In the team competition observation room.

Except for Gojo Satoru and Meimei, the other three people in the room almost put their faces to the screen!

Yega Masamichi narrowed his eyes and pinched his chin in thought.

This is unscientific!

Where did this kid get so many advanced weapons?

And each of them is a first-level cursed tool!

Could it be that this kid made them himself? No, no, no!


This idea is too ridiculous!

It seems that it is okay to confiscate a few of them from him.

That cursed cannon looks very interesting!

At this time, Leyanji Jiashen’s greed in his eyes can hardly be suppressed!

He must take it away!

These things are too important to them!

But this kid’s strength is terrifying.

But if he is ordered by his superiors, he should dare not disobey, right? Angeji was also very fond of it after seeing it!

She coughed lightly, walked in front of Gojo Satoru, and said with a stern face:

"that......Can you ask your student to get me one too?

Just a pistol will do! I'll pay for it!"

Gojo Satoru shrugged and said:

"Why don't you just go and talk to him yourself?"

An Geji was speechless.

She was about to continue to say something, but at this moment, she saw that the talismans on the wall suddenly all burned up!

And they all burned with red flames!

This is because only after the people of Tokyo School exorcise the cursed spirits, the talismans will burn with red flames.

When the Kyoto School exorcises the cursed spirits, they burn with blue flames!

But now they are all burning suddenly, and they are all glowing with red flames! Is n't this a bit too weird?

Just think about it, it is impossible for the students of Tokyo School to kill all the cursed spirits at the same time!

What happened?

Everyone present was shocked!

Then the picture on the monitor disappeared!

An Geji asked in a daze:

"game......Is it over?

And......It's all red!"

Mingming said with his eyes closed:

"Strange! The crows didn't see anything."

Gojo Satoru fiddled with his fingers and said calmly:

"Although I really want to say that it was the students of Hot Teacher Gojo who purified it......."

Ye Moth Zheng Dao replied with a serious face:

"However, unregistered magical power will also cause the talisman to burn with red flames."

An Utahime asked in a deep voice:

"Is it someone from outside, an intruder?"

Mingming asked:

"Master Tianyuan's barrier didn't work?"

Leyan Temple Jiashen's face became solemn at this time, and he whispered:

"Whether inside or outside, this is an unexpected situation!"

The reason why Rakuganji Yoshinobu's face became extremely solemn was because in order to kill Yuji Itadori without any mistakes, he specially replaced the second-level cursed spirit in the competition with a first-level cursed spirit!

Now even this first-level cursed spirit has been easily exorcised.

It seems that the intruder has some skills!

Who could it be?

Ye Moth Masamichi pushed his glasses and said seriously:

"I will go to Lord Tianyuan.

Wu and Principal Leyan Temple will go to protect the students!

Ming will stay here to confirm the location of the students in the area and report to Wu and the others."

Ming nodded slightly and said with a smile:

"Got it.

I look forward to your bonus!"

Gojo Satoru clapped his hands, and there seemed to be no nervousness on his face. He also said to Rakuganji (caab) Jiashen very casually:

"All right, grandpa!

It's time for a walk!

Didn't we just have lunch?"

Leyan Temple Jiashen's face was gloomy, and he didn't reply.

An Geji said anxiously:

"Let's go quickly!

The students will be in danger!"

Angeji urged.

The three of them quickly ran out of the observation room and ran towards the competition area.

But before they were halfway there, they saw a tent slowly falling down!

Gojo Satoru was slightly stunned when he saw the tent.

Angeji, who was running quickly, shouted to Gojo Satoru:

"Gojo! Go in first before the tent is put down!"

Gojo Satoru replied calmly:

"No way"


An Utahime was puzzled.

Gojo Satoru explained calmly:

"The tent has been completed.

They prioritized the effect of the technique over the visual effect.

Very clever, isn't it?"

The three of them came to the front of the tent and stopped.

