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"The Lion King Agency will not help you with this incident."Xian Guyong shook his head and said

"If you don't want to help, then don't help."Lan Yufeng shrugged."I thought you would attack me, and that would be troublesome."

"The cooperation continues."Xian Guyong said this expressionlessly and left the rooftop."It's just that you have to solve the problems you started yourself."

"Hehe."In response to this, Lan Yufeng chuckled.

It seems that Xian Guyong and the Lion King Agency are more tolerant than he thought.

But that's right. Now Xianshen Island is basically under the control of him and Na Yuejiang.

At the same time, the top combat power is very strong. Coupled with the support of the third true Chaos Princess, it can be said that it is a very powerful force in the world.

The Lion King Agency does not want to fall out, so it can only do this.

Of course, it is impossible to ask the Lion King Agency for help in the future.

Lan Yufeng didn't care about this. Anyway, he didn't plan to rely on the Lion King Agency to do anything from the beginning. The initial cooperation was just to stabilize the other party.

In Lan Yufeng's eyes, the Lion King Agency is the Lion King matchmaking agency, and it only needs to send girls to his side.

Lan Yufeng is not so naive to expect them to help him with all his strength in possible world disputes. Lan Yufeng put his hands in his trouser pockets and left here humming a little tune.

As time passed, the Bolongyuan Festival had already ended, and the Caihai Academy returned to its normal teaching rhythm.

However, in order to avoid trouble, Lan Yufeng Feng asked Di Shanpo to control the students so that they would not care about him as a big celebrity.

Lan Yufeng felt that it was troublesome to be always treated like a monkey, pointed at or feared.

On the weekend, Lan Yufeng was dragged by Lan Yu Asagi and Ye Se Natsune to go shopping.

For this reason, Lan Yufeng, Lan Yu Asagi, Ye Se Natsune, Akatsuki Nagisa, Himeragi Setsuna and Di Shanpo went out shopping together. Well, La Fulia and Kirasaka Sayaka went to the Kingdom of Aldikia.

One person is with so many high-quality girls , passers-by were undoubtedly envious. Unfortunately, Lan Yufeng didn't feel very happy.

Shopping with girls is very tiring, a fatigue that is beyond the reach of the Golden God. Lan Yufeng would rather have a fight with the True Ancestor than go shopping with so many girls at the same time, each of them saying something, asking him to look at clothes, appreciate and comment on them. It's simply hell.

Well, you have to be careful not to create a Shura field.

At this time, Lan Yufeng and Ye Lai Natsune were sitting at a table and chairs under a parasol eating ice cream. The other girls were still shopping in the surrounding shopping malls.

"Senior Feng, thank you for your hard work."Yase Natsune gently took out a handkerchief to help Lan Yufeng wipe the corner of his mouth, and said softly

"Yes, it would be nice if they were as gentle as this."Lan Yufeng touched Xia Yin's smooth silver hair and sighed.

This made Ye Lai Xia Yin blush, with a smile on her lips.

""Hi, Xia Yin, I'm Tianzhong Huan, it's been a long time." Suddenly, a voice sounded, causing Lan Yufeng to raise an eyebrow.

Ye Lai Xia Yin also looked over in confusion.

However, when she saw the person coming, she was stunned, and looked at the man in front of her who was dressed like a magician with some fear.

"Mercury in the Sky..."Yese Natsune murmured.

She would never forget the tragedy that happened in the Adirad Monastery six years ago. And the person who caused that tragedy was the man in front of her.

"Lan Yufeng, thank you for taking care of Xia Yin all the time. Now give her back to me. Tianzhong Hao took off his hat and bowed like a gentleman, his eyes flashing.

Lan Yufeng was very strong, and he was no match for him. For this reason, he planned to take advantage of Lan Yufeng's relaxation of vigilance and strike a fatal blow.

"Don't you know that you are just like a funny clown?"Lan Yufeng looked at Tianzhong Mercury in front of him and sneered.

"Since you've been exposed, there's nothing I can do. I'll just kill you!" Tianzhong Mercury laughed grimly, and his arm turned into liquid metal, turning into a sword and stabbed at Lan Yufeng.

"Alchemy, it looks powerful, but it's just that."Lan Yufeng raised his hand, grasped the blade, and looked down at Tianzhong Mercury.

"A life form created by a sage? You are so weak."Lan Yufeng said with disdain.

"A life form created by a sage?" Tianzhong Hao was stunned.

"You want to get back half of your body and find a way to become human again, but you can't succeed."Lan Yufeng casually said the truth."The reason why you can't succeed is naturally because you are not human."

"Shut up!"Tianzhong Mercury's face twisted a little

"Sage, please reply." Lan Yufeng looked at the skull on Tianzhong Hao's staff."If you don't reply, I will kill Tianzhong Hao directly. Then you will lose the support of resurrection."

"How did you know this secret?"The skull's eyes lit up, and a gloomy voice sounded.

"————!"As soon as these words fell, Tianzhong Mercury's expression froze, staring at his cane. His entire belief was broken.

However, this was exactly what Lan Yufeng meant. After all, the condition for opening the silver-level red envelope on Tianzhong Mercury was to make him collapse. At the same time, Lan Yufeng himself was full of murderous intent towards this guy. However, the condition for the gold-level red envelope on the sage was to make Nina Yadilad a pet? ? ?

"Why...Wait, are you using me?! ?" Tianzhong Hao was like a funny clown, ignoring the suspicious looks of passers-by, and roared at his cane

"Of course. After all, the reason I created you was to have you revive me. Nina Yadilad, that stinky woman, actually sacrificed herself to seal me, and after fusing with the sage's blood, she became a watcher to monitor me."The sage said coldly

"Only by using you to refine the pseudo-refining core, relying on the pseudo-refining core���Only by dyeing her can I truly break free from the seal"

"But now that the plan has been exposed, you are no longer of any use." The sage was extremely indifferent."In the end, I have to rely on myself. Although this is risky."

As soon as he finished speaking, the skeleton exploded and a silver liquid suddenly appeared, which brazenly wrapped the Tianzuka mercury, swallowed it, and controlled this alchemical body.

This strange scene made Yeze Xia Yin

's eyes show fear. However, Lan Yufeng stood in front of Yeze Xia Yin calmly, watching this scene with interest.

It was the first time he saw alchemy.

"Little ghost, we will meet again."The sage held Tianzhong Mercury's body and looked at Lan Yufeng. The liquid invaded the ground and planned to run away.

"You want to slip away in front of me, do you think you are Xian Gu Yong?"Lan Yufeng sneered, raised his hand and sealed it with [Long-lasting Fourth Protection].

So the metal life form has a brain defect.

(ps: Please subscribe, please everything, QAQ~)

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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