The next day.

The God Realm Canteen.

Listarte walked into the canteen bored.

Since Lin Fan challenged the Sword God Celseus, Listarte, who had not seen Lin Fan all day, was almost bored to death.

Listarte walked aimlessly in the canteen. When she thought of the strength of the main battle gods, she couldn't help but start to have wild thoughts.

Will Lin Fan be in trouble?

What if Celseus didn't control his strength and injured Lin Fan?

What if Celseus missed and crippled Lin Fan! ?

Celseus wouldn't beat Lin Fan to death!!! ?

Listarte thought more and more frightened.

She panicked.

However, she didn't walk a few steps before she saw Celseus, who looked decadent and was sitting in a booth eating grilled fish.

Celseus looked at the food and hesitated to put down his fork.

He seemed a little absent-minded, with empty and numb pupils.

At this time, there were two muscular men sitting next to Celseus, and their expressions were surprisingly the same as his.

From time to time, the three of them would sigh in sync.

The atmosphere was very depressing.

When Listarte saw Celseus, her eyes suddenly lit up.

She hurried to Celseus' side, greeted him, and asked about Lin Fan's recent training yesterday:

""Lord Celseus, good morning!

How was Lin Fan's practice yesterday?"

Celseus was stunned after hearing this.

The two male gods beside him both frowned and remained silent.

But the knives and forks they held tightly in their hands seemed to be about to break.

It was obvious that the two male gods were in a very bad mood after hearing the name Lin Fan.

It was obvious that the two of them were the other gods challenged by Lin Fan yesterday.

The male god in blue clothes on the left was okay.

He was crushed by Lin Fan step by step with his strength, just like when he beat Celseus. He could still bear it.

But the other one was miserable.

After challenging two opponents of similar strength, Lin Fan directly failed to challenge the third god of similar strength. lost interest.

So he was directly beheaded by Lin Fan's ten-stroke spell that forced him to break: wallow wallow, wallow!

Even if the god will not die, it will take a long time to recover after his head is chopped off!

And why is it so cruel!

As a main battle god, this was the first time he was killed instantly by a mortal. And it was a humiliating death by having his head chopped off!

He couldn't accept it!

Thinking of this, the male god who was brutalized by Lin Fan collapsed and ran out of the cafeteria crying.

It was obviously under the double pressure of Lin Fan's cruelty and the unacceptable fact that he was killed instantly by a mortal.

His defense was broken! His mentality collapsed.......!

The other male god turned around and was about to call him.

However, he saw the strange looks and whispers from the gods around him.

He was immediately ashamed and covered his head and quickly left the cafeteria.

Only Celseus, who was embarrassed, and Listarte, who was confused, were left.

Listarte opened her mouth slightly and looked at the two male gods who ran away.

Although she didn't know them, but......The two male gods' actions really shocked her.

She had never cried like this in her life.......

Are all the male gods nowadays so fragile?

Listarte obviously still didn't see Celseus's embarrassment at this moment.

So she came to her senses and asked again:

"Sir Celseus, how is Lin Fan's training going?"

Celseus said perfunctorily with a dark face:

"return......"It's OK."

Hearing Celseus's perfunctory answer, Listarte was speechless.

What does"It's OK" mean ?......(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She was still worried about Lin Fan's safety. What does"okay" mean? ? ?

Listarte, who didn't know how to read other people's faces, continued to ask:

"What does it mean to be OK?

Can you be more specific?"

Celseus turned his head away and said impatiently:

"It’s OK, it’s OK!"

Lisidadai was slightly stunned, but continued to ask:

"Can you tell me more details?

I am the goddess in charge of Lin Fan. I need to know more about his situation......."

But before Listarte could finish her words, there was a loud bang!

Celseus lost control of his emotions, crushed the glass in his hand, stood up suddenly and roared:

"Shut up!

It's lunch time now!"

Listarte was startled by Celseus's sudden roar and subconsciously apologized:

"right!......I'm sorry!"

Celseus looked at the strange looks and accusations from the people around him, and realized that he had indeed lost his composure.

So he sat down quickly and lowered his head deeply.

His face was extremely gloomy, and he finally sighed and said slowly:

""I'm sorry.

I lost my composure."

The confused Listarte was even more confused.

She didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a while, Listarte tentatively asked the silent Celseus:

"that......Did something happen? Did

Lin Fan offend you?

If he offends you, you must not argue with him!......"

Before Listarte could finish, Celseus interrupted her again and said in a depressed tone:

"He didn't provoke me.......

Rather.......But him!......."

Celseus slammed the table again and said in regret:

"I should have used my full strength from the beginning!

If I catch them by surprise, I might win!"

Lisidadai opened her mouth slightly, stunned.......

PS:Sorry, guys, I'm just recovering.......

I have a subcutaneous lipoma on my elbow, just a small tumor. I thought I could continue writing after the surgery, but I overestimated myself.

I am almost well now, and I will resume updating!!!

Please vote for me!!! Please reward!!! Please urge me to update!!! Please subscribe to the whole book!!! Please subscribe to my own book!!! Please support!!!.

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