined with flames flew out, and instantly killed dozens of magical criminals who rushed over, and collided with the endless attacks, forming a bigger explosion.

And this is just the prelude to the fight.

Lan Yufeng will kill them all.

The next moment, Lan Yufeng's body was intertwined with purple spiritual power, forming a Susanoo that was a hundred meters high!

Although it could be higher, there was no need. If it was too big, it would also affect the people on his side.

Explosions, roars, screams, countless sounds mixed in this area.

Fire, storms, poison gas, freezing, all kinds of power are exerted here.

Blood splattered, corpses were scattered everywhere, playing a symphony of death.

After more than ten minutes of deadly battle, the ocean had been dyed red with blood, and the aroma of barbecue spread.

This shocking and horrible scene made people feel cold all over.

Fortunately, during the battle, Dishanpo, who could see through the mind, had covered Xiao Nagisa's eyes so that she did not see this scene. Otherwise, she would probably have a nightmare at night.

There were only three people left on the battlefield.

Chiliga Kilika, an old elf summoner who was born in the guerrillas of Kabristan in the Near East, was a monster implanted with the fire elf spell.

The last descendant of Shutla D Tianbu.

The last one was Sendumu Aya.

All three were quite embarrassed. Except for Sendumu Aya, the others were covered with scars and looked extremely miserable.

"This guy is a monster! A pure monster!"Chiliga Kilika trembled all over, thinking back to the hellish scene just now, his face twitched, and he had completely lost the will to fight.

Hundreds of magic criminals were slaughtered easily against a teenager.

Others said he was a monster, but the guy in front of him was more like a monster than him!

"Damn you, go to hell!" Shutra D roared, and a strong wind formed in his palm and blasted towards Lan Yufeng.

"Boring trick."There were only three enemies in front of him, and Lan Yufeng did not waste energy on maintaining the complete form of Susanoo. He just stood in the air calmly, and activated the collapse ability of the Mangekyo, mercilessly collapsing the storm, and at the same time, it also collapsed Shutla·D

(ps: please subscribe, please everything, QAQ~)_Feilu reminds you: three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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