Gojo Satoru looked at the tent calmly and said casually:

"but.....Even if it is put down, just break it again."

Gojo Satoru tried to touch the tent, but was bounced back by a force!

He looked at the smoke coming out of his palm and fell into deep thought.

What's going on?

This feeling is wrong.

However, on the other side, Angeji had already reached her hand into the tent, and was unharmed!

Angeji asked in confusion:

"I said......Why were you bounced back?"

Gojo Satoru smiled and understood everything instantly.

"I see.

Song girl, old man, you guys go in first. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!

)......It is a barrier that refuses Gojo Satoru's invasion, but allows everyone else to enter and exit."

After hearing Gojo Satoru's words, the two were shocked.

Angeji thought with a cold sweat.


If this is the case, then the price is balanced!

But......The barrier that only works on certain people is quite......

"There is a curse master of a very high level.

And he has a certain grasp of our intelligence."

Gojo Satoru said what Angeki was thinking.

Then he waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

"Okay, go ahead.

Actually, it doesn’t matter if I go in or not.

Anyway, my student Lin Fan is in there, so there shouldn’t be any problems."

An Geji asked with some distrust:

"Are you so confident in your student?" Gojo Satoru showed a meaningful smile and did not answer.

Angeki could not wait any longer, so she turned around and walked into the tent with Rakuganji Yoshinobu.

In the team competition venue.

Feeling the unusual power of the spell, Lin Fan couldn't help but look into the distance, muttering to himself happily:

"very good.....Very good!

The interesting stuff is finally here!"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, the black curtain fell down.

Chanyuan Zhenyi was startled! She suddenly became a little nervous.

She looked around and asked Lin Fan:

"What happened?"

Lin Fan said calmly:

"It's nothing, there's just an intruder.

You'll be fine if you stay with me."

Chanyuan Zhenyi nodded.

Staying with Lin Fan, she felt safer indeed!

Lin Fan looked at Sanlunxia who was still hiding behind the tree and shouted speechlessly:

"Hey! If you don’t want to die, stay with me!"

Milun Xia popped her head out immediately after hearing this, then walked over quickly, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and agreed:

""Okay! Okay!"

At this time, Lin Fan looked behind a tree branch in the air and said impatiently:

"Didn't she say anything about you?

How long have you been looking?

Come down!

If you want to live, stay with me!"

Nishimiya Tao flew down from behind the tree branches with an embarrassed look on her face.

Her face was red, she stood beside Lin Fan with a broom in her hand, not daring to look up at him.

At this time, Toudou Aoi and Itadori Yuji also came to Lin Fan's place.

Toudou Aoi said directly with a serious look:


I sensed several magical powers that did not belong to the academy, and one of them was very unusual!"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. These two did not go to find Hua Yu, but came to find him first.

But this is also good.

It saves a lot of trouble.

Lin Fan smiled lightly and said:

"You two stay here and protect them.

Leave the trouble over there to me.

Oh, right!

There's a person lying in the bush, pull him over and protect him together.

After the tent is lifted, you guys should evacuate immediately!

Got it?"

Dongtang Kui obeyed Lin Fan's words and nodded immediately:

"Okay, teacher!"

Yuji Itadori also nodded and said:

"Okay, Fan!"

As soon as Yuji Itadori finished speaking, Aoi Toudou slapped Yuji Itadori on the back of the head and yelled:

"Call me teacher!"

Yuji Itadori covered his head with anger and cursed:

"You are crazy!"

Dongtang Aoi was unmoved and said earnestly:

"You have to learn to respect your teachers, my dear friend."

Yuji Itadori rolled his eyes, totally unable to understand what was going on in this guy's head!

Lin Fan didn't have time to watch these two idiots bickering, so he just dodged a few times and disappeared.

But he didn't go to find Hua Yu right away.

Because compared to Hua Yu, Lin Fan had something else to confirm!

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