Fushiguro Megumi, who was sitting next to Lin Fan, glanced at Lin Fan inadvertently and was stunned for a moment.

Looking at Lin Fan's eager eyes, Fushiguro Megumi couldn't help but shudder.

He thought to himself, is this guy sexually problematic?

Thinking of this, Fushiguro Megumi forced himself to support his severely injured body and moved to the side.

Keep a distance....Keep your distance......

Lin Fan naturally didn't know what Fushiguro Megumi was thinking at the moment.

If he knew, he would probably spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the distance, Ryomen Sukuna, who was knocked into a teaching building, suddenly laughed:

"Hehe, it's really a ghost.

Sure enough, sorcerers are difficult characters in any era!"

After saying that, he suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Gojo Satoru again.

This time, he no longer underestimated the enemy and attacked with all his strength!

When he was approaching Gojo Satoru, a black airflow seemed to appear in Ryomen Sukuna's hand.

This is his cursed power!

Because he only has one twentieth of his strength, he can't use any skills at all.

So he condensed his cursed power into one and swung it at Gojo Satoru with all his strength.

This is his strongest attack at present.

If Ryomen Sukuna used this attack to hit Lin Fan at the beginning.

It is estimated that Lin Fan should have been torn to pieces!

Ryomen Sukuna's full-strength attack is really terrifying!

With one punch, a huge air wave was set off.

Wherever the air wave passed, it lifted up the concrete road on the ground and shattered a large piece of the teaching building behind Gojo Satoru.

The power was so great that it brought up bursts of thick smoke.

Ryomen Sukuna, standing outside the thick smoke, said sarcastically:

"Is that all?......"

Before he finished speaking, Ryoumen Sukuna's eyes widened in disbelief!

Because after the smoke cleared, Gojo Satoru was still standing there, not moving a step!

He was even counting numbers casually:

"7...8...9...It's almost done." Just as Gojo Satoru finished speaking, Ryoumen

Sukuna suddenly felt his heart tremble.

His control over his body was slowly dissipating.

Damn it!

It's coming again!

I can't possess him!

Who on earth is this kid called Itadori?......

The control of the body was regained by Yuji Itadori.

He raised his head and asked naively:

"Hmm? Are you okay?"

Gojo Satoru smiled slightly, as if he had discovered a new world and said:

"I didn't expect you to be able to control it."

Yuji Itadori patted his head and said unhappily:

"Although I can control it, it's so noisy!

I can hear that guy's voice."

Gojo Satoru walked towards Yuji Itadori with a faint smile, and said as he walked:

"It's just like this, it's simply a miracle!"

Gojo Satoru came in front of Yuji Itadori and touched Yuji Itadori's head with two fingers.

Then Yuji Itadori fell into a daze and passed out.

Gojo Satoru caught Yuji Itadori who was about to fall, and then carried him on his shoulders.

Fushiguro Megumi asked in some confusion:

"What did you do?"

Gojo Satoru replied with a smile:


Just made him fall asleep.

If he wakes up and is not controlled by Sukuna......Then he might be the container.

So, question!

How should we deal with him?"

Fushiguro Megumi was silent for a moment, then slowly said:

"Even if he is a container, according to the law of sorcery, the knotweed is also subject to the death penalty.......I don't want him to die."

Gojo Satoru smiled:

"Is this considered a private affair?"

Fushiguro Megumi said seriously:

"It's a private matter. Please think of a solution."

"Hahaha, my lovely student is begging me." Gojo Satoru raised a thumbs up and said,"Leave it to me!"

Then he looked at Lin Fan and asked:

"What about you?

You don't have any cursed power, but you have a strong body. You really look like that girl Maki.

But you can see cursed spirits, which is really weird.

Now let's define you as heaven and curse bound.

What are your plans next, young man?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and replied:

"I want to become stronger."

Gojo Satoru nodded, then he carried Yuji Itadori and came to Lin Fan's side in an instant.

He pinched his chin with one hand and looked at Lin Fan's face from left to right, then slowly said:

"It doesn't look like the blood of the Zenin family, does it? Could it be Fushiguro Shinobu's illegitimate child outside?"

Speaking of Fushiguro Shinobu, Fushiguro Megumi's heart was shocked.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was very familiar with this name.

He was always calm, but his expression became ugly.

Gojo Satoru shook his head and continued to tease:

"It doesn't look like it, it shouldn't be his offspring.

It's really strange, how could a person with heaven and curse appear out of nowhere?

Maybe it was a mistake made by someone in the Zenin family.

Or maybe the world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things.

Let's do this.

You follow Fushiguro Megumi to heal your wounds first.

We'll meet again then."

Lin Fan nodded, not caring at all about Gojo Satoru's ridicule.

Just guess.

If you can guess it, I lose.

Looking at Gojo Satoru's panel emitting golden light, Lin Fan secretly hated why the copying ability had a cooldown!

Lin Fan thought with some evil taste, what if he opened the six eyes in front of Gojo Satoru and used the unlimited technique.

Would Gojo Satoru be so surprised that his jaw dropped?

After Gojo Satoru finished speaking, he carried Yuji Itadori and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Fushiguro Megumi also stood up and said in a somewhat cold voice:

"Come with me."

Lin Fan nodded and looked at Fushiguro Megumi strangely. Why did his tone suddenly become so bad?

After looking at his panel, Lin Fan almost yelled in anger.

Favorability: -10 (I suspect you have a problem with your sexual orientation)

Do I fuck you!!!

God, you have a problem with your sexual orientation!!!

Your whole family has a problem!!!

However, Lin Fan still held back his anger.

But the smile on his face became���A bit far-fetched...................................................

PS: Brothers! We have already finished 10 chapters on the first day!!!

Today has been a roller coaster ride, with chapters being blocked all the time, but now they are all fixed. It is not easy for me!

The author guarantees that the novel is of high quality and quantity, so please feel free to read it!

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